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2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

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2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2471 Beauty Spells
  1. Shapeshift into anything!!!!
  2. Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.
  3. Hydrokenesis
  4. Cat Instincts
  5. Reject Negative Energy
  6. Clear Skin
  7. Black Cat Spell
  9. Prayer of the Deadly Sins
  10. Circle's Werewolf Spell

#451 - Shapeshift into anything!!!!

This spell will allow you to shape shift into anything or person or your most desired look but you can't shapeshift into mythical creatures.please message me if this works for you.
You may need:

  • Yourself voice energy (belief) 5 white candles (0ptionale) but will give the spell more power highly recommended.if you don't have candles find something from outside like leaves and place it around you if it dosn't work try try try again please leave me positive messages if you have any concerns or questions thank you
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    You may need:

  • Yourself voice energy (belief) 5 white candles (0ptionale) but will give the spell more power highly recommended.if you don't have candles find something from outside like leaves and place it around you if it dosn't work try try try again please leave me positive messages if you have any concerns or questions thank you
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    Say 1x After saying spell chant ''by the powers of three mote it be'' ''then blow out the candles One at at time in clockwise rotation they need to be in a circle around you if you choose to use candles be careful ''I call upon the gods to give me the ability to shapeshifte into anything I want whenever I want this is my will so mote it be!'' Spell can be said anytime of day outside or inside.make sure you are alone do not rush spell and try not to put much thought on it and focuse on the outcome of what you want out of this spell dont doubt it ether.after a few hours try to shape shift!!!!

    Added to on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #452 - Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.

    This is quick and easy, and works 100%. I've done this many times, and I assure you it really works! Easy way to fill yourself with positivity and energy.
    You may need:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
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    You may need:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
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    Imagine yourself as a catipillar in a cocoon.
    Place your hands in a fist above your head, and make a downward ripping motion, like you are ripping off the cocoon.
    While you are doing this, chant: (for a rainy day)
    ''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the rain falls on this day, I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.
    For a non-rainy day, chant:
    ''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the sun shines, wind blows, and clouds roll,I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.

    Remember: Do the actions while you chant. Good luck, and blessed be!

    Added to on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #453 - Hydrokenesis

    A spell that gives you the ability to control water.
    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Bath/Shower
  • Concentration
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Bath/Shower
  • Concentration
  • Belief
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    Enter the bath/shower. Try to focus of one sound, whether it be the hum of the fan or the swishing of the water. Once your attention is on the sound, close your eyes and submerge as much of your body as you can in the water. Now, focus on the feel of the water. If you are in a shower, focus on how the stream relaxes you until you can no longer feel it. Similarly, if you're in a bath, focus on the warmth of the water and allow your arms to rest in the middle of the water. Now, once your body feels numb, imagine exactly what you want the water to do. Is it forming shapes? Is it parting down the center? Are small waves coming to life? Focus all your energy on visualizing this scene.

    Once you have the scene visualized, chant this spell as many times as you need until you feel energy entering your body:

    "Ancient spirits of the sea, let your powers come to me. Hydrokenetic manipulation will go as far as my imagination. As the energy pulses throughout my veins, I'll manipulate water until I feel pains. I call upon thee, so mote it be."

    Added to on May 01, 2017
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #454 - Cat Instincts

    A spell to become more like a cat,
    You may need:

  • A pice of white or brown paper (preferred to be brown)
  • Brown candle
  • Cat hair (optional)
  • Pencil or pen
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    You may need:

  • A pice of white or brown paper (preferred to be brown)
  • Brown candle
  • Cat hair (optional)
  • Pencil or pen
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    "The mother of cats
    Let me have the instincts of a cat,
    Let me be the hunter of lair rats.

    Let me have the will of determination,
    And let me have the instincts of your cat creation,

    The sharpness of the claws,
    The un dieing glow of the eyes,
    The clarity of the ears,
    The flexibility of the spine, that never fails time apoun time.

    Let me run freely with my new found paws,
    And let us open new doors, and leave old doors closed.
    Let me run freely with my new found cat brother's and sisters,

    Thank you mother of cats, so as I say, mote it be!"

    Write this on a piece of white or brown paper, fashion it in to a orogami cat or draw a symbol of a cat on the back, and then burn it into a brown candle and focus on what you can achieve with this gift such as power and happiness.

    (Burn it with cat hair it is optional)

    Just saying this was all created by me if you wish to repost please credit me :) also please mail me and see if it works.

    Added to on Apr 30, 2017
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #455 - Reject Negative Energy

    This spell is designed to help rid the body of negative energy which will restore the body to its natural state. By using this spell, you will feel much more relaxed and feel energized. Only use 1-2 times a week as can cause headaches.
    You may need:

  • A quiet surrounding.
  • Yourself.
  • Tank top and shorts as it will get a little messy.
  • A rug or something else to protect floor from staining.
  • A light colored soft towel and white washcloth.
  • A soft sponge.
  • Jewelry.
  • Frankincense, preferably, or any other incense works fine.
  • Lighter or some matches.
  • Three small bowls.
  • Pebbles or anything to keep incense stick in place.
  • Purified water.
  • Fresh rose petals, preferably light.
  • Natural oil, preferably rose and peppermint.
  • Belief.
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    You may need:

  • A quiet surrounding.
  • Yourself.
  • Tank top and shorts as it will get a little messy.
  • A rug or something else to protect floor from staining.
  • A light colored soft towel and white washcloth.
  • A soft sponge.
  • Jewelry.
  • Frankincense, preferably, or any other incense works fine.
  • Lighter or some matches.
  • Three small bowls.
  • Pebbles or anything to keep incense stick in place.
  • Purified water.
  • Fresh rose petals, preferably light.
  • Natural oil, preferably rose and peppermint.
  • Belief.
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    Go to a room.

    Shut the door as negative energy will roam the living space, and that's not wanted.

    Change into tank top and shorts.

    Place rug into the spot where you will sit.

    Light the incense stick.

    Place into bowl of chosen stick holder.

    Take the other bowl and fill halfway with natural oil, and mix well.

    Place some rose petals in the bowl of oil.

    Take the final bowl and pour purified water into it.

    Dip the washcloth into water and proceed to ''wash your body'', so it can be free of dirt.

    Take towel and lightly dab at skin to dry water off.

    Use the final washcloth to dip in oil with petals.

    Smooth oil onto skin.

    If some petals get stuck, leave them as they will be washed off later.

    When finished, begin to meditate, closing your eyes, not thinking of anything.

    While meditating, pretend that there is light in a far corner.

    Use a hand to grab the light.

    If you feel the light warming your hand, you're doing well.

    Next, imagine the light engulfing you, filling you with warm ness.

    Feel yourself growing more relaxed as you feel the light and smell the incense.

    Imagine the light eating all the bad energy, imagine the negative energy being expelled.

    Let the light stay in you.

    Focus on the light for a little more.

    Slowly open your eyes and you should feel comfortable and at peace.

    Stay seated on the rug for a while longer, letting your skin absorb the oil.

    Take the jewelry and place into cup of oil.

    Take out and put it on.

    Proceed to clean up.

    Put old cloths into the washer, all dirty clothes will also be put to wash.

    Take a shower, cleaning yourself of oil and rose petals.

    Throw away rose petals.

    Use a clean towel to dry off skin.

    Dry off your hair and sleep.

    When you wake, you will feel at rest although there are many problems in your life.

    Over the next few days, place incense sticks all over your living space to get rid of lingering negative energy.

    As long as the incense lets off the smell, there will be peace.

    Perform this ritual 1-2 times a week max to prevent any headaches.

    If you felt headaches or any not well symptoms, do not perform this ritual unless you are well and have eaten healthy and until you slept well.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please tell.

    Added to on Apr 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #456 - Clear Skin

    This spell uses basic magick ingredients to help clear your skin.
    You may need:

  • Cup of Boiling Water
  • Sprig of Rosemary
  • 7 Rose Petals
  • Pinch of Fine Salt
  • Pinch Of Fine Sugar
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    You may need:

  • Cup of Boiling Water
  • Sprig of Rosemary
  • 7 Rose Petals
  • Pinch of Fine Salt
  • Pinch Of Fine Sugar
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    Start by hanging the rosemary sprig from a piece of string on the ceiling. Let it hang there and dry out in a sunny place for around three days. On the day of a full moon, Place the rose petals in the oven on the lowest heat it has for around 30 minutes. Sprinkle them with holy water once they are dried out. Wait until The time is around 8:00 and you can see the moon clearly. Bring the water to a boil, then place the dried rosemary and rose petals in the cup. Steep the tea for two minutes. Add the pinch of salt and pinch of sugar to the tea at the same time. Say:

    "Salt and sugar each other oppose, Give me the blessing of flowering rose."

    Drink the tea as quickly as possible while staring directly at the moon. Do not turn, look at anything else, and try not to blink. When you finish the tea eat each rose petal.

    Added to on Apr 30, 2017
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #457 - Black Cat Spell

    A black cat transformation spell.
    You may need:

  • The perceptions, visible and invisible
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • The perceptions, visible and invisible
  • Voice
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    Percieve yourself in a black cat's form spread dimly about the body, place energy begind the words of the spell with the sound of your voice and feel and perceive the suggestions of the spell, until you feel yourself as a clearness becoming smaller and your energy becoming a black cat's energy until you instaneously become a small black cat.

    Letting the consciousness shift into a black cat's consciousness while remaining in control aids in the transformation process, this requires a clear and blank mind. The spell words may be repeated as many times as necessary.

    The incantation is as follows:
    Split iris vein
    Cat's fang
    Stretching claw
    Twitching tail
    Feral fell
    Feline morphic
    Transform skin
    Burning cat brood
    Blood within

    Added to on Apr 29, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    *this spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that i havent made just yet but i will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.*
    This is should work and if it doesnt then contract me so we can make it work. P.S rate this five stars it will help alot.
    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • crystal
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • crystal
  • Knife
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    *this spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that i havent made just yet but i will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.*

    Sit in a circle outside with the future pack. The alpha should sit to the direct right of the beta. Everybody should have a candle before them. The alpha should have the purple candle, the beta the royal blue candle, and everybody else a yellow candle. Everybody should place their crystal between them and the candle, then hold the knife to the left of the candle. Place the picture to the right of the candle. Everyone lights their candles. The alpha should chant:

    "The moon guides us,
    So let it be.
    Let us be the moon's children.
    We shall be mighty wolves,
    Our powerful paws, blunt claws and sharp fangs
    Will strike down our prey.
    And I shall lead our pack,
    As the Alpha Wolf."

    The beta then follows with this chant:

    "We shall transform under the night,
    Into great wolves,
    (The size of regular wolves/As tall as a human at the shoulder)
    And wild, and free.
    The shift will be quick and painless,
    And we can bring it on whenever we wish,
    Or end it when we wish to walk in human skin.
    We will have full control.
    We will not kill except by our own will,
    And we will run free.
    We shall have our wolf senses,
    strength and speed, and agility,
    In both of our forms.
    And we will also have colour vision in both.
    Freedom will be ours!
    And I will aid our alpha,
    As the Beta Wolf."

    The rest of the circle continues, starting with the person to the left of the beta and continuing around the circle. They all say this chant, one by one:

    "I run free, I run wild,
    The moon my guiding light.
    We rise above man,
    One with the land.
    Earth, air, water and fire,
    Our world, we know you well.
    Drive us forward, let us be,
    Beautiful wolves!
    Mote it be."

    Then the alpha, then the beta, then everyone else in the same order as before says this chant and then burns the picture.

    "I shall resemble this wolf,
    The one in this image.
    My pelt will bristle with its colours.
    I shall change at will, forward and back,
    And rise high as the moon.
    This is my will,
    Mote it be!"

    Once the picture is burned, each person lifts the gemstone or crystal and imagines running through forests as the wolf in the picture. When they have a clear picture, they put the crystal down and carve their name in the candle, and a pentagram below it.

    When everyone is done, bow to the center of the circle. Take the knife and crystal as you leave, and leave the candles to burn down.

    To initiate a new person, have them say the chant (not alpha or beta chant) over a yellow candle, then say the picture chant, burn the picture, hold the crystal, imagine the wolf form, do the carving, bow to the moon, and leave the candle to burn. Then the alpha says over the candle:

    "Moon, welcome (name) to our pack.
    Let them change as we change.
    Let them shift as we shift.
    Drive them forward, make them a werewolf."

    Added to on Apr 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #459 - Prayer of the Deadly Sins

    This is a prayer I wrote based on the Deadly Sins, but this focusses on the positive.
    You may need:

  • Nothing, just say this outloud or in your head as needed.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing, just say this outloud or in your head as needed.
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    Say this as many times as you want whenever you want:

    "May demons of pride fill me with confidence, and let everyone see me as a sight to behold, May my voice and gait show my pride and glory to all who gaze upon me.
    May demons of greed bring treasures into my life, and keep my belongings safe from others. May others’ things I desire find their way into my hands with the help of demons.
    May demons of lust transform my image to have all lust for me. May I have control over my sexuality, and all who gaze upon me with the help of lust demons.
    May demons of envy make everyone envious of me, and overrun with the desire to lead my life. May I never envy others, for the demons have turned my life to dark.
    May demons of gluttony always bring me enough, may I be stuffed with food, and never starve. May what I eat taste great, and fill me up.
    May demons of wrath stay by my side, and cast my enemies into hell with my anger. May all who upset me pay the consequences.
    May demons of sloth allow my work to be done without doing work, and allow me to waste away as my job is completed."

    Added to on Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #460 - Circle's Werewolf Spell

    This spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that I haven't made just yet but I will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.
    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • Crystal
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • Crystal
  • Knife
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    This spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that I haven't made just yet but I will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.

    Sit in a circle outside with the future pack. The alpha should sit to the direct right of the beta. Everybody should have a candle before them. The alpha should have the purple candle, the beta the royal blue candle, and everybody else a yellow candle. Everybody should place their crystal between them and the candle, then hold the knife to the left of the candle. Place the picture to the right of the candle. Everyone lights their candles. The alpha should chant:

    "The moon guides us,
    So let it be.
    Let us be the moons children.
    We shall be mighty wolves,
    Our powerful paws, blunt claws and sharp fangs
    Will strike down our prey.
    And I shall lead our pack,
    As the Alpha Wolf."

    The beta then follows with this chant:

    "We shall transform under the night,
    Into great wolves,
    (The size of regular wolves/As tall as a human at the shoulder)
    And wild, and free.
    The shift will be quick and painless,
    And we can bring it on whenever we wish,
    Or end it when we wish to walk in human skin.
    We will have full control.
    We will not kill except by our own will,
    And we will run free.
    We shall have our wolf senses,
    strength and speed, and agility,
    In both of our forms.
    And we will also have colour vision in both.
    Freedom will be ours!
    And I will aid our alpha,
    As the Beta Wolf."

    The rest of the circle continues, starting with the person to the left of the beta and continuing around the circle. They all say this chant, one by one:

    "I run free, I run wild,
    The moon my guiding light.
    We rise above man,
    One with the land.
    Earth, air, water and fire,
    Our world, we know you well.
    Drive us forward, let us be,
    Beautiful wolves!
    Mote it be."

    Then the alpha, then the beta, then everyone else in the same order as before says this chant and then burns the picture.

    "I shall resemble this wolf,
    The one in this image.
    My pelt will bristle with its colours.
    I shall change at will, forward and back,
    And rise high as the moon.
    This is my will,
    Mote it be!"

    Once the picture is burned, each person lifts the gemstone or crystal and imagines running through forests as the wolf in the picture. When they have a clear picture, they put the crystal down and carve their name in the candle, and a pentagram below it.

    When everyone is done, bow to the center of the circle. Take the knife and crystal as you leave, and leave the candles to burn down.

    To initiate a new person, have them say the chant (not alpha or beta chant) over a yellow candle, then say the picture chant, burn the picture, hold the crystal, imagine the wolf form, do the carving, bow to the moon, and leave the candle to burn. Then the alpha says over the candle:

    "Moon, welcome (name) to our pack.
    Let them change as we change.
    Let them shift as we shift.
    Drive them forward, make them a werewolf."

    Added to on Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2471 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters