2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Painkiller Potion
- Attraction Pouch
- Aphrodite Wish
- Invoke The Prime Element Within Yourself
- Become a vampire
- Traditional Vampire Spell
- Turn one's self into a vampire
- Turn yourself into a Vampire
- Change your eye colour
- See with your Hands
#2001 - Painkiller Potion
Squeeze the juice of the horsetail into the bowl. Add the water. Crush the horse tails and add them, too. Stir. Soak up the solution with the washcloth and dab the wound.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2002 - Attraction Pouch
Hold the heart shaped quarts in both of your palms. Visualize what you want this spell to do as you send energy through your palms and into the quarts. (AKA: meditate)
After you've charged your quarts, put it into the small pouch. Sprinkle the salt into the pouch with the intention of your spell in mind. Take one rose/flower pettle and put it into the pouch. Take a small piece of paper and write down your intentions. (mention the goddess or put a symbol like a penticle on it if you want, like a seal.)
Put the piece of paper into the pouch and close it. Shake up the pouch a little and say what ever chant you feel is right. (Blessed be, Mote it be, ect.) Put the pouch in your back pack, suitcase, or in your pocket so that you have it on you.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2003 - Aphrodite Wish
Aphrodite please make this true
For I shall do one thing for you.
Get out of the bath and keep the items with you the next few days until what you said has come true.
#2004 - Invoke The Prime Element Within Yourself
''Come forth fire, water, earth and air. I seek to know the element inside, where both my power and soul reside. Now is the hour, now is the time. Bring forth my soul's element, my element prime! To my mind's eye I summon you now! Reveal my governing element! (x3-->)So mote/may it be!
After: Blow out the candles and banish your circle.
If this spell effective you should have a clear vision/picture of your prime element in your mind.
Upon using this spell, a vision of a woman kneeling in prayer as she held a lit candle to her heart entered my mind. I gathered that my prime element was fire
(I am open to feed back as to whether this particular spell worked or not for you, just please be kind with your words.)
#2005 - Become a vampire
Pour the two table spoons into a bowl. Then add the blood and hair. When you are mixing them, repeat the following chant once.
' Magic, enter unto me. Vampire transformation is what it shall be. Bring me the powers, bring me the feeling. Bring me what I desire, So mote it be.'
And before you say ' So mote it be.' you must pour the mixture over the candle, putting out the flame.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2006 - Traditional Vampire Spell
Twirl your hand over the fire element three times. While doing this say ' With this element I may be cautious, it will guild me in times behind the moon.'
Twirl your hand over the water element three times. While doing this say ' With this element I will nourish my body, still to drink it I shall, but not too much as it will harm. Let me still swim in your depths. I will still cherish you, I will.'
Twirl your hand over the earth element three times. While doing this say ' Through you dear element I travel afa, you guild my eagle eye. I may pray on your lands, I will cover you in blood to serve my mother. I will.'
Twirl your hand over the air element three times. While doing this say ' Tonight I will change, I will feel your wind, I will feel you press onto my lungs. You are thing that keeps me alive.'
Put your hands in a praying position, then push into the air like your giveing something to the gods. It should take 1- 2 weeks for you to become a real vampire, however it depends on the type of person you are.
#2007 - Turn one's self into a vampire
Chant this only once.
' Gods and Goddesses I call upon you to make me a vampire. It is what I wish to be. I wish to no longer have to eat or drink anything, only if I want to. I want to die right here on this night, but be reborn as a vampire. I call upon the spirit of the Lord vampire, make me one of your kind. I reject my soul, I give my soul to you, I want to receive the gift of the vampire. Make me feel the worst pain for I have died and been reborn as a vampire. So mote it be.'
A minute after you do this spell you will have a stomach ache. You will then experience headaches and toothaches, especially the canines. You will have a rough burning sensation in your throat. It will feel like fire is being spread around your body. On the next full moon you will turn into a full vampire.
Good luck.
#2008 - Turn yourself into a Vampire
Chant this only once.
' Take my soul and bend it, shape it and turn me into a vampire. I call upon the mistress of Vampires, make me one of your kind.'
Drink the blood, and while you do think dark thoughts. Think of what you want to do as a vampire. Go to bed.
Over the next 3 days you should experience the effects of vampirism taking place. You should start to feel a burning sensation in your mouth and throat, like your thirst is not quenched. Your canines should sharpen and you will find yourself running/walking faster. All your senses will be heightened.
#2009 - Change your eye colour
Light the candle and place it on the pentagram.
Chant this 3 times.
' One, Two, Three, eyes change for me. One, Two, Three (say the colour you have now) to (colour of the candle) I see.'
Take a deep cleansing breath while envisioning yourself with the new eye colour then chant this once.
' By the power of Three, so mote it be.'
Again envision yourself with your new eye colour and close the circle.
#2010 - See with your Hands
Draw with the pen one-one eyes to your hands. Hold your hands before your eyes. Close your eyes. Imagine the drawn eyes become real eyes and you can look around with them. Before you do this memorize the spell. Say the spell until your hands are itchy.
"I have eyes on my head
Give me another pair of eyes on my hands
By the power of three
So let it be."
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.