2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Get your Lover
- Strength in Magick
- Apple Love
- Moon Water
- See in the Night
- Candy Store Spell
- Merman Spell
- To Soften a Heart
- Turn into a Creature
- Earthen Rage
#2261 - Get your Lover
Do this on a waxing Gibbous moon.
Take the bowl of salt water outside when dark. Make sure the moon shines on the bowl. Dig a small hole and put the bowl in it make sure you can still see the bowl.Take the notebook paper and the pen and write the names(first and last) of the boys or men you like. Put a small battery in the bowl a small hand held mirror and a penny in the bowl. Put the names in the bowl and cover the bowl while clear wrapping. Every night go out and check the names and chant this every night:
"For the hope of my love
for not evil.
The chance to
see the sight of love.
Show me my one true lover."
After a few days you'll see drown spots forming on the names every day whoever's name has the least brown on it make sure they give you something(if not just take a pen or something). Everytime you get something from them put it in a small hole next to the bowl. On the next full moon look at the names the ones that have the most brown on it take it out along with anything they gave you and burn it (if it can't be burned take as far way from you hose as you can)(Take the ashes and put them in a jar and make sure its never broken put it in a attic or somewhere safe be sure to forget were it is)The one name that has the least brown on it take out and put it in clear wrapping and put it in a stream or pond somewhere that has water then wear everything that person has given you the next day and he'll do something to prove he likes you.
#2262 - Strength in Magick
#2263 - Apple Love
For looking for love and know who you want Invoke the four elements, by standing near your altar and say "Fire Earth Air Water. Spirits of the elements be with me". That done peel the apple, keeping peel in one piece hold it in right hand and say "Spirits of love, spirits of good. On you now i beg to intrude. With this token to discover the initial of my one true lover"
The words spoken, turn round three times drop peel over shoulder. The letter will show his/her initial. Thank elements by saying "Fire Earth Air Water. I thank you for your presence here"
#2264 - Moon Water
Set the clear cup on the windowsill the night before the full moon. On the night of the full moon, put water in cup and stir with the nightshade leaf or flower 10 times, then dispose of flower or leaf say:
"Moon shine your pale light, upon this container."
Let sit all night. in the morning put all the water in the bottle.
Warning: Do not use water for drinking or eating purposes nightshade can be harmful even deadly.
#2265 - See in the Night
At nighttime, go outside and close your eyes. Chant, "Give me the sight to see at night" three times. Open your eyes and they should slowly adjust.
#2266 - Candy Store Spell
Sit under the tree.
Light candles let out crystals.
Meditate deeply.
Imagine there is a huge candy store and your the shop keeper.
Now imagine the person comming to you.
They seem very interested they look at all the things in surprise...
Then they look at you suprisingly and as if they are really interested.
Now open your eyes.
Lay out the flowers, they can represent anything that you want others to see.
"Find me find me ____ (name)x2
find the goodness in me
find it...
crave it
your so thursty for it...
now find it....
erase your thirst."
When you are chanting make sure you feel thursty ( it will help ).
#2267 - Merman Spell
Only by believing will this happen... instructions!!! READ AND DO CAREFULLY. 1. Light up the candle and put them anywhere in your bathroom. 2. Light up the incense stick and do the same as you did with the candle. 3. Scatter the seashells in your bath when the water is full and warm. 4. Put your stone somewhere you can see it in your bathtub 5. Get a small tray or bowl and put the jasmine herbs in them. Place them infront of you somewhere in your bath.
6. Sit in the bathtub and make sure youre hair in completley soaked, then chant:
"Oh great goddess of the sea change my body for my glee. Give me fins instead of feet, so I can swim not walk on the beach I give my all to the god so witches please hear thous plea changes me to what I want to be."
Then close your eyes you should feel a serge of energy the spell is complete usually it takes about a week to 1 month. Good luck
#2268 - To Soften a Heart
On the other side of the paper write the following words using a red pen and encircle them with a heart:
Place the leaves on the side with the heart and fold paper four times. Don't let the leaves fall. Place paper on your heart, say:
MAY THIS GIFTS FILL YOUR HEART (name of person to soften)
Keep paper near heart for the rest of the day. In the night place paper in a park or your garden.
#2269 - Turn into a Creature
First make sure you know what you want to turn into. Because if you decide you dont like it after you change there is nothing you can do. Until I can make a strong enough reversal spell. Light the candles.
Next take the piece of paper and head it with the creature you want. On the lines below list the characteristics you would like to have as this creature ex* super speed, strength, beauty.
Then write this spell towards the bottom of the page."Witch goddess Hecate hear my plea. Turn me into the creature i wish to be and in return I will spill my blood upon these candles. But also you can take something dear from me. And in this time I am indebted to you. Please take this offering and turn me into this creature so mote it be".
Then make sure this is what you want one last time.Then recite the spell out loud.Then after words take the blade knife or w/e and cut yourself somewhere so you can spill the blood on both candles in the flame as an offering to Hecate.
Then blow out the candles and your done.
#2270 - Earthen Rage
Flex and tighten your body.While chanting,imagine earth energy coming to you,
"Earthen rage give me might, Earthen rage give me light, Earthen rage grant me the power, l end me it for half an hour, so mote it be."
Also please post Earth spells for public because there are very few and I, and maybe others plan to be Earth mages.Thank you.