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2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2477 Beauty Spells
2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2477 Beauty Spells
  1. Rosemary Herbal Tea
  2. Become a Werewolf
  3. Growing Potion
  4. Basic Magical Oils
  5. Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.
  6. Get a Familiar
  7. Healing Family
  8. Anifornum
  9. Check for Love
  10. Change Eye Color

#2161 - Rosemary Herbal Tea

Its a tea that brings success, health, prosperity, strength, love, purifying.
You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Any amount of sugar
  • A pot and water
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    You may need:

  • Rosemary
  • Any amount of sugar
  • A pot and water
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    Start to pour water in your pot. Shortly after add in any amount of rosemary that you would like. Let the water come to a boil then turn of the stove so the water stops boiling or you can keep boiling the rosemary water for as long as you like as long as you dont over do it so keep the magickal properties of the rosemary in the water. Water evaporates and rise, with that follows the properties of the rosemary that was added and thats a no no. You can strain the water so you dont drink down the rosemary or leave it as it is and pour it into a cup. Add any amount of sugar you'd like and drink.

    NOTE: All properties and magickal advancements given to you by the tea will come fast or slow depending on the person and there belief in the teas magickal helping abilities.
    Blessed Be!

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    #2162 - Become a Werewolf

    This is a werewolf spell I found. I'm not the one who wrote it. And I haven't try it but some say it works. Try it if you want to find out.
    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    Mix them together whilst saying:

    "I beg to bewolf in dark and light,
    I beg to be a prowler of the night,
    I beg to thee to make it soon,
    I want to be wolf at the next full moon."

    Bury the mixture under a tree, and wait untill the next full moon. When the next full moon comes, go back to where you buried it, water it. And you will feel a strange feeling, then you should change.

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    #2163 - Growing Potion

    Makes you grow 6 inches.
    You may need:

  • A cup
  • 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 whole bottle of twang pickle salt
  • 1 piece of your own hair
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    You may need:

  • A cup
  • 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 whole bottle of twang pickle salt
  • 1 piece of your own hair
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    Pour the water, salt and hair into the cup. Chant: "Gods and Goddess, give me the power I beg of you. When I drink this potion, I will grow six more inches. So mote it be". Drink up!

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    #2164 - Basic Magical Oils

    There is some recipes from oils that you can use in spells.
    You may need:

    You may need:



    1 part juniper
    1 part basil
    1 part jasmine blossoms
    9 drops jasmine

    Come and See Me

    5 drops Patchouli
    1 drop Cinnamon

    To attract the ideal mate, mix these true essential oils in an olive oil base, smear on a white imagecandle of the appropriate sex and burn with visualization.


    3 drops Ginger
    1 drop Black Pepper
    1 drop Clove

    Wear to increase your courage, especially before being introduced to people, prior to public speaking, & other nerve-wracking situations.


    4 drops Orange
    2 drops Lime
    1 drop Cardamom

    Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your own energy reserves. Especiallyuseful after heavy magickal ritual to recharge your bodily batteries.

    Fire #1 (Elemental)

    3 drops Ginger
    2 drops Rosemary
    1 drop Clove
    1 drop Petitgrain

    Wear to invoke the powers of Fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, passion & so on.

    Good Luck

    1 tbsp dried Wormwood
    3 tsp ground Nutmeg
    1/2 tsp powdered Mandrake Root
    13 drops Pine
    1/4 cup Olive Oil base

    Allow to sit for 13 nights.

    Healing #1

    4 drops Rosemary
    2 drops Juniper
    1 drop Sandalwood

    Wear to speed healing.


    3 drops Myrrh
    2 drops Cypress
    1 drop Patchouli
    1 dried Mint leaf

    Mix the essential oils in a base of sesame oil. Add the dried mint leaf to the blend. Wear during rituals of defensive magick. Also wear during the waning moon in honor of Hecate, Goddess of the fading crescent.


    3 tbsp Honey
    3 dried Pumpkin Seeds
    6 drops Honeysucklel
    3 drops Rose
    3 drops Patchouly
    Use 1/4 cup Sunflower Oil as Base

    When the Moon is full, crush the pumpkin seeds using a mortar & pestle, & then mix all of the ingredients together by the light of a new white candle. Using a sterilized silver pin, prick your right thumb & add 3 drops of your blood to the mixture. Spit twice into the mixture & stir thrice. Store.


    4 drops Orange
    1 drop Ginger
    1 drop Pine

    To infuse yourself with additional power during potent rituals, anoint with power oil.

    Protection #1

    5 drops Petitgrain
    5 drops Black Pepper

    Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also anoint the windows, doors & other parts of the house to guard it.

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    #2165 - Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.

    this is yet again another spell that might work it is yet again another mermaid spell. tyr it hope it works for yall.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    first lets start off by saying this:

    ''Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, answer my want, answer my need, make me a mermaid!''

    btw say this when you are wet.

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    #2166 - Get a Familiar

    Get a familiar(an animal to help you with magic)
    You may need:

  • An animal you want to be your familiar
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    You may need:

  • An animal you want to be your familiar
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    Go up to an animal and ask its permission by saying:

    "By the moon that shines at night, and the sun so very bright, I ask you once, I ask you twice, but more than twice would not be nice.
    With a wag a croak or a mew, pray tell me now what you will do
    will you my familiar be? Give your answer unto me."

    Wait for a responce you take as yes.
    The animal may have a name.
    You must give it a secret magickal name to do so use my spell "naming your familiar".

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    #2167 - Healing Family

    Heals family.
    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    Light the red candles, close your eyes, and chant: "He/she is of our blood. Save him/her now, please. So mote it be. He/she is sick but will be better. I call upon the Gods and Goddesses, heal them now before they die. Oh please, listen to my cries. "

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    #2168 - Anifornum

    Makes you feel like any animal and have the characteristics of them.
    You may need:

  • Honeydew
  • Pint dolphins milk
  • Cup
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    You may need:

  • Honeydew
  • Pint dolphins milk
  • Cup
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    Go in a private area. Then mix honeydew with a pint of dolphins milk. Now drink, close your eyes, think of the animal you wish to have the characteristics of and chant:

    "Bestia animo
    my human shape shall go.
    Bestio bestietta
    it shall be for the better.
    Bestio anifornum
    I'll turn into a (animal)"

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    #2169 - Check for Love

    Use if you suspect a love spell on you, but if not, dont, extreme pain happens if its natural love, I learned this the hard way, you shouldnt have to
    You may need:

  • suspect in your line of vision
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    You may need:

  • suspect in your line of vision
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    Once you have suspect in line of vision(if skilled enough at magic, remember that person) then say these words:

    "I hic amor est fake,trullas eam,si non crecsit adolebit."

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    #2170 - Change Eye Color

    Title says it all.
    You may need:

  • mind
  • concentration
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    You may need:

  • mind
  • concentration
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    Visualize your self with the color of eyes you have now. Then, see yourself with the colour eyes you want. Visualize your eye colour morphing into the color you want. If you believe it is happening, it should work.

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    2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters