2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Shun pain
- To make your hair grow longer
- Multi Purpose
- Mermaid/Merman Spell
- Cleansing Spell
- Special Dingo shifting spell
- Werewolf Bite
- Change into the opposite sex
- Initiation into a coven ritual-IMPORTANT TO JOIN A COVEN
- Knowledge
#431 - Shun pain
This works best in combat situations, if the spell fails you are at least likely to confuse your assailant. Also saying it with passion improves the effectiveness of the spell.
#432 - To make your hair grow longer
2. Then with the other hand hold the part where you would like your hair to grow
3. Say this: make this hair flow like a river make it grow faster and quicker, this is my will so mote it be
4. Then put the piece of your hair in your locket and keep saying this for a couple of weeks then hopefully your hair should be long
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#433 - Multi Purpose
In bucket of water add lime juice and salt mix it well until the salt dissolves, and then take bath with that water and see results. Do it twice a week.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#434 - Mermaid/Merman Spell
Legs no more, tail forever. Scales the color of (the tail color you want), hair of silk. Voice of power, I chant at this hour. Connect me to the water, give me my power(s). Take away my legs, when I'm in water. Make me more than a human being, give me the powers of the sea. Make me a mermaid, so mote it be.
You will fully get your powers and tail exactly 24 hours later. After you are done chanting put you necklace on and don't EVER take it off or you will not be a mermaid anymore. You will get the powers of hydrokinesis, hydro-cryokinesis, hydro-thermokinesis, gelidkinesis, and substanciakinesis. There will be side affects such as seeing imprints of scales, headaches, red bumps on legs, salt or water craving, being attracted to the moon or water. On a full moon, stay indoors because the moon can make mermaids have uncontrollable powers. If you do the spell with other people, then the powers will be distributed among the people equally.
Last edited on Apr 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#435 - Cleansing Spell
Imagine this peace as an energy inside of you, and imagine it spreading across the area, cleaning it. It will wipe away dirt, and dust. Imagine it spreading even into the darkest of shadows and smallest corners, purifying each with your peaceful and pure energy until the area is entirely cleansed.
When you are finished, open your eyes with the mindset that the area has been cleansed effectively. It should feel brighter. If you are using candles, blow them all out before exiting the circle.
This spell may need to be repeated every now and then because as people enter the area, they bring their own energy with them, and they often leave some behind as they leave. Repeat this spell as often as you feel you need to or whenever you feel uncomfortable in this space. Blessed be.
#436 - Special Dingo shifting spell
In the sandy desert where four paw tracks lay, a shaggy dingo comes to play, the golden fur coloured like the desert sand, eyes like the brown mud around the water hole, with no bark, with no aggression i shall live in peace with humans, i shall only eat kangaroos, with the power to shift into a dingo and back at will, i will prevent myself from being killed, devour my soul with a dingo soul and let me rain as the dingo i become, SO MOTE IT BE!
side effects
please mail me side effects
#437 - Werewolf Bite
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#438 - Change into the opposite sex
2. Look at the candle flame and imagine your form.
3. With the pen/pencil, write on one of the sheets of paper all the properties you want to have as the opposite sex.
4. Fold the paper in half and put it under your pillow.
5. Colour one side of the paper in one colour (it can be a scribble, as long as it goes over the full length of the page) and the other in the other colour.
6. Fold the paper in half so the side that is coloured in the colour that represents the opposite sex is on the outside.
7. Hold the paper close to your face and say these words:
''I wish to become the opposite sex,
It is who I am meant to be,
Be fair to me, life, do not punish me with my unwilled body,
Make me what I feel is right.''
8. Put that paper under your pillow.
9. Try to picture your form while falling asleep. You should have dreams about that form the night/nights before you become it. In 1-5 nights, you should wake up in that form. This may not work the first time, so have belief in the spell and be patient. Message me with any questions ^w^
#439 - Initiation into a coven ritual-IMPORTANT TO JOIN A COVEN
Preistess mus be holding a dagger to joinging member and chant
Who comes before the circle?
Who wished to gain entrance at the gate?
By what name are you called
_____(person says name)
Know the this that it would be far better to plunge yourself onto my dagger than to enter the circle with fear in your heart
-they then reply with
perfect peace and perfect love
then whe preistes would say
all who bring such words are welcome, blessed be your fee which have brought you this way blessed be your oins that bear the fruit of the future blesse be your breast that nourish the young, blessed be your lips that will speak the words of magik wisdom blessed be the preistess ______(persons name) and witch here are the tools of the craft and remember this thou must suffer to learn. welcome ____ preist and witch.
please take care whomever is performing this ritual and DO NOT stab the person whom you are welcoming into your coven it is a light press to the bottom of the throught, make sure you do not move
if you have any other question please mail me as I have the copy of the book of shadows and I will gladly answer any questions you may have
Last edited on Apr 11, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#440 - Knowledge
"I call on you, Djinn.
Djinn, I'm calling you to give me the knowledge of all sorts.
Be blessed, this is my will.
So mote it be."
Say it 3 times.
Last edited on Jun 26, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.