2482 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Cookie Love Spell
- Werewolf Spell (tested myself/works)
- Twilight wolf Spell
- Bigger bust spell
- Become a hollow
- Create your very own boyfriend
- Black Mirror Ritual (demonization)
- Dandelion Fairy Spell
- Attract Love
- lovey dovey
#241 - Cookie Love Spell
Gently massage the chocolate chips into the dough, making sure to touch every single one. Dig your nails into the dough before baking. Whoever eats these cookies will have a burning sensation in their stomach that will only be eased by seeing you.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#242 - Werewolf Spell (tested myself/works)
Make your way inside of the bathroom or room in which you chose, locking the door behind you.
Sit on the ground and picture yourself in your desired wolf for for a few moments before reciting the spell
recite the spell as followed below (note, you cannot whisper the spell, doing so will result in the spell not working)
Say out loud three times:
Let me have fur of a wolf. Let me transform into a wolf any time i want. Let me have control in my wolf form. Let me be a creature that i want to be so mote it be.
After doing so, you may experience some of these side effects as listed (note, it may take a week to two weeks before you can begin transforming, people who are under the age of thirteen are not recommended to do this spell)
Side effects (note, you may not get all of them, certain side effect may vary on who you are!)
increased sense of smell
better balancing
Increased sense of smell
Clearer vision
urges to growl, snarl, howl etc.
Nausea (mild to severe)
Blacking out (may or may not happen after you say the spell)
cravings for meat
increased appetite
bone, legs, arms, back etc. Aches
Headaches (mild to severe, can make you black out if bad enough)
increased bladder control
increased speed
#243 - Twilight wolf Spell
Say these words 10 times
Spirits of the wolf, I ask you please to turn me into what i wish to be, a werewolf. In my human form I will grow taller and i wil become faster and stronger. I will be able to transform into my wolf form in seconds. in my wolf form i will have complete controle. In my wolf form I will have super strength and super senses. in my human and wolf form, my skin and fur will constatly be at a temperture of 42 degrees celsius. I wil hut down vampires who smell like a sick sweet smell. and this is my will, so mote it be!
#244 - Bigger bust spell
Simply say this while concentrating. Spirits that guide me. With your gift you may bless. Give me a pair of large soft breast. So mote it be.
#245 - Become a hollow
Go into a room alone, turn off all of the lights except the device light.
Stand or sit in front of the spell
When ready say or chant or whisper 1-3x:
I dedicate myself to you,
I ask of you to change me,
i will give my soul,
this is my desire”
Then say after done:
“So mote it be!”
4: move along with your life and watch for side effects! Good luck!
Side effects:
Craving more meat
darker/lighter eyes
Sharper teeth
Weight loss/more muscle gain
growling/snarling more
Ability to see other hollow’s
Freezing skin but warmer internally
Better senses
Pain in ribs and other body parts
#246 - Create your very own boyfriend
1) write all of the characteristics and traits and age and name on the paper with pen or pencil
2) spray you paper with perfume
3) put it in the envelope
4) put on your favorite jewelry
5) say the spell before you put it under your pillow
Gods and goddesses, I pray to you now. Create my own lover and bring him to me. I want him to be by my side at all times and I want him to love me forever. This is my will, So mote it be.
6) put the envelope under your pillow
7) wait patiently for it to work
You will meet him at a store when you go to the store
#247 - Black Mirror Ritual (demonization)
Stand in front of the mirror or screen and make sure you can see youself. Male sure you are also wearing all black cloths. Make sure you have the lighter ready and the flame lit. When youre ready hang yourself and drop the lighter so you burn all while facing your "black mirror".
#248 - Dandelion Fairy Spell
Stir everything with the leaf except the white dandelion in a bowl.
Take out the leaf and wrap it around the white dandelion stem
Pour the potion over the stem being careful not get it on the seeds or top of the white dandelion.
Hold the leaf around the middle of the stem tightly then say the chant.
After saying the chant leave the dandelion out somewhere in nature either on top of grass or on near a grandfather tree
Side notes:
You can either get little bumps on your back or two long slits on your back that get defined over time. These represent where your wings will grow
Staying away from technology is key to influencing better results, but if your in a situation where you have to use technology, wearing tourmaline might absorb all of that energy.
If you want a use a pendulum in the spell then put it in the potion right before you stir with the leaf.
I call to Heartspring, Queen of Fae, of gentle heart and gentle way.
Fairy powers I desire, light or night, nature or fire.
Though human now I implore thee, to grant me powers of a fairy.
My aim is true my heart is pure, my loyalty I do assure.
Fairy wings and Fairy grace, help me to claim my rightful place.
You only have to say the chant once.
#249 - Attract Love
Cast a circle and summon a deity of love or lust, whatever you find that suits the spell. Call the four corners.
Take time to meditate and channel energy into finding love or attracting a certain person (if using a wand use the wand to channel energy into a ball in your hand).
As you light the pink/white candle with a match, say:
"Sicut lux et lucerna hoc est, amoris igniculos"
Now, think about that energy you created earlier, and say:
"I nunc amit me te amre simul, me ex caritate quoque sicerit"
Finally, snuff out the candle with your fingers.
Close your circle by thanking the deities, the Divine, and the Elements.
Please be patient, and rate and email results please!
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#250 - lovey dovey
chant 3 times: oh the gods bring me a dove and give it to my love with a letter so mote it be mote it be