2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Aphrodite Body Change
- Freya's Weight Loss Spell
- Weight Loss
- Make a Wand
- Turn Into a Unicorn
- Mermaid
- Relaxation Spell
- Body Guard
- Shape Shifting
- Official Vampire Spell (By Insidious)
#1611 - Aphrodite Body Change
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1612 - Freya's Weight Loss Spell
Wait a few seconds after all candles are lit to start the chant.
Chant: Oh goddess Fraya, I ask of thee, to make thyself skinny. Over night make thyself my goal weight, do it tonight, or thy shall be late. Oh Goddess Fraya, I ask of thee to make thyself skinny. Wait a few seconds then say ''more it be''
Blow out all the candles when done. Every time you say the chant it takes away 10 pounds.
#1613 - Weight Loss
In front of a mirror hold your stomach. Chant:
"Goddess dear
Please hear my pleas
Make me the weight I want to head
This size is too big for me
Size 0 I want to be
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1614 - Make a Wand
When you are in a forest find a tree and put you hand on the trunk and put your energy into the tree. With your best gut feeling pick a stick off the tree with the knife. Now this is a hard part for some people, with the knife cut a line sideways on the palm of your hand, make a drop of your blood fall on the stick. Okay this step you don't have to do but I recommend it, carve a hex sign(s) on your wand.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1615 - Turn Into a Unicorn
Light the candle on a full moon then mix the milk and add vanilla together in the cup with the spoon. Make a circle out of the daisies and put cup inside. After say this spell:
"Moon light magic call all unicorns call the rainbow tonight. Hear my plea transform me make me a unicorn. I will join the fun and help clean up when done. Give me the power to (grant wishes, fly with wings or give sweet dreams chose one) so unicorn I shall be".
Say that three times with your hand over potion. Then take the cotton ball dip in potion and dab all over your body. Just snap to become one.
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1616 - Mermaid
Write down the spell then say spell 10x
"Glass of the sea
Shine upon me
I have the ocean grant me with fins
Make me a mermaid
Human no more
Now I'm finnaly free
To escape humanity"
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1617 - Relaxation Spell
Please take the incense and place it on a open area floor DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!
Candle (Preferable Blue)
Take the candle and also place it by the incense, again DO NOT LIGHT IT YET!
Cast a Circle
Cast a circle to keep negative and stressful energies from getting to you, but make sure its big enough for the ingredients and you to fit in there.
Light the candle and say Spirit wash, spirit flow, relaxation is where I want to go.
Light the incense and say Water flow spirit grow, relaxation is what I want to know.
Imagine a blue energy coming into you, relaxing your body, feel yourself becoming relaxed.
#1618 - Body Guard
Light the candle and meditate. Write the word "bethemet" on the paper. Then put the paper in the clay figures mouth. Tap the figure three times with your wand and chant 3x:
"With this name,so shall you be
Alive to guard o'er all you see
With this charm, I thee endow
The power to protect me now"
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1619 - Shape Shifting
Light the candle and meditate. Now mix the honeydew with dolphins milk in a bowl. Drink the mixture with your eyes closed.
Chant: "Bestia animo. My human shape shall go. Bestio bestietta. It shall go for the better. Bestio anifornum. I will turn into a ___".
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1620 - Official Vampire Spell (By Insidious)
Chant this 10 to 15 times.
Blood Red
Pale Skin
Moonlight draw me in
Quench My thirst
Coursing Veins
Let My body feel no Pain
REMEMBER: This is a dangerous spell which can be risky so know what you are doing.
Here's a reversal spell that could help. Not 100% tested but worked for me, Thanks
Here's the spell:
A spell was cast
Now make it past
Remove it now dont ask me how!! Say that ten times ok:
Made by Insidious.