2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Run Free with the Wind
- Powerfull in Magick
- Lose Weight
- Lust for Me
- Merman with Powers
- Talisman to Meet Your Perfect Match
- Body warmming
- Potent Love
- The Beer Bath
- Help Lose Weight Faster
#2341 - Run Free with the Wind
Jump 20times. Imagine the wind beome a part of you, and you become part of it. Imagine how you feel about the wind. Then say:
"Wind o Wind,
Come and bind.
Blow out gushes,
Hurry in rushes.
Become part of you,
so so blue.
Blood mix, With some
wix, I wish to jump in
you, o plese take my wish,
mix it in your dish. So Mote
It Be!"
Then jump, then you turn pale. Your the King Wind Controller.
#2342 - Powerfull in Magick
1. Turn off the lights in the room.
2. Light the white candle.
3. Put the white candle in front of you.
4. Say:
"Earth, Air, Fire, Water I command thee to give power, I Comand thee to give me wisdom, I command thee to give me Magick, So mote it be."
5.Blow out the candle.
Remember it must be at night on a full moon or else it won't work.
#2343 - Lose Weight
Chant: "O goddess Venus make me thin. Shine your beauty into me, and when I sleep I will become a thin beautiful love angel. Help me commit to becoming thin. So mote it be. Each time you eat leave a bit on your plate to thank Venus for her help.
#2344 - Lust for Me
Think of the person you want to love you and imagine them loving you. Think these thoughts for 10 seconds. then, with emotion chant:
"Oh Venus. Goddess, of love stretch your hands out from above. Cover him in love for me and every night he will only think of me. lust for me name of lover. Lust for me. Need me lovers name need me. Lust for me (person's name), lust for me. Love me (person's name), love me. Oh earth, fire, water, air. Make him need me. Make him want me. lust. Oh lust. lust for me. Blessed be. Now think of him loving you eternally."
#2345 - Merman with Powers
Okay, this was made by me, so you will mess up. I you do, you start where you left off at of counting.
Oh and you must say this 10x or it will not work. This is the way I made the spell, so its more powerful...
Put on your Piggytail (RISK) You can have a black or white piggytail or your fav. color, not random!
The Spell To Say:
All the gods that live in the sea, speak to me. I have a wish to become a merman. As I cast this spell, my legs transform, mermaid dry and mermaid wet. I never grow the legs back, I shall stand be, the power of you. Every god in the world, I wish to be, a merman so happily. I can live on land, because I stand. Oh Jesus and my King, make me a merman forever be. My power of ______ an a tail colored ______. Oh gods that stand, everday I have this tail, never in the mail. So Mote It Be!
And you always have a tail wet and dry, you get powers. Replace the _____ with the powers and tail color you want....This is not revercible.
#2346 - Talisman to Meet Your Perfect Match
Hold the amethyst in your right hand and send posistive energies into it whilst visualizing yourself meeting your perfect match (do the same with the onyx). Chant the incantation as you put together the talisman by tying the stones using the red cord: "Love I seek. Love I shall find. A match I seek. A match for me. Someone to be with for eternity".
Hold the talisman in your right hand and chant: "This spell be done to gain true love , a love as beautiful as the heavens above. So these words forever I ponder, let not my goal be turned asunder". Consecrate it with the ritual of your choice and then carry it with you until you meet your match.
#2347 - Body warmming
Take said body part of yours(best to start with a hand),
Put it in front of you and look at it, and imagine a fire round it.(onlt take a second or so)
NOW the hard bit close your pysical eyes, and then using your second sight/third eye try and see your hand at the same time say ''fire from ice''
See the fire, hear the cracle of the flames feel the heat.
as you do this concentrate on the heating properties of the flame
Again repeat ''Fire from Ice'' each time you say this fell the fire flare and a blast of heat though the body part. repate until warm.
you may find thay at first the tips of your finngers miss the heat.
Start of small and work your way up, if you are unable to get it to work try keep picturing the fire and saying ''fire from ice''
if it dosnt work for you when your freezing to death try your pocets
or a mixture it probably wont be able to set them on fire as it isn't pysical fire.
#2348 - Potent Love
First, mix the lavender and vanilla together thoroughly. Then put the feather pieces in the mixture and stir. Next, Rub the mixture on the wormwood(try and cover as much as the wormwood as you can). Now burn the wormwood in the fire of the pink candle while chanting this:
"Hear my will: I wish for love. Come to me. Craft it be. By the powers above and below. Love come to me, so mote it be".
#2349 - The Beer Bath
Add about a quart of beer and a teaspoon of salt to a tub half filled with lukewarm water. Stir the water clockwise. Then immerse yourself completely seven times. Stay in for about seven minutes, then immerse yourself completely seven times before you get out. Leave the tub, towel dry your hair, and allow the tub water to dry on your skin. Go to your room and pray sincerely for help. Christians say the lords prayer, pagans/wiccans call to your personal deities for help.
Draja Mickaharics Spiritual Cleansing: A handbook of Psychic Self-Protection page 19
#2350 - Help Lose Weight Faster
3. Put the burning piece of paper on the plate and make sure the paper is burned
Do this spell for a WEEK Or MORE depending how much weight you want to lose. It wont get rid of the pounds right away but it will help you lose it faster.
( The spell is a lot better if your on a diet but still good if your not)