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2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2472 Beauty Spells
2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2472 Beauty Spells
  1. The Mental
  2. Protection
  3. Healing Spell
  4. Bless a Brush to Quicken Hair Growth
  5. The Magickal Witch
  6. Spirit Fusion
  7. Glamour
  8. Chant to Increase Confidence
  9. Fire Protection
  10. How to Clean a Candle.

#2281 - The Mental

This Spell is a mental spell with the intention of getting a certain somebody's attention. This isn't against anybody's freewill because this is just a Suggestion Spell rather than a controlling-the-situation-type Spell.
You may need:

  • Your Concentration
  • Your Mentality
  • Your Focus on your desired attender-to
  • Your Willpower
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    You may need:

  • Your Concentration
  • Your Mentality
  • Your Focus on your desired attender-to
  • Your Willpower
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    1.) Focus your own attention on the individual whose attention you wish to grab.

    2.) Mentally repeat this Spell:

    "Within my mind I say this Spell, To make it clear that I date well. Follow me, talk to me, ask my name; Do something to show that you are game."

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    #2282 - Protection

    A protection spell that protects you and your friend pysicaly and emotionally.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • A dark colored pen
  • Red or white candle
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • A dark colored pen
  • Red or white candle
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    Take the piece of paper and use the pen to draw a pentagram on it. Light the red or white candle and place it within the middle of the pentagram. Focus hard on your power as you hold one hand above the flame. Chant: "Give protection to thy friend, (name of person). So mote it be".

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    #2283 - Healing Spell

    Short and simple Healing Spell
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Energy (from the Earth)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Energy (from the Earth)
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    Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Absorb the energy from the Earth (You can do this by imagining roots sprouting from your body and going into the Earth, sucking white light into your body.) After you are full of energy and power, relax your mind and slip into a meditative state. In your mind's eye, imagine whoever you want to heal in the state that they are currently in. This could be yourself, your friend, etc. Now, imagine the white light or energy covering them and healing him. This process could take hours or it could take minutes; it all depends on the practitioner. After they are completely healed, say, ''As I will it, so mote it be.'' The spell is finished.

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    #2284 - Bless a Brush to Quicken Hair Growth

    Follow this ritual to bless a brush. Using this brush will help quicken the growth of your hair!
    You may need:

  • One brush
  • One rose (any color)
  • A large bowl of water
  • Salt (Used for purification)
  • One Candle
  • A cup of earth
  • A feather
  • Olive oil
  • Objects to symbolize each of the elements when casting
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    You may need:

  • One brush
  • One rose (any color)
  • A large bowl of water
  • Salt (Used for purification)
  • One Candle
  • A cup of earth
  • A feather
  • Olive oil
  • Objects to symbolize each of the elements when casting
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    First, cast your circle (If you do not know how to do this, then Google "How to cast a circle." It's pretty simple.) Make sure your circle is purified and then call in the elements. Now, please dip your hand in the olive oil and begin anointing your candle with it. As you anoint it, imagine your hair growing to your desired length. Do not skip this part. Visualization is vital in spell-casting.

    When you have anointed all of the candle, light it. Then, take the bowl of water and sprinkle some salt in it, saying, "With this salt, I purify this water. May this water bless all it touches and may it fulfill my desires." Dip your hands in the water and sweep them over your hair, dampening it. Now, take the rose and hold it up, saying, "Oh, Goddess Aphrodite. Goddess of Beauty and Love, please help me to grow my hair to its desired length. Please bless me and this symbol with your infinite love, desire, and beauty."

    Drop the rose into the water. You can either drop it in whole or you can take off the petals and sprinkle them in. Whatever works best for you is fine. When you are finished with this, pick up your cup of earth and pour it into the cup, mixing it diesel (clock-wise) with your power hand (whatever hand you write with). As you stir it, say, "May the Mother Goddess bless this water and bring to me the beauty that she has created on this earth. May she fulfill my desires."

    Now, take the feather and drop it into the water. Say, "May the winds bless this water and bring to me all that I desire. Please, let my hair grow to its desired length." Next, take the candle and drop it into the water, letting the liquid put out its flame. Say, "Fire that burns with beauty and brightness, fulfill my desires and make my hair grow longer." Now, last but not least, drop the brush into the water while saying, "Let this brush absorb the energy of the elements and the blessings of the Goddesses. May my hair grow longer. As I will it, so mote it be."

    Hold both of your hands over the mixture and imagine a light of energy pouring into the water, coming from your hands. You can summon this energy by imagining roots sprouting from your body and going into the earth, pulling the energy up and then traveling through your body and into the water. Your body will act as a vessel. Do this for a few minutes. After, pull out the brush and brush it through your hair as many times as you can. This process differs from person to person. Some might have to brush loner than others. Just brush as long as it feels right to.

    After you have brushed your hair, sit it on your dresser and every night before bed until the moon is once again full, brush you hair with it. After the spell, close your circle and wash your hair with the remaining mixture. It will be muddy ad gross, but it will be worth it, I promise. Good luck casting your spell :)

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    #2285 - The Magickal Witch

    A magic spell to enhance power
    You may need:

  • Wand or Athame
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    You may need:

  • Wand or Athame
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    Point your wand to the air around your head and walk around in a circle, chanting:

    ''I am a Witch, and the air around me is magickal.''

    Stop walking and point the wand at your eyes, touch each eye with the tip. say:

    ''I am a Witch, and everything I see is magickal.''

    Point your wand at your mouth and tap your lips, saying:

    ''I am a Witch, and everything I breathe is magickal.''

    Now point the wand at your heart, imagine a glowing pink or purple light glowing into your chest, say:

    ''I am a Witch, And I am Magickal.''

    Do not abuse your power.

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    #2286 - Spirit Fusion

    This is a technique used to fuse with a spirit but as a firm suggestion, you should use your guardian spirit or totem.
    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Your Guardian spirit who is willing (spirit partner, totem spirit, ect.)
  • A Clear Mind and Soul
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Your Guardian spirit who is willing (spirit partner, totem spirit, ect.)
  • A Clear Mind and Soul
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    To Fuse with your selected spirit, Hold your hand out to them with all of your energy focused on the center point of your palm. When you feel a tremendous increase in the energy focused in your palm, bring your hand to your mouth and in one long breath inhale the energy. You should feel it course through you. Then close your eyes and let go of half of your being. The spirit will come over that half. Then merge once again with the other half of your being. Once you open your eyes you will fell a strong force exerting from you. You have completed a fusion.

    While in a fusion, you will take on characteristics of said spirit, usually in behavior but over time you may subconsciously change yourself to better suit the spirit your fusing with. For Example, my partner is a tiger spirit and I keep long nails and eat mostly meats.

    Now, defusing with the spirit is simple. There are two methods. One, Force the spirit out of your contentiousness and exhale it out. Two, Relax and let go, and the spirit will leave in time.

    1-This may NOT work for every person, especially the first time.
    2-Letting a spirit hold more than half of your contentiousness is dangerous and can potentially rip you out of your body or destroy your body.
    3-Be EXTREMELY selective in your choice in spirit. Once again, I suggest using your guardian or totem.

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    #2287 - Glamour

    This spell can change your eye or hair color.
    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Flower
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Flower
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    Light the candle and chant: "This is to feel, this it to be. Form and shape for all to see. By the power of three time three, this is my will so mote it be".

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    #2288 - Chant to Increase Confidence

    A small chant to boost your self confidence.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following: "Gods and Goddesses, I call upon thee to lend me courage and bravery. I am daring, dashing and cool. My spirit is unbreakable, resolution untakeable. With courage of a lion, I become, there's nothing I cannot overcome".

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    #2289 - Fire Protection

    This will stop all fire from touching you.
    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
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    Light the candles and chant, "Power of three, give to me fire invincibility. So mote it be" three times. Snuff out the candles with your hand.

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    #2290 - How to Clean a Candle.

    Follow this guide and your candles will be shiny and beautiful.
    You may need:

  • Rubbing alchohol
  • Candles
  • Cotton
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    You may need:

  • Rubbing alchohol
  • Candles
  • Cotton
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    Get your cotton wool and apply the Alcohol on it. Gently rub the on your candles and do it smoothly, you will notice a difference the candles will be shiny and beautifull.Dont rub too hard and don't polish too often or you will loose the shape of your candle and also the wax.

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    2472 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters