2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Succubus tail spell (Females only!)
- to induce a physical shift chant/energy tatic
- Develop Mri senses
- Get rid of body flaws spell
- Soul Healing
- Comet's shifting method
- All about Merfolk
- All about avians
- FULL Mermaid Shifting Method
- Icy's Shifting handbook
#261 - Succubus tail spell (Females only!)
Go to your bed, and turn off all lights, and cover all windows. Lay down on your bed, and begin to squeeze your breasts. While continuing to squeeze your breasts, chant the following 5 times: "Succubus, succubus, lend me a tail. I do not care if I fail. I want the love, I want the lust. A succubus tail, get one I must!" If you cannot handle chanting this while squeezing your breasts, you must remain calm and focus. Continue to squeeze your breasts for 5 minutes after, but do not stop. In several months, you will have a succubus' tail. Be careful, as you may find your lover far more irresistible than they already were, and may lose control of your actions temporarily.
#262 - to induce a physical shift chant/energy tatic
start by sitting or laying in a comfotable position.
say only up to three times:
"by the power of my soul,
by the power of strength,
with my will,
and my element,
shift i will,
and at will i must,
with my souls energy,
so let it be."
contact me if you have any side effects. or need a weaker energy builder.
#263 - Develop Mri senses
development/ transformation instructions:
Start by going into the bathroom, close door(s), have the electronic device with you, then get undressed.
Set device next to you.
Turn on the song, put it on repeat for the back round.
Have the instructions open.
Look in the mirror, hold your hand on your heart, take three deep breaths then take your hand off your chest.
Say or chant while reading 3x:
Now look in the mirror and say once:
“By the power of three, So mote it be.”
The end results:
Go along your business of life. Like the symptoms listed they may start right away, or it may take two hours. But it will happen if done correctly.
Blessed be and good luck!
if you want another machines vision or senses. mail me for the request.
#264 - Get rid of body flaws spell
Say this as many times as you want to make it more powerful:Body flaws I hate you so.You need to go go go.So mote it be.
#265 - Soul Healing
#266 - Comet's shifting method
(TAKEN FROM MY WEBSITE AND WEYR : http://phenexusweyr.wixsite.com/home )
How to Ph-shift:
(Comet's phantom shifting method)
Step 1: Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Count to 50 while breathing in and out with every number. Start to meditate.
Step 2: Once you're meditating and are calm, visualise the parts of your animal form (like horns, ears, tail, claws, etc.) forming on your body. Watch them pull themselves out of your body and exist. You should feel tingles and itchiness where the parts should be.
Step 3: Feel the bones and joints of parts that have them, such as wings or your tail. Feel each joint and move it, you should feel as if you actually have a tail and it is actually moving.
Step 4: The big part, visualise the rest of your body changing, like being covered in fur or scales, and feel every scale, every piece of fur, move and grow. You should be able to feel the fur/scales/etc move when you move.
And there you go! open your eyes, see you haven't p-shifted, but you feel all the parts of your animal, and you've successfully phantom shifted.
It is possible to phantom shift permanently, and cause permanent phantom limbs, however it can be detrimental to your mental state and energy.
Comet's M-shifting Method
To m-shift I use a rather simple (to me) method.
This method has allowed me to m-shift and m-flare a few times. Most of my m-flares are spontaneous but this has helped bring one on before, and strengthen my instincts after ~2 years of pushing them away.
Step 1 : Get into a comfortable position in a dark room and close your eyes.
Step 2 : Count backwards from 100 down to 0, picturing the sun (your human thoughts, ideas, and rationalism) going down past the horizon and bringing on the night (your animal side, instincts, will to hunt). This step may take a while, but as you count down, push away human thoughts. if they come, count over them. After a while, the numbers should start to sound foreign as you think of your animal side and its instincts, and bring them out as the night begins to rise.
Step 3 : Once you have reached zero and the numbers sound like pointless noises, let your mind take you to a new place. A forest, for example, if you're a wolf or a deer. In that new place, continue looking through your animal. Let your mind and instincts take you. Do you see prey? Chase it. Hunt it. Catch it. Run free, be free.
You are an animal, not human. Be free.
Comet's P-shifting Method
My personal p-shifting routine, simplified as I don't know how else to really word what I do.
Step 1: Get into a comfortable, animal-like position in a dark room.
Step 2: Meditate. Visualise yourself laying there.
Step 3: Mental flare and Phantom shift, just for the hell of it.
Step 4: Tell yourself "I am a dragon (or, whatever your animal is)."
Step 5: visualise your body changing and push all of your energy to each part. Feel everything. Know everything. This is natural.
Step 6: Continue, keep feeling, changing, and pushing. Do not open your eyes.
Step 7: When you feel as if you have p-shifted, open your eyes. Check your body for any changes, like discolouration, scales, fur, etc. If you find any, great, keep pushing next time.
Please contact me if you need help with any of my methods!
#267 - All about Merfolk
(All info taken from my website, gathered by me over the years of me being in the nonhuman community. https://phenexusweyr.wixsite.com/home )
What are merfolk?
Mermaids are semi-aquatic creatures, who are best known in sea tales and folklore. In a spiritual sense, merfolk are a type of fae, similar to faeries, elves, and water nymphs. In real life, Merfolk, despite having a scaled, fish-like tail, are mammals. Merfolk have adapted in many different ways depending on where they live, and merfolk shifters reflect this. For instance, a deep sea mer would be paler, have fangs,claws, and potentially bioluminescence, while a freshwater mer would have a darker, muddier tail to blend in with the murky opaqueness of a lake or river.
Types of merfolk
Akin to dragons, merfolk have different "breeds" or subspecies, based on where they live. This has forced them to develop certain adaptations. For example, an arctic mermaid would have a thick body and tail full of blubber to keep warm, and likely have the colours of a seal to blend in. Or, a tropical mermaid would be skinny but fast, ready to flee from any predator (if one were to attack).
These are the recognised types of mermaids by the merfolk community.
Deep sea merfolk
Deep Sea Merfolk reside deep below the ocean's surface. Their bodies are shifted to be much stronger than a humans, being able to with stand great depths and water pressure, without their bones and organs collapsing. In appearance, these mermaids are not the beautiful like tropical and open oceans typically are displayed, they have fangs, and claws, to help catch and eat their prey : fish. The Deep Sea Mermaid is pale in colour, with little to no sunlight getting to the depth they prefer in the ocean. Their eyes are specialised to see in the dark. Many deep sea merfolk may also opt to shift bioluminescence, for further sight. For a tail, they need a strong fluke, to be able to swim great distances.
Tropical merfolk
Tropical Merfolk have much brighter and flashy tails, often green, pink, or even yellow in colour. These bright colours allow them to blend in with the tropical fish and the coral around them. They aren't built for swimming great distances, so their tails are more decorative and flukes are often not as thick as an Open Ocean. They dwell in shallower waters and often in archipelagos (like Hawaii or the Great Barrier Reef's islands), however a tropical mermaid may also live in the amazon or around South America. Their diet consists of sea plants, fish, and fruits, as they shift to and from their merfolk forms on the islands and for the water.
Arctic merfolk
Arctic Mers are built to withstand the beyond freezing cold and harsh waters of the arctic or antarctic Thick layers of Blubber are shifted to allow for proper insulation, and as a result many arctic mers are chubby or overweight, as they need to be to survive in their habitat. Tail colours may be white, silvery, blue, purple, or even black and white with counter shading to help blend in. Flukes and fins must be thick and powerful to swim through currents. Due to the Arctic being home to many predators (Killer whales, potentially seals, and even polar bears in the arctic circle), these mers must be adapted to be fast or know how to defend themselves against their hungry neighbours. An Artic Mermaid's main diet is fish. A "mermaid" with a seal-shaped tail is no longer considered a mer, but instead a Selkie, which are creatures with many other myths and legends surrounding them.
Open Ocean merfolk
Open ocean mers are adept travellers and live in, well, the open ocean. They are also often called Traveller mers (although, tropical mers may also be "tropical travellers") and they are not home to any specific region. An open ocean mer may live in anywhere from the British Isles to the outskirts of Madagascar, or they may travel between multiple locations. Open ocean mers are often strong and have blue, purple, or black tails. Their tails may employ counter shading as camouflage. Their flukes are often shaped like a whale's or a dolphins to help them travel long distance without much drag. While in theory an open ocean mer could travel across the seas, in reality this task would be impossible.
Fresh water merfolk
Fresh water mers are mers who have chosen to live in lakes and rivers. Mostly green, brown , black, or maybe even blue. Many fresh water mers actually look rather murky and dark, or shiny to match the fish in the lake. For example, a mer who wishes to live in a lake filled with koi may shift a koi tail for camouflage. Most lakes and rivers aren't very clear, and the tails are a camouflage to blend in with their environment. Often, fresh water mers do not shift gills and rather just come up for air every so often.
Basic shifting method
Merfolk follow one of the most widely known shifting methods, which is the four-step method. Many merfolk seek out shifting due to a "call to the sea" similar to how avians experience a call to the sky. Mermaids who don't have this call often do not shift or give up. Another thing some mers believe is that they believe their shifting ability comes from their otherkinity, their past life or lives as a mermaid, and not from their current genetics.
The Fantasy or F-shift: in which the mer either designs their tail or finds the tail they had in a past life and draw it out or visualise it, making sure they know every thing about it.
The Phantom or Ph-shift: Some merfolk skip this step, however almost all do not. This is when you visualise and feel the tail but it isn't there. Like a mental trick, this shift allows you to feel like you are p-shifted without actually being p-shifted.
The Mental shift or M-shift: One of the most widely known shifts, merfolk use mental shifting to incorporate their mer side into their daily life, as once a mental shift is completed, it stays forever. M-flares are common and often drive the mer to run to water/attempt to p-shift even if they are not ready. Many believe that mental flaring is necessary for a successful p-shift.
The Physical or P-shift: The final step, when the mer actually shifts their tail onto the physical plane. The rarest shift and only a few mers are believed to have completed it by the community.
As i did for avians and dragons, I have conducted a few estimates based on my knowledge and using energy mapping.
Average time to go through the whole merfolk shifting process: At least 1 year to four years
% of people who give up after six months to a year: 74%
% of people who give/gave up who do not have a call to the sea: 89%
The following were found using energy mapping and cannot be proven, after all these are estimates.
# of merfolk who are undergoing the shifting process: 31,790
# of merfolk who have successfully p-shifted: 681
# of merfolk who have run off to the sea: 71
# of merfolk still alive at sea (not counting ones who may be "pureblood" and not shifters): 32
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#268 - All about avians
(Info taken from my website, provided by my co-leader Buitre. My Weyr's website: https://phenexusweyr.wixsite.com/home )
What are avians?
Avians are winged humanoids, people who have undergone the process of growing wings, air sacks, hollow bones, and feathers for flight. Contrary to popular belief, wing growth is not shifting. They often have wings very similar, if not exactly like a bird's, as feathered wings are the most efficient for flight. Avians can have the wings of hawks, eagles, or even quail. An Avian's wing type is almost a spiritual connection, it is such a deep link that even looking at the wings can cause phantom sensations and pain. Avians seek out wing growth due to a "call to the sky" that is very powerful and present since early childhood. Some say that avians have a unique genetic makeup that allows them to grow wings, others say anyone can grow wings.
How wings grow
Wings require upwards of three years of visualisation, energy manipulation, focus, and willpower to grow. Constant visualisation and mental shifting is required. Internal changes happen first - your bone structure begins to change to allow wings to grow, your internal bone structure begins to become hollow, air sacks form behind the lungs and your lungs get larger (resulting also in a larger ribcage and chest), and you begin to lose weight as your metabolism speeds up. Second, your body begins to develop the muscle. Your pectoral muscles will shrink to make room for the second set of pectorals (as wings are modified arms), and you may lose muscle power as a result. You will begin to gain muscle on your back as well, that will link your new pectorals to your wings. Third, your stem cells start to produce the skin tissue, cartilage, and bone of your wings. The wings start as a lump of cells then begin to separate, appearing as a "nub" before they begin to look like wings. You will start to develop down feathers at this time as well. Once wings "sprout", they grow quickly. Once bone and cartilidge is formed, down feathers will quickly shed and become flight feathers. The very minimum size of fully grown, ready-to-fly wings is 18 feet, and most avians have wings that span within 20 to 30 feet.
The Basic Method
A common method used by avians involves incorporating them into your daily life through constant visualisation, phantom shifting, and mental shifting. You must learn what your wingtype is, how it flies, what are the benefits, what kind of flight it is best at, etc. Then, you must start to visualise yourself with the wings. You can visualise the changes happening in order, or you can visualise with fully grown wings. Meditate every night about your wings, see them grow and develop. Mentally feel what it would be like to fly, to soar, to take off. Visualise constantly and phantom shift every time you can. Phantom wings may start to become permanent and pain should be commonplace. Keep pushing and take progress pictures at least once a month to compare. Once notable growth starts, you will see rapid changes.
The following are estimates about wing growth and wings.
Please note that none of these include what will happen if you lose faith, stop growing for a few months, etc.
Average time to grow flight-ready wings: 3 years
Average wing span : 22 feet (6.7m)
Average wing width (top of skin to bottom of secondaries): 3 feet
The following estimates were found by energy mapping and astral projection.
# of avian genetic holders in USA: 617,983
# of avians with wings in USA: 1,362
# of wing growers in USA: 22,674
Subliminal playlist
Many avians and wing growers use subliminals to help their progress. Listening to subliminals at a low volume during meditation is a good way to boost your progress as your subconscious is more likely to be receptive during meditation. Here is a playlist of wing subliminals and a booster. : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdmSwMYir8Qh8EskJNjXM_RUD7eNUPcui
Closing notes
Wings cannot be hidden, they cannot be shifted away, and they are visible to everyone who sees you. Growing wings is a dangerous task not suitable for all people. Many avians have encounters with hunters and end up dead due to being too reckless, out there, or attempting to expose themselves. The only time wings may be able to be shown in public would be at a cosplay convention, but even that is dangerous. Do not become an avian if you are not prepared for having to give up your social life, school, public places, friends, and even family gatherings.
You will be alone and relying on parental support or online jobs.
#269 - FULL Mermaid Shifting Method
Before we can even think about shifting, we first must do the research. I know, I know, this doesn't sound like the most fun thing to do. However, researching that which you are trying to become is very important... and therefor, it is best to start here (even if you think you already know everything there is to know about mermaids!).
To start off your research, you're going to need to draw a picture. Just draw a mermaid- it doesn't have to be perfect, just make sure it establishes everything you think a mermaid would have. Top or no top? Gills or lungs? Scales or skin like a dolphin? Those sorts of things. This drawing should be done before any of your research... and have fun with it! Bring in some things you think it would be cool for a mermaid to have, or things that you would want as a mermaid. Save this drawing somewhere, or keep it with you while you research, you're going to need it!
Now that we have that established, its time to get down to the hard stuff. It is best to know everything you can possibly find out about mermaids, fish, anatomy, and so on. You won't be JUST researching mermaids, you need to know some basic science principles about humans and fish (or dolphins, depending on what you base your tail on looking like) so that you can begin building your mermaid. Also, you're going to have to figure out what environment you will be swimming in. If you live near lakes, then your mermaid would probably have a darker tail color, lungs instead of gills, and would be a freshwater mermaid. However, if you live next to a coral reef, then your mermaid might have a bright tail color, gills, and would be a salt water mermaid. It all really depends on the environment. This sounds like a lot, doesn't it? Well just wait, theres even more. To help, here are some things you may want to know or find out:
- What would your mermaid eat?
- How would diet effect your mermaids body?
- Salt water or regular water?
- How would a tail be structured to help a mermaid survive best?
- What color would the tail be, given the environment?
- Aside from the tail, what other characteristics would a mermaid have?
- Gills or large lungs?
- Aside from 'covering you up,' what would the purpose of a top be?
- What would be the best design for a top?
- Would your physical appearance change? Hair color or eye color for example?
- How do mermaids act? What science or species could you base that off of? (This question is super important, make sure to look into it in detail!)
- How to mermaids drink water? Osmosis or regular? (hint- Salt water fish usually drink lots of water, fresh water fish usually absorb it through osmosis)
- Where do you plan to live for most of your life? Perhaps you live near a lake now, but plan to spend most of your life on the ocean. This effects your mermaid.
- What about skin color? What skin color would be best for your mermaids environment?
- Awkward, but how do mermaids... "relieve" themselves?
- How are mermaid social? Do they live in groups or alone?
- Do mermaid migrate?
- Anything else you can think of....
As you can see, thats a LOT. I've probably even left off some things you may want to think about, but these are just some basic questions you're going to want to know. Luckily for you, I've included a section in this site that will help answer some of these questions... but remember, the answers are from my own research and perspective! Don't base your mermaid solely off of what I thought. Remember, every answer to these questions has a dramatic effect on what your mermaid will look like!
Now, look back at your original drawing.... does it look very scientific anymore? It probably doesn't, but if it does, good for you! Anyway, it's time to draw again. Basing this next drawing off of your first drawing and the data you have collected, try drawing another mermaid. Make it as accurate as you can, while trying to keep some of the parts that you originally liked about it. Make sure that this new mermaid is both pleasing to you, but would also survive easily. This is the basis of your mermaid species.
Now, finally, after all of that research, we now move onto the fun part- and the first metaphysical area! Don't move on to this lesson unless you have completed your research and drawing, because this is the part where you find your inner mermaid. What I mean by this is you will be finding out what exactly you will look like as a mermaid, and maybe explore a little in this very first meditation (and, your first F-Shift!). This part of your training involves meditation however, so it may be hard at first. For those of you inexperienced in meditation, I have included a quick warm up that you can do a couple times to get used to the idea.
Warm Ups
To begin meditation, it is extremely important that you have the correct breathing. Many people will say you also need correct posture, although I for one am not one of them. The breathing is fairly simple, however. Begin by breathing in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Then, begin counting as you breath.... As you breath in, count to three. Hold your breath for three counts, and finally exhale for three counts. You shouldn't be gasping for air or holding your breath; this type of breathing is supposed to relax you. Remember, this breathing comes naturally to your body, so after a few times of counting your breaths you should be able to breath like this on your own.
Exercise One-
When I first started out in meditation, I found this method very helpful to keeping my mind on task and visualizing. Basically, you just go through the alphabet in your head. However, instead of just saying each letter in your mind, you have close your eyes and write out each letter in your mind. See the letter, say it out loud, almost feel your hand writing the letter. Feel each letter, and then let it go completely. You should spend about five seconds on each letter. Remember to not let your mind wander, and to not slip out of the moment (which is easy to do if you're tired!). Try and see each letter in a place between your eyes and your mind, if that makes sense.
Exercise Two-
This next one is all about clearing your mind... and sitting up strait does help with this. Sit somewhere comfortable, close your eyes, and completely clear your mind. I know, this sounds very hard, but with practice it comes easier. Just think of absolutely... nothing. Don't think at all! It helps to begin with imagining yourself putting all of your thoughts and feeling and urges to move into a box and shoving it under a bed somewhere. Once you begin meditating, if you encounter a thought then the best way to get of it is to actually let it come into your mind... and then let it drift out. Acknowledge the thought, but let it leave your mind with peace. Simply trying to shove everything out of your mind won't work at all, things will just keep popping in. Finally, remember to focus on the nothingness, and not on keeping things out of your mind. Let the clarity of nothingness just wash over your mind. Don't worry, I know its hard, but no one expects you to be perfect!
Now, after you've practiced these warm ups, and you feel physically ready to begin, you may. I would not suggest trying to meditate before you feel like you can, because your mind may get in the way of the truth. Now, on to the actual meditation! You may change it as much as you like, this is just my version.
Connecting to Your Inner Mermaid
Begin somewhere with lots of senses. Somewhere that relates to something you experience in every day life or something you can remember easily. Perhaps you are sitting in the sun, with the smell of grass all around you and your skin is warm in the fading glow of daylight. Maybe, you have awoken in a creek, and the cold water is spilling over you as if you were a part of it's pebbled bottom. Slowly, get up. You see and feel and hear things as if you were there. You do not see yourself from a third person point of view. Look down. The first thing you see is an offering of some kind. It could be a candle, a fruit, a cake or maybe a feather. The next thing that you see is something that represents humanity to you... something that means something to you, and to humans. It could be anywhere from money to your favorite pair of shoes to a diamond ring. Whatever these two items are, pick them up. Now, look around you.
I won't tell you what you are to see, because that depends on you. All I can tell you is that the sun is setting, you are near a body of water, and it is absolutely beautiful. Let your mind explore this place... it is your haven. This is the place that you will come back to in your later F-shifts, and you should feel safe here. Slowly, you begin to walk towards the body of water. However, before you get to the water, you will see a... shrine of sorts. Like everything else, this can be whatever you wish it to be. It could be a small waterfall, or a tree, or a slab of rock. Whatever it is, set your offering here. Now, you speak. If you have any specific religion, you could talk to your god or goddess. If you are open to anything, then I would suggest speaking to the goddess Aphrodite, to the undines, or even to the element of water itself. Speak your wishes, and say what feels right to you. Finally, ask that you see your true form. Make sure to thank whoever you spoke to, and walk toward the water.
As you get to the edge of the water, drop whatever things represents humanity to you into the sand. As you do this, let your humanity fade away from you. You are a creature of the water.... now, you do not belong on land..... you are a mermaid. Say it, feel it, understand it, and do whatever you need to do to confirm it. As you let this humanity slip away, look down into the water. You see your reflection... only, its not you, and yet it is. The person that you see in the water is your true self, your mermaid self. Move your body so that you can see your full reflection, and take everything in. What you look like, what color your tail is, what color your skin and hair and eyes are.... everything. Let your mermaid self sink in, and let it become a part of you. When you are done gazing at your inner self, it is time to swim!
Get into the water, and feel it wash over you. Feel everything about it, as if it were home. Dive into this water, and let your mind and heart run free! This is the truly amazing part of the meditation. In your mind, in this perfect little haven... you are a mermaid. So here, you can swim and laugh and have fun in your true form. Explore this area, because, it will be your mermaid home for until you actually receive your real tail. Don't be scared to let your mind create whatever it needs to create, and truly feel yourself as a mermaid.
When you are done here, find a spot of land. Crawl up onto it, and take one last look at your tail. Then, wishing your magickal sanctuary goodbye, let your mermaid body fall into darkness. Feel yourself falling until you hit your real body. Essentially, you're letting your mermaid body fall into your real body. Feel the last tingles of a tail and the last scents of the water.... and open your eyes.
So! There you have it. Congratulation! You have just successfully completed your first F-Shift. The land that you found here is always right there, right when you need it. Come back anytime. The more you meditate as a mermaid, the more your body gets used to the feeling of water, to holding your breath or breathing through gills, and to everything about being a mermaid. Also, it is important that you have fun with this meditation! There is no right or wrong, and your can improv anything you want into it. Do not be afraid to break the rules! One thing that you could add is talking to your mermaid self, or finding out your mermaid name (you could if you wanted to!). Nothing is wrong, just so long as you accomplished the task of finding your mermaid self. Good luck, and happy F-shifting!
Alright! Hopefully, so far everything for you guys has been going smoothly. Unfortunately, M-Shifting is not as easy or strait forward as meditations or research. Lets view M-shifting as a big fence. Once you climb over it, its going to be really hard to climb back out again. Likewise, once you M-shift your mind and soul into that of a mermaids... its going to be really hard to go back to normal living. The ocean (or water in general) will call to you. You will be changed emotionally, mentally, and hopefully physically once you get to P-shifting. Therefor, it is my job to warn you right now that becoming a mermaid may not be the best thing for you. If you don't live next to a body of water like a ocean or lake... then what? Are you just going to sit in a bathtub looking at your tail for the next few years of your life? Like I said, the shifting method does not give you powers. Powers are something that you can get, but probably not from shifting (although if you would like to try with the shifting method, be my guest). Because of these two traits, it could be that you just want to be a mermaid because you want to be something special. A lot of us feel that way too, you're not alone... but please, just pause and ask yourself if you really want this. With that note of warning, lets begin your next step... M-shifting.
M-Shifting, as was cleared up before hand, is basically changing your mind and attitude to that of a mermaid. Unfortunately, mermaids are half way humans, and therefor don't really have an animal instinct or anything that you could draw from. Luckily for you however, if you've been following these lessons, then you now have a nice idea of how fish and dolphins act, and how your mermaid looks and acts. All of that is really important, because there is no set version of a mermaid. So, remember that mermaid drawing and research you did? Get all of that out and go over it now. It may be apparent to you, but I'm pretty sure everyone is going to come up with their own ideas and needs for what a mermaid IS, and so each and every person trying the shifting method needs to really look into behavior (i.e., a tropical mermaid that has lots of food resources and not many predators might have a different behavior then an arctic mermaid who is always looking for food. Likewise, a lake mermaid may eat and act differently in their confined space, than an ocean mermaid that has everywhere in the world) . Of course, you should have already done all of this, but if you haven't for whatever reason, then its REALLY good for you to do that right now.
So. Once you have this mermaid thing all down, its time to start applying it into your life. That means, that every day you will make a conscious effort to act more and more like a mermaid would act. Like I said, this may be hard, and I do have some ideas for you in the Tips and Ideas section. Remember however, that those are my personal views of mermaids. They may not apply to where you live or anything like that. Just be careful. Anyway, back to the M-shifting... you'll need to really change your life a lot. This is important, because it gets you used to this type of living, lets your mind draw out your inner mermaid, and connects you to the ocean and its spirit in a way that you may not have been before. Of course, simply acting like a mermaid isn't the only thing that you need to do to M-shift.
Because this method is known as Metaphysical Shifting, there is obviously some other parts to it than just pure shifting. The metaphysical aspects of it mean doing meditations, balancing and learning to move energy, and connecting to the ocean or the element water. To conserve space, I have added a few of these things in the Tips and Ideas section, which you really should check out. While these things are not necessary to pure shifting, they are very helpful.
Good luck with M-shifting, and consider it as if you were stepping through a gateway. From the moment you finally "get over that fence," you are now regarded, somewhere inside of you, as a mermaid.
I thought this one might come in handy. Because I didn't want to take up too much room with mindless babble, I've created this page to offer some ideas when it comes to M-Shifting. These are some things that can be applied to every day life, or for you to think about when thinking about your mermaids looks and such. Remember, these are all my personal thoughts, and therefor not completely accurate. If anyone has any ideas, comment on this page your thoughts. Here we go!
Diet: I believe mermaids would diffidently have to eat a mixed diet of both fish, shell fish, sea plants and possibly fruit. Now let me explain on this one. For our definition of a “mermaid” to fit the beautiful women with a gorgeous fish tail, we have to find a way to keep the human part of the mermaid looking HUMAN. Now imagine if mermaids only ate meat. That would make them predators, which would alter their appearances greatly. They would probably have more snout like noses, gills for sure, a fast, efficient tail that probably blends into the water (not exactly that gorgeous blue or pink that many of you want). The skin would probably take on a blueish tone, and the teeth would be sharp. For some reason, I dont think most of you want to be that when you think of being a mermaid. However, if a mermaid only ate sea plant life, they might wind up being somewhere at the opposite of the scale and look equally as odd. This puts mermaids in the position of eating a mixed diet, that somewhat mimics what humans eat. I added fruit in the main diet because we want to become mermaids who can walk on land, and therefor, they would probably be able to grab a bit of tropical fruit from the trees and such that tend to live near the water. It is also important that everyone adapt this image to their mermaid as best as possible. Once again, if you live near a lake, your mermaids diet will be different from someone living near the ocean, so on and so forth. So, with this information, we can bring this diet into our own. Try to eat fruit that grows naturally around your mermaids area. Eating shellfish, seaweed, and sushi is also very good too! Try researching the area that you live in, or where your mermaid comes from. See what grows naturally, and how you can incorporate that into every day life.
Habitat- Well, we're back to this one, that seems to pop up everywhere! Your mermaids habitat. Your mermaid's habitat pretty much effects everything about your mermaid's looks, diet, personality, and just about everything else. Therefor, it is very important. So, lets begin with some science. To maintain the upper part of a human, a mermaid would need to be warm blooded I believe. However, they may not be as warm blooded as humans are, due to their fish tail. Given this, a mermaid would be able to survive in some cold areas, but would really thrive in warmer ones. I personally would say that mermaid would thrive the best somewhere in the Caribbean, or in Hawaii. Unfortunately, there are not many of us that are fortunate enough to live in areas like that. So, it would be my guess that most of our mermaids would probably have to migrate in order to stay alive. Take all of this into consideration in how you design your mermaid's fluke and all of that. Is it good for long distance travel? Anyway, while a mermaid's habitat would most likely be some place warm or tropical, we'll just have to adjust ourselves. Some good things that you might want to monitor in your Shifting might be your body temperature (going down would be good), or if you find yourself drawn to warmer places. Likewise, if you live in really cold places, you may find that you can tolerate the cold a lot. Either way, just make sure to monitor physical changes.
Social Behavior- When you imagine a mermaid swimming freely in the ocean, what do you see? Well, you probably don't see that mermaid swimming along in a group of three to six mermaids. However, with the science that I've found, I believe that in "pods" would be exactly how mermaids travel! Take dolphins for example. They are probably one of the closest relatives to the mermaid, and are therefor really good to learn from. Dolphins live in pods, or groups, of three to eight, and usually have some sort of "leader" dolphin. Dolphins have very special and unique bonds with one another, and are said to be closer than some human families. These pods travel together, live together, and stay together for most of their life. So, bringing that into mermaid context, it could be conceivable that mermaids live in groups. How does that effect your M-shift and life? Well, one thing you could do is try to connect with your group or family. Find a group that really understands you, and treat them like your mermaid "pod." It is also very useful to try and find some people in real life (as well as the internet) that actually want to become a mermaid as much as you do, or would at least understand your wish. This can both be supporting to you, and help you with the whole "pod," aspect of life.
Personal Looks- Here is when we get into a touchier subject. It may come to your attention that you may not look like the mermaid that you've drawn out earlier. For instance, if your mermaid were a tropical mermaid, they would probably have tan skin to deal with the sun. If your mermaid lived out in the middle of the ocean, or deeper in the ocean, or maybe even in a lake... then their skin may be paler. Adjusting your looks to that of your mermaid can be very important in an M-shift, and help your mind get used to "changing." Also, (here comes the touchy part) if you are a bit over weight or out of shape, you may want to get that taken care of. One, because its really healthy if you do, and two because think about it... mermaid swimming takes just about every aspect of your muscles, and requires you to be a strong swimmer. The more weight, or the less muscle, the harder it is to swim. I know, I know, it is a hard subject, but believe me it will help your self image... human and mermaid wise!
Regular Behavior- This one is probably the hardest one to figure out, as it has a lot to do with habitat, and with dolphins! As said before in the Social Behavior aspect, I believe mermaids share close bonds with dolphins. I think that if you were to mimic a mermaid, your first thing to do would to be learning from dolphins and other fish. This means being playful, enthusiastic, loving, loyal, and generally good learners. Next comes the habitat. Say your mermaid lives in a very cold region... Well, that may result in your mermaid being "colder" in attitude. Those mermaids would need to focus a lot more on survival than those living in tropical waters. Therefor, if you live in colder areas, you may need to adjust to taking note of your surroundings, and bringing your body into survival mode. However, if you live in warm areas, your mermaid might have playful attributes to it as well. Or, if your mermaid migrates, you may need to be more enduring than the carefree tropical mermaids. So on, and so forth.
The mental flare... I think may be one of the most fun, and easy, aspects of shifting (until you actually shift physically, that is!) For a recap, mental flaring is basically letting your mermaid mind take over completely. Out of all of my shifting, I've also found that the mermaid M-Flare is one of the easiest to accomplish. There is just something about the water covering your up, or the sun shining through the top of the water, or the warm sand pressing against your back that just makes the Mental Flare something magickal. So, how do we do it?
The first thing I would pay attention to is how you look at the moment. If you are wearing jeans with your hair tied up in a pony tail and a t-shirt... well, thats not very mermaidish. However, being in your bathing suit with your hair down, shells adorning your body, and maybe some water proof makeup will probably make you feel a lot more like a mermaid away from home. For right now, don't even worry too much about if the accessories are accurate, or if mermaids ever wear makeup (they probably don't) or anything like that. Right now, you are just trying to feel like you are one! Another thing that helps so much is a fake mermaid tail or monofin. I have both, and believe me, it really makes you feel one with the water. Unfortunately, it also make you feel one with an empty wallet! Mermaid tails and monofins can be very expensive, especially if you have big feet like myself, and are forced into buying the $80, larger monofin, instead of the smaller ones that cost around $30-$50. Also, the materials can cost a lot.... or, if you buy one from a website, the whole tail can cost a lot as well! To help with this mermaid dilemma, I have included some links at the bottom of the page- along with my views of them- to help you get your first fake tail. Take note, that while you do not need a fake tail to M-Flare, it is strongly suggested that you have one.... they're fun, and help with the experience!
Now, the second super important thing to a Mental Flare would probably be your location. If you're just sitting on your bed in the middle of the night, or at school or something, then an M-Flare might be a little difficult. Remember- mermaids SWIM. They are meant to be submersed in water, swimming freely among their environment. So, while sitting in your bathtub may be a little bit better than sitting on your bed... well, its still not very good. For M-Flaring, I would suggest making your way to a pool, a lake, or even an ocean! My personal suggestion would be a nice salt water pool... there is a lot less harmful chlorine, its a lot more like the ocean, and you can open your eyes underwater! Further, there is room to swim, but its not as dangerous as the ocean or as dirty as a lake. Of course, on the down side... its not as natural. So, a good thing to do would be to have a mixture of each. If your mermaid is a lake mermaid, then I would try fresh water pools and ponds, and also swimming in the lake a lot. If you are an ocean mermaid, then I would try salt water pools and the oceans... but be careful. The ocean can have strong tides and currents, which are easily over come for mermaids, but not for humans. So, when swimming in the ocean, just make sure that you are at a very shallow or safe area before swimming. Also, if you are swimming with your fake mermaid tail, I would suggest having someone watch over you, just to make sure nothing bad happens. A dead human would not make a very good mermaid!
Alright, now that you've got the two most important things all out of the way, its time for you to actually start M-flaring! While you can do small M-Flares anywhere, I would suggest setting a day aside just to M-Flare. You won't be like that all day long, but it would be a day to be... especially mermaid-like. For instance, that morning, you would wake up... and instead of taking a shower, you could take a bath and light a candle. Or, you could take a shower and use some body wash that reminds you of the ocean. While getting ready for the day, you could put on some water proof make up that makes you look like a mermaid... in your view at least. Do your hair with beach waves, or strait. Just have fun with it, there is not right or wrong! You could wear shells, and the color of your tail with a bathing suit underneath. For breakfast lunch and dinner, you could adjust your diet to that of a mermaids... (whatever you think a mermaid's diet would be! My ideas and thoughts are in the Tips and Ideas section!). Just spend the whole day in a bit of a mermaid daze. Then, when the time comes for you to actually M-Flare, you'll already be halfway there.
So, I would begin in an area that you can sit or even lay down in the water without the water going into your nose, mouth, or eyes. Close your eyes and completely relax. Let the water wash over you, in your physical body. Feel the spirit of the ocean... the spirit of the mermaid washing over with every wave. Let the water draw this mermaid part of you out from your soul, and into your mind. Let your human mind go blank, and let mermaid thoughts and feels sweep through you. Don't worry, you still think, and you'll still need to breath air, and you won't lose yourself. Just change your mind into that of a mermaid. Feel a mermaids cravings, her instincts and thoughts. Finally, get up, and letting the mermaid part of you move you, slip into the water and swim. Remember, you are not swimming like a human. You are using your legs to kick up and down, and you are gracefully rolling through the water. Open your eyes if you can and look around. If you are in a swimming pool, open your eyes and imagine that right before you is coral,or sea weed, or the mucky bottom of a lake. Do not swim at the surface, but go down into the water. Don't worry about breathing; your body will bring you back to the surface and you won't drown. Likewise, don't try to push yourself too much with holding your breath. Just let your body do what it needs to do. I've actually found that in this state, sometimes your lungs won't start to hurt... they won't tell you that you desperately need to breath or anything. You just sit there wondering when you're going to need to come up for air, which usually happens after a while, but it also lets you hold your breath longer. Anyway, just try to enjoy yourself in this state. Be how you think a mermaid would be, in an out of the water. You should come out of your M-Flare feeling whole and connected to your other self.
Have fun!
Physical Shifting
A physical shift, is physically shifting into a mermaid. This method of shifting takes the most practice, but with a little effort you can do it. The hardest part about shifting is calling your mermaid form out. You can't have any doubt when doing this. Because if you do, the tail will not come out.
The easiest way to accomplish P-shifting is to have the F-shift, and the M-shift down to a T. Meaning you have to know exactly what your shifting for. Having a clear image of your tail in your head always helps. Also, you may want to be wet when doing this, and be in a quiet space where nothing will bother you. Below I have listed many shifting methods you can use, all from different people, you can try each one out so you know which one works best for you. Physical shifting takes multiple tries, so don't get upset if it doesn't work the first time.
Method 1 is about visualization. First, get comfy and relaxed from head to toe. Remember not to wear pants, considering it stops the shifting process, and they may rip. So if you aren't comfortable being naked, wear a big shirt. You can also use candles, and music that reminds you of mermaids. My personal favorite is "Beyond the Sea" by Celtic Woman. Next, close your eyes and start focusing on your energy from the top of your head, to the tips of your toes. See in your head your fluke forming to your desire. At this point you may feel some pain at your feet, toes, and ankles. Keep visualizing the pain as your mermaid self becomes physically tangable, physically real. Visualize your mermaid self coming out of your body, and becoming real. Do this SLOWLY and do not rush.
This quote is from KissingMidnight, who was one of the first online mermaids proven to be real.
"...I focused on the sun going down, and I imagined the day time as me, the light part of me that’s mundane, and logical. And then I imagined the night as the ocean and mermaids, magick and things not seen or understood. As the sun was setting, I finally shifted into my true mermaid form. It felt weird at first, but at the same time it felt like stretching a sore muscle. So it was a little painful, but the good kind of pain...."
1.the legs join together and may or may not elongate. spine elongates into tail and feet become flukes. and any additional fins will form out of skin and tissue(s).
2. the skin tone begins to change(possibly. depends on person) and a smooth dolphin like skin covers the tail(from apendix down). then the scales, in the proper colours, begin to form on the areas you wish(from apendix down).
3. gills form(possibly. depends on person) and lungs become similar to a dolphins(so you can hold breath longer & possibly. depends on person).
4.webbed hands and any fins on arms form(possibly. depends on person).
5. all things that are on neck and head form and the mental parts of the mermaid really set in(instinct, behaivor, and all).
I hope this helps some of y'all on your mermaid journey - IRLseadragon
#270 - Icy's Shifting handbook
So, just to help you if you wanted some more shifting info, here is all the info I have collected and written on shifting:
First off, I would like you to know that I have only fully shifted around two times, but I have done some in between things. I, and I have discussed the same thing with another member, like to think the mantra "I'm a wolf" now and then while P-Shifting. You have to be fully relaxed. Some of the pack members says being in water helps. Don't tense up. Imagine your self shifting, and really feel all the details. M-Shift before you P-Shift. It doesn't take just one night, practice and belief make perfect. If you feel you are upon a shift, DON'T QUIT. On one of my very first nights of practicing, I actually got really far! But I was thinking 'Oh, I can do it tomorrow! Heck, I have my whole life!" because the feeling really is shocking, and quit frightening. Since then, it has been very, very hard to get back to that state and I regret not continuing. If you get to a black, empty, float-y feeling, and your numb-ish, that's good. You might feel your thoughts slipping away and feeling very distant. It's a scary feeling. Urge that feeling. That is your humanity leaving. And I do recommend to urge any sensations, numbness, and even, pain. One way to know your on the right track is if you feel sore or start to twitch a lot. Those are beginning results. Also, if you feel this prickly "layer" between the sheets, bed, whatever your laying on, your getting the results of fur, which is very good. Really, I am hoping for the handbook soon from Blaze. He has pages of information, all the information we'll ever need to complete a shift, he says. But whenever we ask, he disappears, I guess. I hope he sends it out soon. You have to believe 12536647567567% and more. If you don't, you won't. Basically all the methods on the other sites are good, but I will try to help you out.
You'll have to have a good sense of visualization and mental concentration. Remember, don't get distracted, concentrate, believe, yes, it is to good- but it is true. Just keep M-Shifting, and get into that mindset before you attempt a shift. It will help. Be fully relaxed in a calm, dark place. Become relaxed. Once you are all comfy, don't move. Freeze. Become numb. Concentrate on your wolf self and the feel of it. Imagine your body clay, and you mold yourself into a wolf. Feel the pain. Encourage any pain, twitches, numbness, or sensations. Even dizziness. You might feel sudden snaps in some places of your body where bones are; your spine, neck, legs. Imagine, feel, a throbbing ball of energy in your chest that spreads through your whole body, transforming yourself into a wolf. Draw and write every detail of your wolf self, too. On one of my first tries I got here, and I freaked. I was scared and excited times ten. I thought, well, I have my whole life to do that again and I'll just think it over for now. So I was so happy I almost shifted, but then it took me forever to get back there. So if you get somewhere, don't procrastinate, don't panic, don't back out. Do it. Keep going. It will all work out and the results will change your life.
Vital notes: On the front paws, there is four toes. Then there is sorta a thumb, then a dew claw. On the back paws, there is only four toes. We have five fingers; poof goes your pinkie toe. Feel fur immensely. become Inspired. Don't give up. Believe, Believe, Believe, Believe, Believe,Believe,Believe.
As I say, dear moon, belief is key.
To M-Shift, imagine you are a wolf. Don't look AT the wolf, look THROUGH
the wolf, like you are the wolf looking through the eyes of it. Because, technically, you were, have, and will always have been this wolf, it is you. So imagine doing things as the wolf. Feel as if you are running on four legs, on the toes. Most animals walk on tiptoe, especially feline, canine, and equine creatures. See in duller color, and basically in green, red, and other basic tones. Or you don't have too- when I started to M-Shift I made it in full color. Smell and see better. Hunt, find others, run, sleep, do whatever. In my M-Shift I had a place where I went, and it just appeared. Like I didn't at all think about what it looked like, it just came at ease. Same with another thing- Once, in a field of tall yellow grass, I spied this odd looking creature- sorta saber tooth tiger-ish. I didn't make it up- it just appeared. I frightened me, but I believe in spirit guides and such, so one day I approached it in my M-Shift, and asked it for help in P-Shifting. I connected the way one would connect with another to speak telepathically...But no help so far, but I got some more realistic results on my P-Shifts. I found it actually, after my first shift, so it might've helped with the second.
So as you can see, M-Shifting opens a whole new world. Once while laying next to my sister (who does not know anything about werewolves or my wolf experiences), and I was M-Shifting. In the M-Shift I was snapping at a butterfly (embarrassingly enough) and I started to unconsciously started to growl. In the M-Shift on purpose, but it also showed through to my physical self.
p-Shifting is when you attempt to transform into a wolf. You imagine yourself turning, etc.
Another little thing to remember is (this is true though) P-Shift stands for Physical/Physically Shifting, and M-Shifting stands for Mental/Mentally Shifting. I'm not sure about Native American heritage influencing the werewolf-ness or not, but I do have Cherokee and a large bit of Black Foot (I look nothing like it) and others of the pack have Native American in them too.
5. The shift is very shocking, frightening, wonderful, a pain that is not very painful, just sort of "stretchy" (only on first time, and then it decreases- well, on my first time it was medium-like, and then on my second (my most recent shift) it had decreased. I haven't felt that much pain in half shifts or such, just sore later on.
It's sorta numbing, and you feel like you yourself are floating as a tiny cell within your whole body, swimming in blackness. Then there's this sort of high rush, and your thoughts start to slip and become distant and mutilated (seriously- as I concentrate on my wolf self in this state the picture starts to stretch, become bigger, etc, it's freaky.) You'll feel clicks and snaps in your bones, and you feel this rush of different things- smells, feelings, etc- and then the shift completes, your bones snap into place, you feel the layer of fur, you think differently, you sense differently, your body is shaped different. When I first shifted it was probably 3 in the morning, so I had to really hold my self back. It is so happy. So wonderful- it feels like you've accomplished all in life you need to be happy. I really wanted to try myself out, but I had to wait till I could be alone during the day. Yes, I was quit colorblind, but I could see, smell, hear, etc exceptionally well. It was so extraordinary, and hard to explain, see. By time it was probably 5:30 Am I curled up, thinking human thoughts (reluctantly) and fell asleep thinking them. In the morning,poof, I was a girl again. I was so happy.
On my second time, I was able to go outside. Mmm, amazing! After (embarrassingly) 4 tries, I was finally able to catch a rabbit. It tasted so good! It really is a high, being a wolf. I can't wait to succeed it again. =)
Here is ALL the info I have collected. I have emailed to many people asking for help, and I decided to go and put it all together. If you have comments on any of this, fine, just please don't make them savage. I'm fine with constructive criticism, but no cussing or attacking verbally or whatever please. If you don't believe in P-Shifting then don't even consider commenting, please. This is for the members that are genuinely serious. Enjoy!
This is gathered from different sites and guides and i tried to pull only the most important things so you don't have to search for other guides i hope it helps!