Turn into a dragon 1 month after you do this spell. WARNING: THIS SPELL IS PERMANENT. You cannot change back to a human after saying this spell!
You may need:
A beat
A windy day
A voice
Day or night
A quiet room
You may need:
A beat
A windy day
A voice
Day or night
A quiet room
Say 10x:
Dragons, fire-breathing dragons, dragons, scaly skin, make me turn me transform me into the glowing beast within
Wings, wings, in the sky, soaring floating streaking high, fire-breathing fire-breathing dragons, dragons, DRAGONS
You need wind for this spell (NOT a breeze) so you have to say it outside. You can say it inside with a window open if there's enough wind. You also have to say this spell with a beat like clapping your hands.
my hair shall grow like nasty weeds
my energy will be like little seeds
it will grow longer
it will grow faster
to my tailbone it shall be
This is my will
so mote it be
This is a spell that will almost
instantly take pain away from a rash, cut, etc.
You may need:
Clear Vioce
You may need:
Clear Vioce
1. Touch the areas that hurt on yourself or your patient.
2. Say
''Great Goddess Hecate, hear my need
and understand that I should plead
Please make this pain go away
(Or else it will be/For it has been)bothering me all day''
Feel free to adjust it to fit your situation.
3. I recommend making an offering to Hecate after every 20 tine you try this spell just to thank her.
Sometimes you will feel a tingling sensation when you cast it but don't worry, that's just Hecate
Mail me with any questions or additional side affects
Should turn you temporally into a different gender. May just change your thoughts.
You may need:
You may need:
Say 3x
''Their/my gender they/I wish to change. Make me/them a [gender] for a day. A day so bright, so they might, change into a [gender]. It shall last if they want forever more. A day for now, but if they want, always and forever they shall have it. This is my will, so mote it be''
Take the quartz and hold it in your hand. Hold it loosely. Do not squeeze. Put the ice cube in your mouth and close your eyes. Bite down on the ice and turn over the quartz in your hand three times. Chew up the ice and swallow it. In the next 24 hours, try singing. You will be better.