2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Werewolf Transformation
- Simple Vampire Spell
- New Vampire
- Lemon Ring Protection
- Cat Shifting
- Rapid Hair Growth Spray
- Faster Hair Growth
- Bigger Butt
- Bringing Back Virginity
- Siren Mermaid
#1951 - Werewolf Transformation
Be outside where you can see the full moon and say:
"I will belong to the night.
Every month I will become a beast.
I will turn into a werewolf.
My eyes will be (color).
My fur will be (color).
My body will change with the moon.
So mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1952 - Simple Vampire Spell
You lay the pentagram down on the floor (has to be drawn pentagram) and lay the vampire teeth necklace in the middle of it. Say this 3x:
"With this vampire teeth necklaceI cross over to the world of vampires."
Then pick the necklace up and put it on the side of ur neck and bare down on it. then lay the necklace down in the middle of the pentagram and say this 3x:
"NowI have crossed over to the world of the vampires in which I am one of you. Vampires vampires of the night let this be me."
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1953 - New Vampire
Draw a pentagram and draw a 666 on it then lay a pinch of vervain on each point and say this chant 10x at night.
"Vampires, vampires of the night come by my side in which my human life has died. I will become a vampire here on this night. Mind compulsion along with speed and strength will come. Fangs along with the need to drink blood shall come. human no more. I am this forever more."
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1954 - Lemon Ring Protection
Take the pen and paper and make a list of all the things/people you want to protect or the people/things you need to be protected from.Take a look at the list and set it aside. Cut the ends of the lemon off. Then slice the lemon into 5 equal slices.Arrage the slices on the small plate in a circle, in a rough star shape. Place your list in the middle of that rough star shape. As you sprinkle the lemons with salt, completely cover them up (use plenty of salt) and repeat the fallowing charm:
"In this lovely ring of lemon rounds,
I place a list just for you,
No more anger will be found.
Sour feelings go to sour fruit,
Pay attention now,
Im giving you the boot.
Salt breaks up negativity and bad luck,
My love and energy sets this spell free.
By the power of three times three,
As I will it, so must it be".
Say three times. On the last verse, take your index finger and draw a counterclockwise spiral over the plate. Draw the spiral faster and faster, higher and higher until you fling the energy off your hand and back out to its sender. Brush your hands off three times three and announce: "The spell is sealed".
Make sure to think clearly of what you need protection from and the energy being sent back to its sender. Now leave the lemons undisturbed, they need to dry out completely, add more salt if needed. When they are dried out and shriveled up throw them away along with the list.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1955 - Cat Shifting
Light your candle, then fill the bowl with milk and put the fur in the milk. Say this aloud:
"Cats are cunning, cats are wise, cats will rise. Make me small, make me fast, turn me into a cat."
Then start licking the milk from the bowl, make sure you lick up the cat fur. Drink it until it's half full and all the fur is gone. This spell will take around a week, possibly more.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1956 - Rapid Hair Growth Spray
To measure the water, Take your bottle and fill it up 75% ful. then pour it in the bowl. Sprinkle the dirt in the water while chanting:
"Within this dirt is magic seeds,
Way to small for me to see,
What my hair needs
To grow rapidly"
Add the growth oil and chant:
"With the oil I do now see
My hair growing rapidly
Faster then those nasty weeds,
Now mote it be."
Now take the cloth and out it over the bowl. Drain the water in another bowl. Now put the water into the bottle and shake it well. You can use this once or twice a day.
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1957 - Faster Hair Growth
Just chant 3 times:
"My hair shall grow like nasty weeds,
My energy will be like little seeds.
It will grow longer,
It will grow faster,
To my tailbone it shall be.
This is my will,
So mote it be."
Just do this twice a day, you should see results in a week.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1958 - Bigger Butt
Carve your name and birthday onto the figure candle. Anoint the figure candle with the Patchouli and Power or Dragons Blood Oil. Ground and center. Meditate heavily on your desire, when you have grasped the ultimate image in your mind, light the two votive candles. Now say:
"Aphrodite goddess of beauty divine,
transform tonight this butt of mine!
Make it fuller, make it round,
Higher uplifted to sit profound!
Make it bigger than ever before,
Wide and ugly let sit no more!
Take this flattened, shapeless thing,
Unto it, your power sling!!"
Take some melted wax dripped from the red and pink candles and drip it onto a plate. With your fingers add it the butt of the female candle, but be careful it is HOT! Have fun with this! Mold it making the candles butt bigger. Go real big or go subtle but do it till you feel your satisfied. You can even use a candle lighter to melt the other wax securely down onto the female candle. When done molding, Light the FIGURE candle now chant 7 times :
" Dearest Goddess may it be so,
From moon to moon my butt do grow!!"
Extinguish the red and pink candles. Burn the figure candle for three days in different increments but repeat the chant each day. On the last day let the female candle burn all the way down. When the candle is completely melted and flame is out say:
"The butt I want and so desire,
With this spell I shall acquire!
Aphrodite give this unto me,
As I will it, it shall be!"
Take the puddle of wax and bury it at a crossroads or in dirt on your home property.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1959 - Bringing Back Virginity
Light the red candle and say: "love and fun let this candle represent blood". Light the white candle and say: "white and brave let this reverse the sperm and save". When you light the tan candle say this: "reverse time and space let the virginity back into it place of (persons name)".
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1960 - Siren Mermaid
Fill a bath tub with salt water. If you don't have salt water pour salt into the water. Take your seashells and arrange them around the bath. Once you have done this get into the bath. Put your necklace on. You will drip a drop of nail polish into the bath at very pause in the spell (at every comma). Now say this spell 3 times:
"Eyes on fire, dreaming of the deep, hope above desire, losing in the depths, voice of the world, turn me into one of you, Icey soul, voice of sarrows, tail fin and all, make me a siren, legs on shore, fins in bay, this is my desire, for this, I wish, I pray, I believe."
Once you have finished the spell run your palms along the waters surface while humming. Do this for 3 minutes. Then drain the bath water out. But stay in the tub until all the water is completely drained out. Then get out. But take 15 minutes of being dry and humming before getting wet again. Then you can do whatever. But if you take the necklace off you will break the spell.
Side Effects
- Nausea
- Sore throat
- Better singing voice
- Possible vomiting (very rare)
- Leg pains
- Any other odd leg sensations
- Headaches
- Any other odd sensations
Last edited on Dec 22, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.