In order to bring the beauty of the face and body, the first day of new moon.
You may need:
Small glass bottle
Lily flowers
Dried Mint
Wool Yarn Red
Yellow colors of length 30 cm
Little White Rice
Three Candles: white, red and yellow.
You may need:
Small glass bottle
Lily flowers
Dried Mint
Wool Yarn Red
Yellow colors of length 30 cm
Little White Rice
Three Candles: white, red and yellow.
In order to bring the beauty of the face and body, the first day of new moon, take two candles, and connect them together, tied a woolen yarn of both colors (red and yellow) light up after. As long as they burn, say:
"White and red mixed up,
Blood and milk is poured,
Drop by drop me back,
Illuminated with light all around me
My body begins to get younger,
Colors of spring returns to the face."
After the candles burn down, collect the remains and crumble into the bottle, and then fill the rest, mix well and close the cap, after the light a white candle and seals the neck of the bottle with white wax. Bury deep beneath an apple tree or a cherry.
An infusion of lavender, rosemary, thyme and sweet alyssum
Bi-carbonate of soda
Spray bottle (clean)
You may need:
An infusion of lavender, rosemary, thyme and sweet alyssum
Bi-carbonate of soda
Spray bottle (clean)
Put 1 spoon of bi-carbonate of soda into the Spray bottle. Pour the infusion over it and shake it up. Spray on the acne and visualise your spots disappearing one by one. And say:
"Spots begone
Far far away
I wish to see thee no more
So mote It be"
Mix potion in steaming bath.If needed extra salt can be added. Now light your candle and slowly get in bath tub ((it helps if you have calm music playing). Look at picture and say spell 4 times. Get out and dry off. Get back in bath and put out candle. Go under water and sing "Do Ra Me Fa So La Ti Do"
"Oh mighty Poseidon.
God of the sea,
Make me,
What I wish to be,
A mermaid,
With a tail of (color)
And power over (element)
Oh mighty Poseidon
God of the sea,
Make me,
What I wish to be"
Hint: works best when lights are dim, non-exsistent or candle lit
You may need:
Bath tub filed with water
bubble bath
sea salt
sea shells
one tear from your own eye
one tear from a friend's eye(must wish to be a mermaid as well)
You may need:
Bath tub filed with water
bubble bath
sea salt
sea shells
one tear from your own eye
one tear from a friend's eye(must wish to be a mermaid as well)
get into the bath with your friend. ( the bubble bath will be in there and besides, you'll be wearing bikinis! no one pieces allowed!!) then you need to surround the outside of the bath tub with the sea shells. take out your legs and rub them in the sea salt. keeping your legs in the water, pour it all throughout the bath tub and mix it in. then chant the following:
Mermaids near and mermaids far, hear me as i need your power, water has been calling me, begging me to join your group my legs are twitching my legs are itching to become a tail. may my tail be (color you want your tail to be) and have powers of (power you want). i need to become you, help me become you, and please please please let me be a beautiful mermaid.
drink your friends tear. put your legs back into the water. after at least thirty minutes get out. every day for a month get back into the bath for the same amount of time. make sure you INSTANTLY dry off after exiting the bath tub.
Go into a room where you can adjust the lights and adjust them to the lowest setting before dark. Put each candle on one side of you and light them, then meditate for at least fifteen minutes. If your heart is pure, after thirty minutes, you'll levitate, with your candles, and spin in a circle. Then your muse will come to you and bring along good luck. Write down your thoughts and ideas during this time.