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2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2479 Beauty Spells
2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2479 Beauty Spells
  1. Protection Jar for Empaths
  2. Healing Magic
  3. Beautiful Skin
  4. Cold/flu be gone
  5. Change Your Eye Color
  6. Gender Alignment
  7. Aphrodite's Moon Water
  8. "Perfect Image" Spell
  9. More inner power
  10. Lose weight enhanced

#161 - Protection Jar for Empaths

This spell jar will protect you from other's emotions. Keep it in your pocket whenever you are around people who emotionally drain you. It is recommended you empty the jar and re-do this spell each month.
You may need:

  • -Jar (preferably small enough to fit in a pocket. They sell these at craft stores.)
  • -Charged moon water, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Rose petals, dried, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Stem of any kind, dried, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Salt, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Incense to cleanse the jar
  • -Mortar and pestle
  • -Candle (I usually use white or red).
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    You may need:

  • -Jar (preferably small enough to fit in a pocket. They sell these at craft stores.)
  • -Charged moon water, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Rose petals, dried, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Stem of any kind, dried, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Salt, enough to fill 1/4 of jar.
  • -Incense to cleanse the jar
  • -Mortar and pestle
  • -Candle (I usually use white or red).
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    WHILE DOING THIS SPELL, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO. Constantly be saying in your head to the jar that you want it to protect you from other people's emotions.

    First, take your incense and light it. Clear your head. When it is cleared, put the incense in the jar and say "clear" 10 times.

    Second, put salt to fill about 1/4 of the jar.

    Third, put the stem and rose petal in the mortar and pestle. Crush it until it is fine enough to slip through your fingers like sand. Then put it in the jar.

    Fourth, pour the moon water into the jar.

    After filling the jar, close it. Take your candle and light it. Seal the jar with the wax and let it dry. MAKE SURE YOU PUT STRONG INTENT INTO THIS STEP.

    Done! Keep this jar with you to protect yourself! Message me if you have any questions!

    Added to on Jun 22, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #162 - Healing Magic

    This spell heals an affliction on any part of the body. This is my own original spell.
    You may need:

  • green marker
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    You may need:

  • green marker
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    The green marker should be safe and one with easily removable ink for obvious reasons unrelated to magic.

    With the green marker, mark a hexagram on the part of the body where the ailment is. Now chant the following, six times:

    “With the healing powers of Nintinugga, with the soothing magic of The Healing Goddess, heal the sufferer now!"

    Added to on Jun 22, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #163 - Beautiful Skin

    This is an Ancient Egyptian formula to make a person's skin beautiful.
    You may need:

  • alabaster powder
  • natron powder
  • salt of the North
  • honey
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    You may need:

  • alabaster powder
  • natron powder
  • salt of the North
  • honey
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    Mix and stir all of the ingredients together. Rub the concoction on the skin for beautiful skin.

    Added to on Jun 17, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #164 - Cold/flu be gone

    This can help you deal with the symptoms of the flu/common cold Please note that this is a folk remedy NOT a prescribed medicine and not a cure!
    You may need:

  • -Cinnamon
  • -cloves
  • -lemon juice
  • -honey or molasses
  • -whiskey or apple cider vinegar (both work the same in this)
  • -sugar (optional, for taste purposes)
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    You may need:

  • -Cinnamon
  • -cloves
  • -lemon juice
  • -honey or molasses
  • -whiskey or apple cider vinegar (both work the same in this)
  • -sugar (optional, for taste purposes)
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    In a pot bring 1tbsp of cinnamon (or 1 small stick of it) and a few cloves (or 1tsb of ground cloves) and slow boil in 2 cups of water for 3 minutes. '

    After 3 minutes take the mixture off the element and add, 2tsb of lemon juice 1-1/2 tbsp of honey or molasses and 2tbsp of whiskey or Apple cider vinegar.

    Leave this to steep for 20 minutes and drink 1/2 a cup as needed but its recommended to wait 1-2 hour intervals between drinking it if it's too bitter or sour add sugar to your tastes.

    -this comes from the book called "Heinerman's Encyclopedia Of Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs" by John Heinerman it is a book about folk medicines/natural medicines you can make at home. It is advised that you see a doctor and follow their instructions on what to do regarding the cold/flu.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2020
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #165 - Change Your Eye Color

    Spell to change your eye color.
    You may need:

  • Candle of desired color
  • Candle of current eye color
  • 2 cups
  • Food coloring of current eye color
  • Food coloring of desired color
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    You may need:

  • Candle of desired color
  • Candle of current eye color
  • 2 cups
  • Food coloring of current eye color
  • Food coloring of desired color
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    1. Fill two glasses of water halfway.
    2. Add the color of your current eye color to one glass and the desired color to the other.
    3. Say: "My eyes are dull let them be no more. Make them the color I adore. Change from( ) to ( ) and make it fast please answer my call that's all I ask."

    Added to on May 19, 2020
    Last edited on May 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #166 - Gender Alignment

    *THIS SPELL DOES NOT FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE YOUR GENDER, AND NO SPELLS DO SO.* Magick cannot create from nothing or strike things from existence. This spell is designed to cope with feeling like you're the wrong gender (I created it off of personal experience).
    You may need:

  • Nothing except a will and a motive for casting this.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing except a will and a motive for casting this.
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    Find an area that is peaceful to you and will help you channel your energy. I make a psi ball whenever I cast this, and try to preserve it for as long as I can. As soon as you release it (this will happen naturally or when you want it to, no rush), speak the following softly:

    "Change the worldview, change the want

    Look ahead, not down

    The energy in my veins is the blood pumped by my heart

    That energy fills me

    Others will see me as what I am, not what I appear as."

    I hope it works for you, let me know how it does in the comments below so I can potentially improve it!

    Added to on May 09, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #167 - Aphrodite's Moon Water

    A spell to make you more beautiful
    You may need:

  • A container
  • Water
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • A container
  • Water
  • Night
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    Pour the water into the container and leave it overnight somewhere where the moon can get to it. Say this once:

    "Aphrodite, goddess of love, hear me.

    Make me as beautiful and desirable as you.

    Make me loved by all and hated by none."

    Added to on May 07, 2020
    Last edited on May 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #168 - "Perfect Image" Spell

    This spell calls upon the Gods and Goddess to help us become our goals as long as it's healthy. Please put in the work, Magick doesn't work by itself.
    You may need:

  • Crystals (Optional)
  • Candles (Optional)
  • Moon water (Optional)
  • Goals and the intent to get to them
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    You may need:

  • Crystals (Optional)
  • Candles (Optional)
  • Moon water (Optional)
  • Goals and the intent to get to them
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    Gods and Goddess make me my Perfect Image,
    Take away all my Blemishes.
    Make me meet my goal weight,
    As long as it is healthy and safe.
    Give me your power,
    As I call upon you this hour.
    So Mote it be.

    Added to on May 05, 2020
    Last edited on May 06, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #169 - More inner power

    More inner power when feeling you need a little boost
    You may need:

  • Nothing but you will feel a surge of energy just a heads up !!!
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    You may need:

  • Nothing but you will feel a surge of energy just a heads up !!!
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    "I think I'm inner power , I know I'm inner power , I am inner power , by the power of my belief , my will be done !!!"

    Added to on Apr 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #170 - Lose weight enhanced

    To be the figure you want to be
    You may need:

  • Just want it bad enough
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    You may need:

  • Just want it bad enough
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    " I call upon the universe , I want to be strong and super fit , within this hour , with all my power , it has been done , 3..2..1..!!"

    Added to on Apr 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters