For everlasting youth. A spell that can be used by people with any skill level.
You may need:
1 Black candle
Chalice of water
Petrified wood
A rock (any size)
Full moon
You may need:
1 Black candle
Chalice of water
Petrified wood
A rock (any size)
Full moon
This spell must be performed when the moon is full. Go outdoors and light the black candle. Take the chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonfuls of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dip a piece of petrified wood in the water. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle and chant:
Candle, herb, rock, water, salt,
Hear me as my song is sung,
Age is not my heart's desire,
It is youth to which I aspire,
Candle, herb, rock, water, salt.
Repeat the ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in.
This potion will make you grow wings but it takes a lot of belief and energy you will feel weak after and the wings will grow within an hour.
You may need:
White candle( more is fine)
A clean feather of choice( must be real)
Color dye that you want your wings to be
Drop of YOUR blood
You may need:
White candle( more is fine)
A clean feather of choice( must be real)
Color dye that you want your wings to be
Drop of YOUR blood
Ok you may be asking is this reversible? Yes. All you have to do is make and drink the potion again! So you can meditate first on having wings once you are done with that light the white candle/candles and get the cup. Then put a tablespoon of milk in then a tablespoon sugar and salt. Stir. Then a teaspoon of honey. Stir. Then a drop of the dye for the color wings you want. Stir. Then dip the feather in. Now put your drop of blood In and stir after saying, '' I want the wings, I need the wings, it is my desire give me the wings!'' put the blood in and stir now drink it . All of it 😄
Take the sharpie or dry erase marker and draw a big pentagram on the mirrow. Get the center of the pentagram onto your the inflicted area.
Meditate for a bit while thinking of healing. Now look at the inflicted area on your body and now look into the reflection and imagine the inflicted area or pain slowly vanishing. Keep doing so for about a min. and now chant: aches and pain all over my body! aches and pain why are you still here!? aches and pain all over my body hear my screem, go away! aches and pain all over my body have gone away.
Meditate once again and look at the inflicted area, and imagine its not there
Warm the water, add a tablespoon of garlic, then add a table spoon of vapour ointment and/or two bay leaves. Mix well, then put the towel over your head facing inside the bowel making sure no steam escapes. Steam yourself for a few minutes and go to bed. You will feel much more relieved in the morning.
Chant: "God and goddesses please change my gender to a girl. I wish to have long hair and to like boys, to look cute. Oh, god and goddesses please change my gender to a girl". Shut your eyes after the chant and imagine yourself as a girl. If changing from girl to boy: simply replace the word "girl" to "boy" within the spell.
Be outside where you can see the full moon and say:
"I will belong to the night.
Every month I will become a beast.
I will turn into a werewolf.
My eyes will be (color).
My fur will be (color).
My body will change with the moon.
So mote it be".