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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Wings of Fire
  2. Vampire Spell (WARNING: No Turning Back)
  3. Wolf-blood
  4. Vampire Curse
  5. Wolf Dream
  6. Super Dog!
  7. Werecat Enchantment
  8. Werewolf Enchantment
  9. Turn You Into a Fairy in 1 Hour
  10. Transform Into a Pokèmon Spell 2

#651 - Wings of Fire

This spell will turn you into a dragon from: "Wings of Fire"
You may need:

  • ''Wings of Fire'' book
  • One blue candle (any shade of blue)
  • One yellow candle
  • One brown candle
  • One black candle
  • One purple candle
  • One white candle
  • One gray candle
  • A favorite jewelry piece
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    You may need:

  • ''Wings of Fire'' book
  • One blue candle (any shade of blue)
  • One yellow candle
  • One brown candle
  • One black candle
  • One purple candle
  • One white candle
  • One gray candle
  • A favorite jewelry piece
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    First, go out side and sit down line up your books in order in front of you. Set the candles on the books: Blue candle, Second book. Yellow candle, fifth book. Brown candle, first book. Black candle, fourth book. Purple candle, third book. White candle, seventh book. Gray candle, sixth book. Take out your jewelry piece. Say this while waving the piece over each candle:

    "Three Moons, Three Moons. This (jewelry piece) will be the door to Phyrra and Earth. When I say: "Wings of Fire, (dragon tribe)" I will be one with that tribe. The characteristics of the tribe, will be one. I may talk in my form, too say human words. When I wish for my dragon form to retreat, I shall say: "Wings of Fire (Dragon Tribe) Shoo!" Three Moons, Three Moons, I wish to be one with Phyrra, So Mote It Be!"

    Then, put on your jewelry piece, then say: "With this (jewelry piece) I will be one with Phyrra." Clean up, and have fun!

    Added to on Jan 07, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #652 - Vampire Spell (WARNING: No Turning Back)

    This is a classic Vampire spell with a twist to ensure that it works. Warning, it may be VERY hard to reverse.
    You may need:

  • Full Moon (Optional, but works best with)
  • Voice
  • Confidence
  • Nighttime (Optional, but works best)
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon (Optional, but works best with)
  • Voice
  • Confidence
  • Nighttime (Optional, but works best)
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    This is the well-known incantation:
    ''Red blood, pale skin, moonlight draw me in. Quench my blood-thirsty veins, let my body feel no pain!''

    If you do this during the day, it will have a 15% chance of working, and if it DOES, you'll be more sensitive to pure sunlight than you would have been if you did it at night. You won't burn to death like in movies, you'll just get a terrible sunburn REALLY fast. And some people have said that they thought they were smoking, but who knows! If you do this spell at night, it'll have a 94% chance of working. If you do it at night with a full moon, 99%. Like it says in title, of this spell works, it's VERY HARD to go back.

    Go into a fairly-sized room. Open the biggest center window, and shut off all the lights. Close the door, and stand in the middle of the room. If its Full Moon, let it shine you. Stand up straight. Close your eyes and meditate, filling it with blankness. Do this for exactly a minute. KEEP YOUR MIND BLANK. I KNOW IT'S HARD :0). Then, say the incantation clearly 10 times. Then meditate for 10 more seconds, and say quietly but clearly ''It is done.''.

    Good Side Effects:
    •Speed (The more you use it, the faster it'll show)
    •Strength (The more you use it, the faster it'll show)
    •Vampiric Beauty (A Beauty Unique to vampires)
    •Hair Changes (Your hair will either get lighter or darker. Lighter is commoner for blondes, dirty blondes. Darker for brunette and black haired people. Redheads vary. Well, they all do but still. Hair will tend to kinda grow faster)
    •Claws? Nope. Forget it!!!!!! Your a vampire not a werewolf.
    •fangs (They will get sharper not longer)

    Bad Side Effects
    •Feeling Mood Swings (Especially with love. Love is very dangerous and can be possessive of a vampire)
    •Occasionally, food will taste bland.
    •Pale Skin. This isn't bad but some people don't like it.
    •?Minor Garlic Allergy? (I don't know....haven't tried it but my friend said this was true but I don't know if I believe it)

    •Forget the whole ''Holy Water, Silver and stuff are deadly'' thing. That's just nonsense made my greedy movie people. But like I said I don't know about Garlic but I don't think it's fatal BECAUSE I LOVE GARLIC BREAD AND I DID THIS SPELL.
    •Food will taste bland occasionally because of your blood thing. Whatever you do DON'T TASTE BLOOD AFTER USING THIS SPELL. It'll make ALL food taste bland and you'll yearn for........................
    •I don't think you can turn back after using this.

    Message me other side effects after you do the spell!

    Added to on Jan 04, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #653 - Wolf-blood

    This spell is best at a full moon to help transition you into a wolf form.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this once from a place were you can see the moon "The wolf is the creature that I seek, sharp teeth and fur. I may shift whenever I please. From my human body to my furry wolf form. I wish to be a wolf. By the power of the (moon phase) I shall be given a wolf body"

    Added to on Jan 04, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #654 - Vampire Curse

    To curse yourself by turning you into a vampire!
    You may need:

  • Your blood
  • A cup
  • A sippy straw (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Your blood
  • A cup
  • A sippy straw (optional)
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    Get four ounces of your blood and then make sure you are in complete darkness and recite this five times: "Fangs and wings, stinging bite, let my dreams take flight. For no blood runs through my body, sucking down blood give me strength!"

    Then with a sippy straw or if you don't want to use one, drink the blood. Make sure you get every last drop. The sideffects are hunger, sunburns by little light, anger issues,and whitening skin. It depends on your age for the quickness of the spell to take effect.

    Added to on Jan 03, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #655 - Wolf Dream

    This spell will help you create a dream in where you are a wolf.
    You may need:

  • Bed
  • Mind
  • Concentration
  • Ability to know you're dreaming
  • Dream Lotion (see below)
  • Red or green Candle
  • Alarm clock
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    You may need:

  • Bed
  • Mind
  • Concentration
  • Ability to know you're dreaming
  • Dream Lotion (see below)
  • Red or green Candle
  • Alarm clock
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    First, we need to make dream lotion. You'll apply it to your skin to help relax.
    Lavender oil
    Regular lotion
    Dog hair (any kind-- pet, fox, wolf, etc)
    Ok, time the make it. Slowly mix the lavender and the lotion. Drop in the hair an mix again. Chant this:
    ''Lavender extract
    From a flower oh so sweet
    And soothing lotion,
    My skin it shall greet
    But most important have we
    The canine hair I see''
    Now rub the lotion in and go to the bed. Don't sleep yet. Light the candle, and chant:
    ''Wolves now gather inside I
    Let the candle burn and fry
    Wax and wick,
    and moving with a flick
    One might wolfbreath lick
    And the candle burns out.''
    Let the candle burn for 5 seconds more, and then blow it out. Now, set the clock to 2:00 AM--two hours to dream-- and chant:
    ''At midnight a wolf come into mind
    Approaching prey from behind
    Then change the souls of it and I
    Its prey Rabbit is sure to die.''
    Then go to sleep. At midnight, you should start dreaming, and you'll wake out at 2:00.
    Msg if it works for you. It did for me!

    Added to on Jan 02, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #656 - Super Dog!

    Will make your dog fast. Doesn't work on people.
    You may need:

  • Your dog
  • Your dogs hair
  • Dog kibble
  • Your dogs spit
  • Rock
  • Water
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Your dog
  • Your dogs hair
  • Dog kibble
  • Your dogs spit
  • Rock
  • Water
  • Bowl
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    Take your kibble and smash it with the rock. Then pour the find kibble into a bowl. Mix in your dogs hair and go your dog, then chant:
    ''Spirits of the wolf unite
    To this dog in my sight
    Make him fast, show him haste
    Use this magic, do not waste
    This time, magic inside him
    Then walk away from your dog. Put some water in the kibble mix and stir. Then drop in the spit. Mix it up more and then let him eat it.

    Added to on Jan 02, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #657 - Werecat Enchantment

    Turn yourself into a werecat
    You may need:

  • Cat fur (your choice of color)
  • A friend of the same gender
  • A cup of milk
  • A sharp object
  • And the light of dusk
  • A dropper
  • A strong voice
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    You may need:

  • Cat fur (your choice of color)
  • A friend of the same gender
  • A cup of milk
  • A sharp object
  • And the light of dusk
  • A dropper
  • A strong voice
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    First make sure it is dusk. Then you and your friend each get a cup of milk and the cat fur of your choice. Next cut yourselves and bleed into the milk. Put the cat fur into the milk and stir for five minutes while chanting : ''Eyes and ears of felines, whiskers long and slim, fur so fluffy, teeth like needles, nose so sensitive, a few line form, a werecat. I plead to you oh highest lord for my wish of felinicity!''
    Then finally drop the blood/cat fur filled milk on closed eyes and in your mouth. Your age depends on how long is takes for the spell to effect.

    Added to on Jan 01, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #658 - Werewolf Enchantment

    Turn yourself into a werewolf or werewolfette.
    You may need:

  • A full moon
  • A friend and of the same gender
  • A strong voice
  • A small jar
  • A sharp object
  • A body part
  • An eye dropper
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    You may need:

  • A full moon
  • A friend and of the same gender
  • A strong voice
  • A small jar
  • A sharp object
  • A body part
  • An eye dropper
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    First stand under the full moon. Hold hands with your friend and recite this 10 times: ''Lord of all might, bring me fangs as sharp as knives, eyes of night and day vision, louscious thick fur all over my body, and ears so sensitive as to hear the smallest thing, bring me the body of a lycan, a (this determine whether you are a boy or girl) werewolfette (or werewolf if your a guy).
    After wards cut your self and fill half the jar with your blood, and that means both of you, and mix the blood together. Finally use the eye dropper to drop the blood on the tip of your tongue each of you must have an equal number of drops. Finally repeat the chant again 10 times and go to bed. Your age verifys the result on how fast you get you lycanocity.

    Added to on Jan 01, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #659 - Turn You Into a Fairy in 1 Hour

    This spell is homemade. It should work to turn you into a fairy quickly.
    You may need:

  • A bottle of glitter powder
  • Water & Shell (for water power)
  • Flower & Grass (for garden power)
  • Ice & Charm (for ice power)
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    You may need:

  • A bottle of glitter powder
  • Water & Shell (for water power)
  • Flower & Grass (for garden power)
  • Ice & Charm (for ice power)
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    Gather the things that you need for your power. Turn off the light in your room. Make sure you are alone.Sit while holding the things for your power. Put glitter powder on the things. Don't put too much. Read this 3 times

    "God and goddess of the earth,
    I am here to make a wish,
    My name is (your name).
    So I hope you hear it.
    My biggest wish to be a fairy
    With a (type of wings) wings.
    And a radiant face, shimmering hair and an inner power
    My element should be (ice, garden, water)
    With special powers to (special power)
    And my wings colours should be (color)
    This is my so mote it be
    My wings should appear in one hour
    As I say 'dissappear my wings',
    My wings should go
    And once I say,'come back my wings',
    They will come
    And in the count of three
    Let me be free
    With the wings and power should I be"

    Added to on Dec 30, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #660 - Transform Into a Pokèmon Spell 2

    You can change back and forth whenever at will this time. You may turn into any Pokèmon. This is my second spell, so this might not work right away.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencils/Crayons (optional)
  • A voice
  • Two hands
  • Two feet
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencils/Crayons (optional)
  • A voice
  • Two hands
  • Two feet
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    1. Draw the Pokèmon you want to turn into. If you want, add special details that the Pokèmon normally doesn't have. (Accessories, missing ear, wings, extra typ, etc.)
    2. Color your Pokèmon in. If you want to add custom colors that the Pokèmon normally doesn't have, I recommend adding color. If you want to turn into a shiny version of it, write ''SHINY'' on the paper.
    3. Hold the paper in front of yourself with your dominant hand and say,

    ''Arceus, god of all Pokèmon, please grant me this desire. I wish to have the ability to transform into the Pokèmon *insert name of your Pokèmon* and transform back into a human whenever I desire. I wish to transform into whatever I drew just now. I swear I will never use this for evil things, but please grant me moves to defend myself or others. My moves shall be *move 1*, *move 2*, *move 3*, and *move 4*. I will train hard. This is my wish, SO MOTE IT BE!'' (Say so mote it be with a powerful voice.)

    4. Keep the paper with you. When you are able to transform into your Pokèmon (read below this step), you can throw the paper away if you want.

    How to Transform into Your Pokèmon Form

    1. Hold your hands to your heart and imagine you turning into your Pokèmon form.
    2. Think, ''I call on my Pokèmon side to reveal. I will now transform to the Pokèmon hidden deep within me. Come out, *insert your Pokèmon's name*!

    How to Transform Back to a Human

    1. Put any holding appendages to your heart. (If you don't have any, don't bother.) Imagine you turning back to your human form.
    2. Think, ''I wish to transform back to the human that I used to be. I will have my two feet, my two hands, and my normal human traits. My Pokèmon side will be saved for later. Revert me back to my human form, *insert your name*!

    You can transform back and forth wheneve you want. You might not be able to transform right away. If Arceus is in a state of anger, he will probably not do it for you.

    Added to on Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters