1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Just Add Water
- Merman When Wet
- Turn to a Vampire
- Hear Me Vampire Mother
- Dragon Transformation by Jewel1218
- A Mermaid Spell
- Werewolf
- Mermaid to Human
- Mermaid Potion
- Mermaid Tail Potion
#1291 - Just Add Water
You need to find a moonpool or normal pool, cave, lake, swiming pool, sea. Do this during a full moon in a body of water where the moon touches the water. Get a necklace, then dip into the water and concentrate on what you want to become.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1292 - Merman When Wet
Say this spell in the same time you're touching water:
''Aqua of the sea
Listen to me
When wet fish-like tail
When dry feet return to me
Every drop of Aqua
Will make me this mer-being
Fsh-like tail when wet
Feet return to me when dry
Mote it to me''
Say this x8. Hold a symbol and take it with you until you'll get your tail. It works only for males.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1293 - Turn to a Vampire
Get the rock and draw a big pentagram. Put 5 candles on each corner of the star. Sit on the midle of the pentagram sit criss-cross. Turn on the candles put the 6th in the middle of your legs. And say this out loud:
"Vampire of the night
Come to me feed on me
I think I'm worthy enough
To become a vampire.
I shall turn into one of yall
Feed, hurt others
I will do anything
To turn into a vampire"
Wait three days.
Last edited on Dec 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1294 - Hear Me Vampire Mother
''Mother of Darkness.
Hear my plea.
I wish to be a Vampire.
To have long fangs, red eyes and pale skin.
To sell my soul to you.
To thrive on blood.
To have super strength and speed.
So Mote it Be, So Mote it Be!''
This summons the Mother of all Vampires. She comes to you when the time is right and turns you if your good enough. You will only get these side effects if you are strong enough to become a vampire.
Side effects
Headaches; Migraines
Stomach aches
Visions of a shadowed woman coming to you
Light sensitivity
Good Luck
#1295 - Dragon Transformation by Jewel1218
1. Draw the dragon that you want to be. Place the height and length of the dragon. (height is at the shoulders not the head) Exmaple 1 inch = 1 foot. then color the dragon in. it doesnt have to be the color of the element.
2. Fold the paper hamburger style
3. Write your info: (Name, element, breed, scale color, eye color, wing size, tail, abilities, behavior/personality, Strength, speed,accessories, etc...)
4. Fold the paper hamburger style
5. Say aloud while writting the following: " Dragons, dragons, dragons, I wish to be a dragon. I want to be a (element) dragon. My scale color shall be (color), and my eyes will be glowing (color). God , grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dragon. So mote it be. ( so mote it be should be written as big as you can) You can have more than one element, but two is the max.
6. Fold papeer hamburger style
7. Draw a pentagram
8. Fold paper hamburger style
9. Now every night for three nights, before you go to sleep say: " God, please let me be the dragon that I wish to be. Then chant: " Dragons, dragons, dragons, I wish to be a dragon. I want to be a (element) dragon. My scale color shall be (color), and my eyes will be glowing (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a dragon. So mote it be.
10. Now kiss the paper and place it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you being a dragon.
NOTE: Once you have chanted the three nights, you have sealed the deal and you cant start over.
Side effects:
1st: Eye color will change or become brighter
2nd: You will grow claws on your hands and feet, and your skin will change to the color you chose, and your skin texture will change as you grow scales.
3rd. Your neck will become longer and your face will start to look like the dragon you drew.
4th. your wings will start to sprout.
5th. All of the accessories will start to sprout,Example: Horns, fins, spikes, etc.
You will feel every symptom of change, so you will feel nauseous, you back will hurt, your tail bone will hurt, you'll get tooth aches, and head aches. Your transformation might be fast or it might be slow, I dont know, like I said it all depends on you. I hope it works, and I wish you the best of luck. ^^
#1296 - A Mermaid Spell
'Magic spirits of the deep
I would like a tail not two feet
Beauty be upon me
Fish all kinds let me see
When i'm finished in the sea
When i'm dry my feet return to me'
Once you have said that get out of the shower and dry your self and you should be a mermaid next time you have touched water. It takes one droplet of water and it takes 10 seconds it transform you. It takes 6 weeks for your tail to grow and 2 months for your powers to develop. You normally get 2 powers it's rare if you get more. The powers you can get are heating water, freezing water, shaping water, psychic powers, and telekinesis.
Side effects
Legs changing colour
Legs itching/ tingling/ aching
Nausea/ vomiting
Coughing fits when in water
Being able to breath and hold breath in water
Scales on your legs
Gills on your neck/ hips/ armpits
Legs staying together
Wanting to be in water/ around water
Good Luck!
#1297 - Werewolf
Rub the blood all over your body. Let it shine in the moon. Chant, "Converte me in lupinotuum, fortis et fortis! Oculi mei(color) et erit latius (color)! Haec mea sic fiat semper! You will turn into a were wolf in a week.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1298 - Mermaid to Human
Light the candles around a bath tub. Add warm water, the sea salt. Get the towels and lay them next to the tub. Get into the bath and cover your legs with water. Imagine them becoming a mermaid tail, fusing together. Chant: "A mermaid when wet, a human with dry" as you continue to visualize the change, "I will become a mermaid".
When you want to revert to legs and being a human, just get out of the water.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1299 - Mermaid Potion
2. Write Powers down, partially folding with each power.
3. Write that you want to be a mermaid with all of these things.
4. Soak in water for 24 hours.
5. Take out after 24 hours. Let dry, when dry write human.
6. Leave in water
#1300 - Mermaid Tail Potion
2. Take the mermaid scale (MUST BE REAL), and the seashell. Grind them up and add it to the potion.
3. Add whatever scent of perfume you want.
4.Cut open finger and add blood.
5.Pick a plant, crush it and put it in the potion.
6.Shake it until it's an even color.
7. Apply to tail.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.