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2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2477 Beauty Spells
2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2477 Beauty Spells
  1. Gender Swap
  2. Sickening
  3. Stop Hearing Someone
  4. Desrie Between You And Another
  5. Physically Change Body
  6. To Cast Pain Away
  7. The Anifornum
  8. Energy Spell
  9. Bath to Look Younger
  10. Relese your Inner Strengh
#2441 - #2450
#2461 - #2470
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#2461 - Gender Swap

Change your gender in a flash.
You may need:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing
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    You may need:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing
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    To turn from a guy into a girl, first rub the powder on your skin till your skin becomes silky soft. Then, put on the clothes and wig. Lastly, light the candle and chant these words: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me long hair, give beauty, give me grace. Allow me to lose what I don't want and gain the stuff a womans got. Give a voice like a baby bird and make it beautiful like nothing thats ever been heard".

    To turn from a girl into a guy, put on the men's clothing, light the candle and chant: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me a short hair, and a body with muscles that flair. Give me a handsome face and remove my womanly grace. Let me lose what I don't want, and gain the stuff a man has got. Deepen my voice and give me strength. Help me reach that special place".

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    #2462 - Sickening

    A spell to make someone sick.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    Chant the following three times: "you teased the sick, so I shall repeal" .

    With your wand use a swish and flick motion to point in the direction of the person you are casting this at.

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    #2463 - Stop Hearing Someone

    A spell to help you tune someone out.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Point at the person you want to not hear and say the following: "You have annoyed me too much and now its my turn. Shush, be quiet, and meek like a fern!". Imagine that you can no longer hear them, and turn your focus elsewhere.

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    #2464 - Desrie Between You And Another

    Make another person desire you more than anything.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle
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    Pick any kind of candle, of any color, and light it. Let the candle burn for 30 minutes, then chant these words while staring at the candle:

    "Make (name) want me like they never have before. Make (name) desire and crave my affections. Make (name)'s heart beat for me".

    After you chant this blow out the candle and pour wax onto the ground in the shape of a heart. This spell does not have immediate effects and you may need to wait some time before you see results.

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    #2465 - Physically Change Body

    Change your body to a desired body type.
    You may need:

  • A Mirror
  • Piece Of Paper
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • A Mirror
  • Piece Of Paper
  • Voice
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    Visualize your body and how you desire for it to look. Then, find a piece of paper and draw your desired body type on it. Hold the picture in front of a mirror, so that you can see both the drawing and yourself. Chant:

    "My body isn't desirable- it is not attractive. I wish for my body to change to this".

    Chant that ten times in a row for three days, each day focusing on the visualization of what you want your body to look like. You should start to see small changes as you do so.

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    #2466 - To Cast Pain Away

    This is a spell to get rid of pain. This is not a healing spell!
    You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Aquatic Incense
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
  • 1 Aquatic Incense
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    Chant this while focusing of a gold light radiating from the spot that is hurting you.

    ''I cast this pain far away,

    But it will came back again someday,

    To the depts it will go,

    I will see to it so,

    So mote it be!''

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    #2467 - The Anifornum

    Allows you to adopt the guise of any animal you choose.

    ***Please note that this spell is text exerted from the book entitled "Wizardology"***
    You may need:

  • Dolphin's milk
  • Honeydew mellon
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    You may need:

  • Dolphin's milk
  • Honeydew mellon
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    Drink the mixture of honeydew and dolphin's milk, then recite:

    "Bestia Animo, my human shape shall go. Bestio Betietta,it shall be for the better. Bestio Anifornum, I shall turn into a (the name of an animal).

    Here's is the Latin version of the spell.

    "Optimus Bestia, Meus humanus vultus vadum vado, Optimus bestietta, is vadum exsisto pro melior, Optimus anifornum, Ego vadum verto in a _____________. "

    You might also want to say the animals name in latin. Here are a few translations.

    • Dog- Canis
    • Cat- Cattus
    • Bird- Bird
    • Fish- Piscis
    • Wolf- Lupus
    • Bear- Gero
    • Lion- Leo

    ***Note: If you lack dolphin's milk, the spell will work only you will not physically shapeshift, you will only have the senses of the animal, along with its mental abilities. Also, make sure to focus.***

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    #2468 - Energy Spell

    A spell to give yourself energy.
    You may need:

  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Paper
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    All you have to do is get paper, draw a pentagram on it and then sit on it for any amount of time. This will give you more energy than you previously had.

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    #2469 - Bath to Look Younger

    Will help decrease the appearance of aging.
    You may need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 drop of anise oil
  • ½ teaspoons of ginseng
  • ¼ teaspoon of maidenhair
  • 1 Light: a pink (for romance) or red (for passionate relationship) candle
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    You may need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 1 drop of anise oil
  • ½ teaspoons of ginseng
  • ¼ teaspoon of maidenhair
  • 1 Light: a pink (for romance) or red (for passionate relationship) candle
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    Pour all of the ingredients in the cheesecloth and fill your bath with water. Go inside and place the cheesecloth (tied) into the bath water and let it diffuse. Visualize the kind of lover you want and what type of relationship you wish to have. Thank the goddess/gods and snuff out the candle (don't blow out!). Do not rinse or use soap! Let this beauty/attraction bath stay on you for the rest of the night.

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    #2470 - Relese your Inner Strengh

    To call upon you inner strengh.
    You may need:

  • 1 rose
  • full moon
  • time: midnight
  • clear voice and total concentration.
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    You may need:

  • 1 rose
  • full moon
  • time: midnight
  • clear voice and total concentration.
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    On a full moon at midnight, go outside and let the moon bathe you in its light. Lift the rose to your heart. Then, lift your head and stare at the moon while chanting...

    ''Moon, Moon, I call upon you,
    Relese my power that is true,
    Summon the strengh that lies within me,
    and I shall leave you be.''

    Repeat this 2 more times.

    Your inner strenght should now come to you to wield to your will. It will last till the next full moon. Every full moon you do this, your inner strengh and power will be replenished.

    Use it wisely.


    If this spell does not work, even when you give the moon respect, then you have no inner strengh or magic and should no even be looking at spells.

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    2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters