2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- ADHD potion
- All Purpose Glamour
- Warm Me Up
- Running Fast
- Full Demon or God
- Become a Neko
- Strength
- Depression
- Make Your Feet Bigger
- Become A Fairy
#841 - ADHD potion
but are to young to be given the ordinary medication.
then light those counter clock wise while you ask the elements to channel universal energy.
when your done leave this.
go to heat up the water. just water out of the water cock needs to be boiled first. spring water just need to be heated .
mean while the water is boiling you take a clean bottle and put about 3 dining spoons of sulfate 20ml lemon juice and about 2 spoons of aloe vera in the bottle en shake it up. when the water is boiled you fill the bottle up and put it in the centre of you pentagram.
first you thank the elements for having to wait. and then you chant with your hands hold above your bottle
let this potion underneath my hand
bring me back my mental/ physical health
this most be 5 times repeated. let the potion cool down while the tealights burn up.after that thank the elements for their help.
pick up the candle cups and clean up the salt.
throw your potion over in a plant spray bottle and set it on Myst.
now its ready for use.
spray the spray on to your body as a refreshing spray no more as 6 times a day in the first weeks after that you can build it down to 2 a 1 time a day just listen to your body it will ask for it
(this potion can also be used for minor health issues as colds or iron insufficiency)
to give it a nice smell you can at some ethical essences or oils.
#842 - All Purpose Glamour
#843 - Warm Me Up
This is really simple and all you need is your imagination. So imagine you are beautiful red-feathered bird. Your feathers are burning but its nice feeling. The flames are not harming you - they give you shelter and warmth. As you fly your body transforms to flames. You are made of flames. Now the flames are slowing fading and you are back to your human (naked) form. You absorbed your fire to your physical form. You raised from ashes. Now you are warm. You found your shelter
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#844 - Running Fast
Go outside during a thunderstorm in place 5 drops of blood on your arm. Then chant "I wish to run very fast as fast as the wind. I wish to run very fast as fast as a bolt of lightning. I wish to run very fast as fast as a cheetah."
Side effects may include
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Headaches
- Vomiting
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#845 - Full Demon or God
Say 5-10 times: "Oh gods of darkness, and lucifer lord of the underworld, I wish to be a full Demon/God. Please grant me my wish. I will be the most powerfull of Gods and Demons, a God of (put type of god here) a Demon of (put type of demon here). I will have fangs that are (put length of fangs in inches here) in length and wings that are (put length of wings here) in inches. Please grant me my wish, make this me make me a demon/god. I beg of you to grant me my wish and give me your blessing, so mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#846 - Become a Neko
Hold wire/yarn/string and chant 3x: "Incipio immutatio fele humana" (I begin to change in/into human cat in Latin) Then Mshift for a neko And p shift for a neko. ph shifting helps with this.
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#847 - Strength
Light the two white candles and chant:
"Strength and courage may I possess
That what I fear, I may face
In winning through to the other side
On the victory I will ride.
And let this be done,
That it harm no one"
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#848 - Depression
Ritual: It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days.If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.
Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use. While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work. Imagine how good it feels to be happy. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind!
Bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area.
Cast a circle and light your incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle. Place the candle in its candle holder.
Prior to lighting the candle, say, (either aloud, or to yourself): "This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself" Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself): "As I light this candle, the veil of darkness that is ever present in my mind is lifting. The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows. Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire. As this candle burns, my spirits are lifting and the negative energy is washing away. I will be happy, my life will be peaceful. I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free!"
Sit back and watch the candle burn. Meditate on how good if feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting. When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say: "As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind" And wave the candle out.
Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled-throw away the leftover wax into to trash and envision your depression being thrown away with the wax. You will overcome your depression!
Last edited on Mar 22, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#849 - Make Your Feet Bigger
To Cast On Yourself:
While dipping the small towel into the water chant this aloud :
"Goddess of matter, Goddess of size
My feet are petite, and small to the eyes.
Goddess of matter, goddess so wise
Make my feet larger, increase in size."
3 times, then on the fourth time, drip 3 drops on the top of each foot as you chant.
To Cast On Another:
"Goddess of matter, Goddess of size
Her/His feet are petite and small to the eyes.
Goddess of matter, Goddess so wise
Make their feet larger, increase in size."
Drip the water on the picture of the person, 6 drops
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#850 - Become A Fairy
Have a bath before saying this spell at midnight (or a few minutes after)
The bath will make you more cleansed and pure.
Sit somewhere comfortable, holding a leaf to be more connected with earth.
Then chant, three times, this-
"On this holy night,
While the moon stands in all its might,
I ask ye to hear my plight,
I wish to become a fairy by the end of this night,
Whenever I wear the ring on my finger my wings will appear,
Though, when I am alone my wings will be visible even if I am not wearing the ring,
Every time I turn, my outfit shall change to the outfit I am imagining,
My wings will be a firey red and three inches wide, two inches tall
My eyes shall be silver,
My hair will be dark brown and longer,
There will be no dye in my hair,
My eyelashes will be three centimetres longer,
I will be 120 pounds,
My skin will be flawless,
I will be able to sing beautifully,
Even in human form I will still be able to manipulate fire, water and earth, use magic with ease as well as grant unlimited wishes,
I shall be able to sing as if a siren,
Please, fairies, allow me to become like the,
Of the power of three,
So more it be,"
Side effects,
- Pain in between shoulder blades,
- Dizziness
- Urge to fly
- Heat in hands
- Urge to sing
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.