2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Bless Water ( For Power Of Life )
- Lung Cleanse ( Better Meditation )
- Basic Sleep
- Vampire
- Fairy
- Flying (No Wings)
- Solar Eclipse: Strengthen Personal Energy
- Aura DNA Reconstruction
- Successful Surgery
- Wolf shift
#401 - Bless Water ( For Power Of Life )
"I call upon the gods and goddesses that bless me with having this water to nurture my body. Fill me with blood and life, Please Heed my message to you transform my life into something new, bright and wonderful. May this water be holy, blessed. In the name of my holy gods and goddesses. I thank this wonder water for being in my life. It's a miracle of my will. It will happen instantly, so it be!"
Then drink your newly blessed, fresh water and enjoy !
Last edited on Mar 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#402 - Lung Cleanse ( Better Meditation )
Fill your coffee mug, with water; works best with spring water. Heat the water until nice and hot. Take a tablespoon of the dried thyme leaves, and add them to the hot water. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Drink the water and leaves together. For best results for better breathing, drink once a day for 7 days. Repeat as needed every other week.
Last edited on Mar 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#403 - Basic Sleep
Lay down make sure your concentrated and relaxed. Take a deep breath, them another. Chant three times or as long as you feel neascacry
"Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease"
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#404 - Vampire
So get a cup of water. Put the piece of jewelry in it. And then light your candles. But only one or you will become crazy. Then put your charm in the water. Then say...
"Vampire please let me be one of you. Give me sharp fangs. And pale skin. I will have brick hard skin. When I burn in sunlight I will die. I will suck human or animal blood as I please."
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#405 - Fairy
Put petals under pillow. Every morning take 1 out. And on the seventh day, wear the outfit you want to transform in and say...
"Fairies please make me have wings and a cute outfit. Make me small rather than tall. Please let me be what I want."
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#406 - Flying (No Wings)
First light the candle. Then put the feather in the candle. And say this spell 1 time only one!
"God and goddess please let me fly as I want to. I will fly to any place any time. I will do good with this power and if I do evil I will not fly. Please make my wish come true. So mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#407 - Solar Eclipse: Strengthen Personal Energy
Total Solar Eclipses last only a few minutes! Plan wisely.
Before the eclipse starts if you don't feel comfortable sitting or laying on the ground outside, put out your lawn chair, towel, or blanket to sit or lay down on. Arrange your chakra crystals, candles, or incense the way you want them around you. Light your candles or incense and play the music you use to meditate with. Anything you find necessary to get comfortable, do so.
Relax yourself to a comfortable position and begin meditating. Avoid other movements or distractions. Begin to focus on the natural sounds around you or the sound of your music. Focus on your breathing, taking deep slow breaths.
When the eclipse begins, visualize the power of the cosmic energies flowing into your body. Imagine it connecting to each of your chakras, your hands, and your feet. Conceptualize it as if it was a fire or lava flowing through you like a liquid, or going deep into your blood and bones. Hold on to the energy and let it soak. Feel the balance of Masculine and Feminine energies from the sun and moon inside of yourself.
As the eclipse ends, calmly go through the steps to come out of your state and collect anything you brought outside with you. Make sure to leave nature as it was before you arrived.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#408 - Aura DNA Reconstruction
You must be able to see your power, to read your aura. And to control it as illustrated in colors of power. Read it, charge it, use it to mutate your blood to change at this point to any preference.... even wings. Claws, poison nails, compete poison. Poison to ones that eat you is good for mosquitos, they die. Make your self acidic, fends off sickness. Be sure to prepare your body for acidic when you think. It could cancer if you don't. Change your self enough you could even change the material of your bones(note recommended for uneducated on bones). Use the Colors of Power ( the aura) to make PSI balls from the surroundings to power your self thus power to the aura. Once made push it into your chest, that chakra best absorbs energy. And the chakras power the aura. This can be cought on night vision cameras but it won't look the same. Mutate your self, use the throat chakra. Chanting what you want is a very powerful way to change things. Tip: If you mutate you thoat chakra really powerful, you can shadder windows at your command with lots of time for the changes to take place even months, the very sparkles of your aura is the key to super powers if you think it through enough.
#409 - Successful Surgery
This spell will work if you are very desperate for it to happen
After that lit the candle and meditate thinking about how happy and healthy (name) is going to be after surgery.
Drip exactly three drops of wax on the paper and store safely or else something bad is going to happen to that friend/family
#410 - Wolf shift
Tell me the results have not done it yet but my friend has just want to see if results are different.