2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- To Heal A Bruse
- Cool Off
- Herbal Milk Bath
- Strengthen Your Love
- Love Wish
- Magnificent Attraction spell
- Body Swap Spell
- The Growth Of The Hair Spell
- The Vampire Glam
- Friend's Seal
#2151 - To Heal A Bruse
Get the Bowl filled half way
get a tea spoon of suger put into bowl
get a tea spoon of salt put int bowl
mix it up with spoon.
Say This Spell
Let The Healing Begin
Make My Skin Perfect
Cure My Condition
Let Me Be Perfect
While you poor with the spoon with water on you
after a couple of hours it should work or after a day
#2152 - Cool Off
Sit with your legs crossed or you can stand straight up. Then, hold your hands flat on your chest and Imagine your hands cold as ice. Then breath slow with your head facing straight down after 10-20 seconds of doing this you will see resualts
#2153 - Herbal Milk Bath
Mix cornstarch, milk powder, dried herbs choose ONE season, do not add all at once in a bowl, then place in jar. Keep in a dry place. Add 2 tbsp to a warm bath and soak.
#2154 - Strengthen Your Love
Step 2: Place your four objects in the semicircle on top of the rose petals. Say the title of each one aloud as you set them down (Something old, something new, etc.).
Step 3: Choose one candle from the semicircle and hold it in your hand. It does not matter which candle you choose as long as you are comfortable with your choice. Light your chosen candle and say: ''Great Mother, prepare me for the times to come, both the good and the bad. If this union is meant to be, let nothing separate us.''
Step 4: Using the lit candle in your hand, carefully light the other candles, one by one. As you light each one, visualize a specific trait that you love about your relationship (that you finish each other's sentences, that you know just what the other wants, etc.), and say it out loud. Each candle should represent a different relationship characteristic.
Step 5: Once all your candles are lit, place the one you chose back in its place in the semicircle. Watch the candles' dancing flames and feel their tender heat. Watch their bouncing light flicker over the room. Remember the happiest memories of your journey together.
Step 6: When you are finished reliving the happiest moments of your relationship, begin extinguishing the candles one by one, starting with the one you chose. As you do so, say : ''The years we have accumulate as we walk our path together. In this time of love and joy, we become one.'' Keep your four items in a safe place and save one white rose petal and one red one for good luck.
#2155 - Love Wish
I love you (lover's name) cant you see,
I need you now and now it be.
Next time I see you wrap me in your arms
and we will talk all night until its out.
Let the candle burn for about 10 minutes, then blow it out. Watch the smoke from the flame rise up and picture you and your lover together.
#2156 - Magnificent Attraction spell
After casting your circle with red and orange candles doing what you would normally do if you are new to this and don't know how to cast a circle message me and i will post about circle casting. stand in the middle of your circle with you athame held high call out.
i call for the presence of Lofiel keeper of Eden.
Angel of beauty my uniqueness is exactly how the god created me, radiant and pure. i desire to embrace my unique quality, may my beauty radiate to be magnificent for all to see, from the inside and out as the gods intended them to be. may i use them to help myself and others.
show me how to be more divine,more beautiful, magnificent and more extraordinary. may it fill any part of me that feels lost or missing.
great Lofiel i desire to be more, see more,feel more and effect more.
i ask that you help and empower me. may you be the epitome of the beauty i desire to be. take my gratitude as you are praiseworthy
Lord and Lady i pray to you may i be a perfect representation of beauty for all to see. the magnificent's and beautiful that is the whole of me. not vanity or ego but of purity and light.
May i ask for the gift to hand and deliver grace to all that i touch,
i ask of thy. this is my will so will it be may it harm none so blessed be,blessed be,blessed be..
accept my gratitude and faith as you are praiseworthy. i thank you
#2157 - Body Swap Spell
2. Close eyes
3. Relax with the candles
4. Imagane the person
5. Belive it will work
6. hope it will work
7. snap fingers 3 times
8. go to sleep
Then, you will be that person.
It only works with people you know.
Say ''Back to my body'' To go back
then close eyes
imagane your body
open eyes
snap fingers 3 times
Doesn't work all the time.
#2158 - The Growth Of The Hair Spell
Chant sometimes with out washing your hair say
My hair is going to be long as i think and as long as i believe.
#2159 - The Vampire Glam
I will give someone a fearsome bite.
Vampires and moons i will become one soon.
This shall make me pale as the moonlights veil.
Vampire i shall be.
So mote it be
(Say 10 Times)
Remember you need to say this all week don't forget to chant and to think becoming a vampire.
#2160 - Friend's Seal
Fist get your paper and draw a circle with a 5 pointed star in it. In the center of the star write the name of your god(ess) you worship, in a circle, and in the middle of that circle write your friends name. Then in each point of the star write what it is you wish to seal(being able to control their powers better, protection, an element, luck, etc.) Something in each point, but in one point put "I conceal (1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc.) Of my power into this seal".
Then place the object(ring, bracelet, ring, charm, etc) into the center of the star(on top of the name) and 3 times you must chant what you have written in each point. After each time you finish chanting, say "in the name of (god/goddess), I give(how ever much power you put in this seal) of my power to (your friends name)."
After saying this 3 times, blow on the seal(without picking it up) and then remove it from the paper. After this u should feel some what over whelmed or drained and might need to lay or even feel its hard to breath. This may last about an hour depending on how much power you put in the seal. Then when you give the seal to your friend, have them blow on it as well.
Note- this seal will eventually run out of power and can only be repowered by the maker(you) using this same spell. Depending on how much power is in it
- 1/4 of your power- up to 3 months
- 2/4 of your power- up to 6 months
- 3/4 of your power- up to 9 months
- 4/4 of your power- 12 months(1 year)