Misanthropy's Profile

Member Info
Name: Misanthropy
Birthday: Nov 22
Location: The Misty Mountains
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 27 Mar 2025

Membership: Contributor
Coven Title: Priestess
Position: Publisher
Authority: Moderator

Personal Bio


I have been a member of the site since 2009, so about 15 years. 10 of those years have been on this account. I spend much of my time lurking in the spell and article sections here on the site. If you have questions or need help with anything please reach out to me. I will do my best to help you. However, I will not do tarot readings for you and I will not cast spells for you.


I do not teach, per say, but I am happy to answer questions and help direct you to useful information for magical practices and spellwork.


~Specific Areas of Occult Work~

  • Blood Magick

  • Sigils - Creation & Use

  • Appalachian Folk Magick - practices, beliefs, magic, superstitions, etc from the misty mountains of WVa.

  • Lunar Magic - Magick based around the moon and its cycles.

  • Spirit Work -Channeling/Shadowing, Invocation/Evocation, Veil Treading, Spirit Communication, Spirit Removal, Spiritual Counseling (regarding spiritual oppression, attachment, hauntings, etc), and several other areas.

  • Crystals - Self-taught crystal healer; use my abilities for both my benefit and the benefit of others.

  • Herbs - Magick & Remedies

  • Energy Work

  • Sympathetic Magick - Cords, Poppets, Candles, etc.

  • Animal parts and components; in relation to their utilization in spell and ritual work.

  • Cursework

  • Thoughtform Creation
