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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. To Soften a Heart
  2. Turn into a Creature
  3. Earthen Rage
  4. Make a Wand
  5. Vampire Charm
  6. Cure a Stomach Ache
  7. Relaxation Spiritual Healing Oil
  8. Sleep Tight
  9. Necromantic Meditation
  10. Body Change

#2261 - To Soften a Heart

The following is a spell that is also likely to be used by teens. This spell soften the heart of the person that is cast on. May be a teacher or a parent or a boss!
You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • Blue Pen
  • 10 cm x 10 cm paper
  • green leaves
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    You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • Blue Pen
  • 10 cm x 10 cm paper
  • green leaves
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    Write name of person to soften in paper, in capital letters, using blue pen and cross it with a pentacle
    On the other side of the paper write the following words using a red pen and encircle them with a heart:



    Place the leaves on the side with the heart and fold paper four times. Don't let the leaves fall. Place paper on your heart, say:

    MAY THIS GIFTS FILL YOUR HEART (name of person to soften)




    Keep paper near heart for the rest of the day. In the night place paper in a park or your garden.

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    #2262 - Turn into a Creature

    Basically this spell will turn you into any creature you wish.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pencil or pen
  • Something sharp
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 pencil or pen
  • Something sharp
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    First make sure you know what you want to turn into. Because if you decide you dont like it after you change there is nothing you can do. Until I can make a strong enough reversal spell. Light the candles.

    Next take the piece of paper and head it with the creature you want. On the lines below list the characteristics you would like to have as this creature ex* super speed, strength, beauty.

    Then write this spell towards the bottom of the page."Witch goddess Hecate hear my plea. Turn me into the creature i wish to be and in return I will spill my blood upon these candles. But also you can take something dear from me. And in this time I am indebted to you. Please take this offering and turn me into this creature so mote it be".

    Then make sure this is what you want one last time.Then recite the spell out loud.Then after words take the blade knife or w/e and cut yourself somewhere so you can spill the blood on both candles in the flame as an offering to Hecate.

    Then blow out the candles and your done.

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    #2263 - Earthen Rage

    To gain strength from Earth
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Flex and tighten your body.While chanting,imagine earth energy coming to you,

    "Earthen rage give me might, Earthen rage give me light, Earthen rage grant me the power, l end me it for half an hour, so mote it be."

    Also please post Earth spells for public because there are very few and I, and maybe others plan to be Earth mages.Thank you.

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    #2264 - Make a Wand

    Make a wand to make your spells more powerful, and quick.
    You may need:

  • 1 branch, length of about from your elbow to your middle Finger/Pinkie
  • Carving knife
  • Gem stone, amethyst, quartz, etc.
  • Your will
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    You may need:

  • 1 branch, length of about from your elbow to your middle Finger/Pinkie
  • Carving knife
  • Gem stone, amethyst, quartz, etc.
  • Your will
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    Choose a branch, preferably one of the size depicted. the branch can be of any tree, but you should do some research to find the one that would suit you best. remember to give the tree an offering.

    Begin to strip the bark. as you are doing this, pour some of your energy/ will into the branch and visualize the wand within.

    Measure the length of the handle. The handle should be left uncarved, but you may do so if you desire.

    Start wittling the rest of the wand to your desire, slowly start thinning the wand towards the tip.

    Carve the runes. you may use nordic, archaic, any sort, but my preference is rianar alferion.

    Implant the gem. Hollow a point and hold the gem to it. a simple application of will should be enough to ensure that it sticks and stays in place. If not, then use superglue or sealant of a sort, with your will poured into it.

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    #2265 - Vampire Charm

    A spell to bring Vampire-like Charm.
    You may need:

  • One Or Two Red Candles
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    You may need:

  • One Or Two Red Candles
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    Note: This spell will not make you a Vampire.
    You don't want to be a Vampire, Believe me.
    So don't cast this spell expecting to become a bloodsucker.

    For ages, Vampires have been known to be dangerous, mysterious, And sometimes even a bit of an outcast.
    But Vampire's always have ''this thing'' about them that makes them irresistible to Humans.
    They have a dark charm that makes mortals' heads spin.
    How else would they get so many donors?

    This spell will not make you a Vampire, but It will give you the charm of one.
    Now the results depends on how well you cast the spell and what kind of person you are.
    Don't cast this spell expecting to have guys/girls faint around you.
    It will mostly just make people like you and feel attracted to you for reasons they can't quite explain.

    If you have any questions, let me know.
    Feel free to tell me how the spell is working out for you when you cast it as well. =)

    Now onto the spell....

    Light the red Candle(s) and set them before you on your altar.
    Close your eyes and relax. Just relax and try to keep your mind focused.

    Imagine glowing red smoke coming from the candle(s) and surrounding you. Covering you completely.

    Repeat the following three times:

    ''Crimson Eyes
    Pale White Skin.
    Vampire Charm
    Draw you in.

    Razor Fangs
    Close your eyes
    May this charm
    never die.''

    Once you cast the spell and close your magickal circle.
    You will become irresistible to mortals

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    #2266 - Cure a Stomach Ache

    This spell is for cure a pain or an ache.(This spell was created by my mom.)
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Rub the place where the pain is, while saying:

    with a
    frogs tail,
    if it dosen't
    cure today,
    it cures

    Now wait for resaults.

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    #2267 - Relaxation Spiritual Healing Oil

    Does many Wonders for your body. Just put a few drops on whatever area of body and rub it in. I made it myself.
    You may need:

  • 2 year old Dried spearmint leave(s)
  • Eucaliptus
  • An oil base product
  • Water
  • Pan
  • Something to hold it in.
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    You may need:

  • 2 year old Dried spearmint leave(s)
  • Eucaliptus
  • An oil base product
  • Water
  • Pan
  • Something to hold it in.
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    First you'll need the above ingredients.

    Once gathered Fill the pan with a small amount of water depending on how much you plan on making. Mix the ingredients once th water begins to boil. Put in the herbs first and then the oil. Wait for it to get room temperature and add it to something to hold it in.

    I carry some of mine around in a necklace vial. Put some drops on skin and you'll feel amazing. Promise!

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    #2268 - Sleep Tight

    This is a spell not to put you to sleep, but to gift you a good night sleep. It is good if you stay up to late and have to wake up the next morning early and want not to be tired.
    You may need:

  • Nothing besides the intention of going to sleep.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing besides the intention of going to sleep.
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    You dont have to say it out loud but if you think it helps then say it out loud. But basically think/speak/chant these words as many times as you need to feel comfatorable.

    "Spirits of the night help me this week,
    Spirits of the night help me gain sleep."

    Imagine your self falling through reality and into sleep if you think that will help, into a complete heaven. Try not to move after casting the spell, it tends to make the trance like stage weaken.

    Signs that the spell worked is that your all your bodies tensions are relaxed and that your eyelids seam to heavy to stay awake.

    Remember to really believe that you are fading into sleep, this is not really adding hours to your sleep, but you will think it will.

    I garanty a better night sleep.

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    #2269 - Necromantic Meditation

    Just as the title says
    You may need:

  • A graveyard
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    You may need:

  • A graveyard
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    Just sit in a graveyard to any grave you like (Members of yours or not). Lie (you dont actually have to lie down, just sit in a meditative position) on the grass and rest like the dead (folded arms, only when you lie on the grass). Then meditate, and repeat this chant 5 times.

    "Welcome me, as I will welcome you, upon the Earth you onced lived,
    Accept my invatation and my thanks."

    Once you say that 5 times, not only do you feel welcome by the dead, but it respects them too.

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    #2270 - Body Change

    This spell will make changes to your body over time, though it will only work on one aspect at a tome.
    You may need:

  • full length mirror
  • quartz crystal
  • rocks, dirt, or earth symbol amulet
  • water
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    You may need:

  • full length mirror
  • quartz crystal
  • rocks, dirt, or earth symbol amulet
  • water
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    stand in front of a full length mirror, with a bowl of water and some symbol of the earth element directly between you and the mirror. place the earth element into the bowl of water (the earth element symbolizes the body, the water symbolizes the forces of change). hold the crystal in front of you while staring into the mirror, and channel your will through it to change your body. say ''as water shapes and changes the eternal earth, so shall my body be reshaped''. this spell cast regularly over a period of weeks will begin to change the aspect of your body you wish, but do not change it night to night, stay consistent until you have the results you want

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters