This spell worked twice for me but you have to believe in order to levitate or fly. (a lot of belief is needed)
You may need:
A fairy friend that can give you fairy dust
You may need:
A fairy friend that can give you fairy dust
Set the dandelions out in a circle and stand in it. Next, chant this, " fly me to the stars, fly me to the moon, I shall float up there, but bring me down when I say, ( )".
Fairies themselves are real, you know. They don't live in this world and I don't care about what other people say, I do have a fairy friend and say I'm delirious but i am not. They can't be photographed and the king has banished them from coming into human contact as unfortunately an incident happened many moons ago. Leave these creators alone, thank you.
Protects you from fire spells and works 100% although its your first time.... If it doesn't work let me know please
You may need:
White candle
Blue candle
Red candle
A glass of water
A picture of Mami Wata
A picture of Vulcan
Matches or a lighter
You may need:
White candle
Blue candle
Red candle
A glass of water
A picture of Mami Wata
A picture of Vulcan
Matches or a lighter
Put your white candle in front of you, the blue candle on your right and the incense on your left. Cut the red candle an inch taller than your glass of water and put the red candle in the glass of water. Light the red candle and put it behind the white candle. take the picture of Mami wata and chant:
I summon Mami wata
in the name of all water. (Repeat 5 times)
Now, light all the candles and the incense and chant:
I fight fire with water
I fight Valcon with Wata
(Repeat until the red candle turns off)
After the water has turn off the candle say ''So Mote It Be''
Say this 10 times with a beat " Dragons, dragons. Fire breathing dragons. Dragons, dragons scaly skin. Make me turn me transform me into the glowing beast within. Wings, wings in the sky soaring, floating, streaking high. Fire breathing, fire breathing dragons"
Prick yourself with a badge (no need to put it on a candle or something). Let the blood run for a bit, then mop it up. Think all the dark thoughts in your mind you have. Go to bed.
Over the next 3 days you should start to change, but actually feeling some difference can come in a while. First of all your canines become sharper (don't be expecting screwdrivers for teeth). Then you will start to feel things like a rough throat, thirst that can not be quenched, and sudden speed.
You may need:
Preferably solitude, or at least a peaceful environment.
Fire (Required)
Voice (Required)
Knife (Required)
You may need:
Preferably solitude, or at least a peaceful environment.
Fire (Required)
Voice (Required)
Knife (Required)
Sit in a meditative state and forget everything you have ever learned on a religious and scientific level. Move deeper into the recesses of your mind and find your primal instincts. Destroy this connection to human kind. Hold on and dispose of every thought in your mind.
Now take your knife and cut your palm and squeeze the blood into the fire.
''Tibi dico vobis draconibus igne audi sanguine robustos!''
Have faith that you are calling the attention of the Dragons. Meditate a while feeling power throb and course through you. Now channel that energy into your hand. Do not take care of the wound yet. Slowly reach out your hand towards the fire.
While moving your hand toward the fire say;
''Magnus potens draconum Urere carne mortali mortalis huius et da eos ambrosia sic illi licet surgere ab igne et destruere magnus inimicos draconum per phoneix fiant regeneramur in filios ignibus, sic fiat semper!''
If you dare shove your hand into the fire then quickly retrieve it.
You have now passed the Test of Fire.
Send me an e-mail if you have completed this spell or tried it.
"Spirits of the undead and spirits of the moon I ask you to turn me into a vampire and werewolf, I will be a Hyrbid. I will need to drink blood and I will also get to choose when to turn into a wolf. I will be stronger then a vampire under 1 year and stronger then any werewolf! I will be both a beast and a Bloodsucker. This is my will, So mote it be !"
Place the 3 candles in a circle around you and light theme. Have your element in a bowl. Close your eyes and imagine what you want to look like, take the match and if your element if earth, burn it if its water, heat the water if its air, wave the match over it and if its fire put the match in the bowl, then say these words:
"Draconis, I call to thee, with my element ready before me, bless me with the power, make me a dragon of (say you element).
So mote it be."
Say this spell 10x under the full moon Blood red pale skin moonlight draw me in quench my thirst coarsing veins let my body feel no pain.
If the spell works lock your self up for two weeks to be safe because you will do any thing for blood but don't worry it is just an addiction like meth you can get over it.