This is a very simple spell to make a charm that helps you remember to not do your bad habits. ;)
You may need:
A pen or pencil
A candle (I have one of those candles that's in a glass. You Might want to use one of those)
A glass
A glass of water
A Lighter
You may need:
A pen or pencil
A candle (I have one of those candles that's in a glass. You Might want to use one of those)
A glass
A glass of water
A Lighter
Write your bad habit on a piece of paper. For example eating too many unhealthy things. Light the candle. The candle needs to be in a glass. Burn the paper. Scold to it as if it's a person you are really angry at. Say your bad habit out loud. ''I WILL NOT EAT UNHEALTHY THINGS''
pour the glass of water onto the candle. the paper and the wax is now kind of melted together. Take the ashes and fold it into another piece of paper. You can decorate it if you want to. I used a candywrap instead of folding it into normal paper. Keep it with you as a charm to remind you not to do something.
This is actually more like a ritual, you do this everytime before you go to sleep. This spell can also make someone dream of you, and you dream of that person. This spell can be used on a specific person or just to get more love.
You may need:
Coloring tools
(or pencil)
love herbs (cinnamon etc. you can also use perfume)
You may need:
Coloring tools
(or pencil)
love herbs (cinnamon etc. you can also use perfume)
Write on the paper:
''Goddess of love,
Please grant me my wish
to win (name)'s love
so we can live happily ever after.
I will dream of him,
He/she will dream of me,
'So mote it be' must be written as big as possible. Fold it in half again with the herbs. (if not herbs spray perfume on the paper)
Draw a heart on the paper and a pentagram on the other side of the paper.
Now everytime you go to bed, cast:
''Goddess of love,
Please grant me my wish
to win (name)'s love
so we can live happily ever after.
I will dream of him,
He/she will dream of me,
After that, kiss the piece of paper and hide it under your pillow or in your pillowcase. If you don't feel comfortable with shouting SO MOTE IT BE you don't have to XD
If you don't have a really specific person to win love from, only use:
'goddess of love,
please grant me my wish,
to win love,
I hope this spell works for you!
Blessed be
This spell is for experienced people only if not turn bake now! This spell nearly turned me in to a bear permenitly. First time often painful.
You may need:
Bear pelt
You may need:
Bear pelt
Put the pelt on your body. And lay in the middle of a field. Because if you stay in your house you will likely destroy your belongings. With the pelt on your body say this.
I channel my inner bear come and show yourself let me show you the world.
Hold your hands far apart next slowly move them closer. Then move your hands toward you.This will either make a big breeze or will make a whole room cold.
This spell doesn't works for every one it depends On the person .
It is used for. Meditation or to focus on work or whatever you need it for
. And it's in Latin , just repeat the following as many times you like or until
You feel it working , but don't over do it , it can drain your energy .
Say the following :
'' Mens adhuc est , mens est tranquillum , potest mens incumbo
, Mens in stupore mentis , Mentis in tercluderent ex sonitus . ''
I am new to the coven so if this works for you just message me to tell
What you think .
Stand in any room. Clear your mind of any thoughts. Now, squat down as if you were sitting on a horse. Then tighten your stomach. Think of 3 balls of Energy. 1 In your stomach and 1 on each foot. Spread the ki that is in your stomach to all the parts of your body. Right to the tip of your toes to the top of your head and to the tips of your fingers. Keep your eyes closed though
When you have done that, start to move to 2 balls of energy at your feet in circles. Move them around both your feet. Now slowly start to bring them up. Keep them going around in circles up to your head. Getting faster and faster.
By the the balls are at your head, the balls of energy should be moving really fast. When they reach your head, wait 3 seconds, then put your arms up to your chest in a X position. Swing them down so that your knuckles of your fist are facing down. Yell, "kaio-ken".