Many crystals enhance dreaming. Keep in mind
it's important to ''cleanse'' them after every
3 dream uses. (So they have maximum potency
and remove any residual dream energy...)
Step 1: Select a crystal and place it on a
clean white handkerchief together with some
dream herbs. (Bay leaves are great for this)
Step 2: Close the handkerchief around everything
and tie it closed with a blue silk ribbon.
Step 3: Hold it up to your head and say:
''I call upon you, beloved Goddess;
Don't pass me by;
Don't disregard me;
As you bring your nightly visions,
please enter and reveal to me what
I need to know.''
Step 4: Put it under your pillow, and fall
Step 5: When you awake jot down every detail
you can remember about the dream... your path
will be revealed.
(All of the following are optional,but use them if you have them for more protection)
Freshly cut Aloe Vera
Iron Beads
Mustard Seed
Packets Filled With Salt
You may need:
12 Garlic Bulbs
(All of the following are optional,but use them if you have them for more protection)
Freshly cut Aloe Vera
Iron Beads
Mustard Seed
Packets Filled With Salt
STEP 1: Create a wreath from at least
one dozen garlic bulbs.
Make sure to use TWELVE garlic bulbs
in the wreath, no more, no less.
STEP 2: Decorate the wreath with
lodestones, pieces of freshly cut
aloe vera, charms, iron beads, and
packets filled with salt, and
mustard seed. (These are all optional,
but use them if you have them for
more protection)
STEP 3: Hang the wreath on your
front door so it radiates magickal
protective power
Cast your circle
Light the candles and lay the rope on your altar
Chant as you tie a knot in the rope:
''With this rope I ask for power,
to be mine in this need of hour.
To make me strong when I'm week.
To give me wisdom that I seek.
To give me courage and not to flee.
This to be done, so mote it be.''
Keep the rope with or near you to receive the power and courage you requested, but only use these gifts for selfless reasons.
My goddesses, Isis, Astrate, Dianna, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna. I invoke you. Hear my plea through the plains, my power combined with your ever lasting energy, around me, around thee, protect me, protect thee. With these words of power 3x3 banish all evil away from me! So mote it be!
To provide natural earth energy into your home(good for cleansing,protection,gaining energy and other magickal benefits).
You may need:
You may need:
Mediate and get rid of all worries, relax and connect with the earth.
Visualize your whole house and the earth beneath it.Visualize roots coming from the earth and slowing growing in your home, once the whole house is covered with roots, visualize all the negative energy being absorbed into the roots and carried into the earth (where it would turn into neutral energy again). Visualize earth energy coming and flowing into your home.
Feel free to use this energy for pretty much anything (You can use all this energy to build shields/barriers/wards,you can use this energy for rituals or spells).
Energy always moves..the more you keep the energy in the house the weaker it becomes,(if you dont mediate and repeat the steps above daily,weekly or monthly..based on your energy manipulation skills, the energy will start leaving your house).