2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Simple Powerful Love Spell
- Sex for Straight Men
- Mermaid 2
- Real Mermaid
- The Werewolf
- New Wings
- Control Inner Energy
- Become Kryptonian
- Skin Spell
- Become a Neko
#1811 - Simple Powerful Love Spell
Write with red pen.
I call apon the universe to bring together /the people/
Put in envolope and kiss it with your lipsticked lips.
Put under matress and leave for as long.
Should take about a week to fully work.
The love conditions should gradually improve.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1812 - Sex for Straight Men
Chant three times: "Love me, love me. Please I want sex with a woman of my choosing. She will crave my body, she will want my love. I want to mate with the woman of my dreams, so mote it be".
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1813 - Mermaid 2
"Insouciant inclemency (in-soo-see-ent klem-en-see). Redoubtable mediocracy ( ree-dow-ta-bull Mee-dee-o-kr-see). Refutable humanity (ree-few-ta-bull Humanity). Make me what I wish to be
. A mermaid. Witches one and witches all. Give this power to me"
For guys, switch the words mermaid to merman, repeat 10 times. Spell takes a month to work
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1814 - Real Mermaid
Say 10 times while touching water:
"Mermaids with your lovely tails.
All our other spells have failed.
Combine your powers with the sea.
The water is our only key.
We're getting bored with human lives.
We want to be in with the tides.
Mermaids when wet, humans when dry,
This is what we most desire.
We won't change when we prespire.
With a top to match our tail.
This spell can never fail.
With the combined thoughts of to be mermaids embossed us forever.
Along with a tail we'll get a great power,
I would like the power (insert power),
With the tail color of (insert tail color).
Whenever we touch water, 10 seconds later, the sea and the spell combine with me,
And fishy sales appear to see.
43 hours after saying this spell,
I will get my mermaid tail"
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1815 - The Werewolf
"Spirits of the moon I ask you to turn me into a werewolf. I will be able to turn into a wolf anytime of the day with harm to none so more it be".
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1816 - New Wings
Say as many times as you feel needed: "Wings of the 12, wings come to me in (30) days so I can fly and reach to the sky. This is my wish and my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1817 - Control Inner Energy
First, lay down, sit up or sit on a chair. Then, close your eye relax your whole body. Next, Think of a place that keeps you calm(a place you been before)
Last, look for your inner energy in your mind and when you found it hold it in your hands. Now, after you have done everything open your eyes and do whatever you was planning on do
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1818 - Become Kryptonian
You need to concentrate hard and imagine the planet krypton,imagine its beautiful landscape and then imagine you being born there, imagine being sent to earth and imagine the power. That is all side affects are uncontrollable flight and uncontrollable heat vision for a week you will also gain the power of super hearing, x-ray vision and super speed I tried on my friend and now he is like me mail me if it works
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1819 - Skin Spell
Now you've made it, this is how you USE it.
Take your warm water and towel and put them in front of you. Make sure the towel DOES NOT get wet in this part. Theres alot of diffrent ways to do this depending on where your need to use it. Let's say you need to this on your feet. Sit in a chair and put your feet in the water. Now put your feet on the towel. Put a little mixture on each foot and scrub on in circular motion. Rinse in warm water. Pat dry with towel. Put extra in second container.
#1820 - Become a Neko
-Make me a neko to frolic and play
(Color) (Animal) ears A (Color) (Animal) tail
And a retractable set of claws and fangs
By the power of 3
Make me what i wish to be:
A neko
Ears of (Length)
Tail of (Length) and (Thickness)
And claws of (Length) and fangs like daggers of (Length)
By the power of 3
So mote it be
Appearantly There's Side Effects (according to the original spell)
+craving milk/fish
+lower-back pains
+top-of-head pains
+wanting to play with balloons/feathers/string type objects
+being able to bond well with cats and the other way around
Original Spell:
Make me a neko to frolic and play
With a (color) tail and (color) ears
I want my tail to be (Length)
And to be (Fluffiness)
-Say it 3-4 times a day until the spell is completely finished processing