2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- hair growth
- Candle Protection Spell
- Become a vampire. Real
- Reality Shifting
- Beauty spell
- Wish granted
- New Moon Good Luck Spell
- Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
- Beauty Powerup
- HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FAT OR SKINNY (and do you like me yes or no spell)
#21 - hair growth
grab hold of your hair and say "hair hair make it grow like a river it shall flow repair flourish grow" as many times as you wish
#22 - Candle Protection Spell
Cast a circle, and sit in the middle, with your candles in front of you. Make sure your candles are in the circle with you. Light each candle. Pray to your gods/goddess for protection
#23 - Become a vampire. Real
Say this 10 times. If you mess up start again.
" Red blood, pale skin, moonlight draw me in.
Quench my thirst, coursing veins,
let my body feel no pain!"
It may take overnight to work, it may take 1 hour, it may take 1 week, or it may take 10-15 minutes.
Headache, stomach, teeth hurting, sickness, fever.
Super speed
Super strength
Super senses
You might find that you are pretty and attractive.
Maybe some extra abilities.
Some other ways to become a vampire:
Some other working vampire spells.
Vampire biting you
some other ways i haven't found out yet
Because it may take a week for this spell to work
#24 - Reality Shifting
- Find a peaceful, quiet place.
Write down why you want to shift.
Choose your DR—Desired Reality.
Describe who you want to be in your DR.
List the relationships you’d like in your DR.
Decide how long you’d like to stay in your DR.
Use hashtags to find other “shifters.”
Fill out your script. (This step is optional)
Lie down and try grounding exercises.
Repeat affirmations in your head.
Shift realities using your chosen method.
Focus on signs you’re entering your DR.
Enjoy your visit to your DR.
Prioritize your CR—Current Reality—when you return.
#25 - Beauty spell
Light a white candle (must have a pentagram carved in it) and gather red and white roses. Place the roses in the bowl and mix with cinnamon and sugar. Write your name and beauty wishes and fold it. Place the note in the bowl and let it get soaked along with the other ingredients for 1-2 hours.
#26 - Wish granted
Light your candle and chant the following:
"oh gods and goddesses above,hear my words. I wish for good fortune this is my plea,so mote it be!" Then think of what you wish for (eg:money,love,etc). After go to sleep and you wish will be granted within a week.
#27 - New Moon Good Luck Spell
Please always practice fire safety when using fire in any capacity! Also, this spell is designed to be cast on a new moon.
First, spend a few minutes focusing on the fire and meditating.
Next, say the following three times while staring into the fire.
Fire lend me your power
Give me strength so I do not cower
Fire burn bright on this new moon night
Bringing hope into sight
Fires of rebirth cleanse and burn
Good fortune and health return
With the power of fire and the new moon
Renew me now and help me bloom
As I will it, so mote it be
Three times three
#28 - Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
It is important that in beginning this that when working with a Goddess such as Santa Muerte from a place of reverence and expansion, to really let go of your ego. She isn't going to sugar coat things, and it can bring about some highly intense shadow work. If you want to work with her, heart to heart, she's going to push you to grow. With this, she is like a powerful mother, supportive, encouraging, protective, and holds you accountable. She is patient but he doesn't play. Be ready if you are going to build a relationship with her.
Prepare your spiritual space, open a door/window for ventilation, grab your cleansing herbs, light them as you visualize protection into them, and clear out any old stagnant energy that needs to be released.
Once you feel as though you've done this, prepare your tea. Heat he water up, get the herbs/tea of choice, and use a special mug. This mug should be dedication to your time to connect with her, and not used for other reasons. (if you can, get a skull shaped mug or one that is specifically tied to Santa Muerte.
Once the tea is ready to pour, state your intentions as you pour it into your mug and her mug/offering tray. Do you need wisdom? are you seeking to communicate and connect with her? Are you trying to work through something and want to ask her for support?
Whether in your mind or out loud, speak to her. You can speak to her out loud like you like, she is listening. You are taking time to sit with her and come bare, be honest. She embodies many dimensions of being and energies, come exactly as you are but with reverence. Honor this connection with honest vulnerability.
Sit with her, talk to her if you feel called to, and just receive. The wisdom, the sense of strength and confidence, the ideas that you receive, lean into them, ask her about them, let her reveal everything she wants to communicate to you. Only you know when you're ready to move forward, thank her and clean up the space. Even better, have a jounral dedicated to these moments with her to record what you reiceve for the future.
Helpful Resources & Spells:
Preparing a sacred Space: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.htm|?ritual=4650&coven=6
Protecting Space with Smoke: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Love+Spells/Attraction+Spells/28166/page.html
#29 - Beauty Powerup
First thing you need to do is to fast for one whole day, which means no meat, no toxic matter.
Next day in the morning, take your moonwater pour it in a clean bowl in front of you, and beside it light up a red candle.
Circle your hands few inches above the flame of burning candle, just be sure not to hurt yourself, then make movements with your open palms like you are washing your face just slightly away from your face downwards.
Then take moonwater from the bowl with tips of your fingers, and apply it on your face.
#30 - HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FAT OR SKINNY (and do you like me yes or no spell)
Say: "Hoodoo," then say, "activate."
Then a voice over just tells you when you want to know what you look like sorta like what you look like, IT IS VERY BLUNT. If something goes wrong a ghost in the mirror if you stare at one will tell you what is sort of going on to see if it is working right. Just stare at mirror and ghost comes out to tell you, only you can see the ghost unless you want it to be public. You sorta have to want it to happen not accidently had it do something. Also tells you who likes you that you like. This spell is satanic.