1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Moon Pool Mermaid Spell
- True Vampire spell.
- Wing Shifter Spell
- Wing Spell
- Tiger Spell!!!!!
- summon dragon
- Casting a dragon's eye circle
- A Real,Tested Mermaid Spell
- Fairy Transformation Spell
- See a Fairy Potion
#271 - Moon Pool Mermaid Spell
A mermaid I wish to be,A mermaid I wish to be,This is what I wish to be,So make me what I wish to be,A mermaid with a (tail color) tail and (3 powers).Please oh Please,make this me a human-like fish is me,10 seconds after I touch water,I will become one with the sea but when I leave the water, I am now one with the land.So mote it be.Message me if it works for you.If it is working, your legs will start changing color and your hands will hurt a bit.
#272 - True Vampire spell.
I don't think you can change back.
Now chant this three tines.
''Vampire vampire hear my plea
Make me your child, as you see.
When the day is hot and bright.
I shall burn but yet no fright.
Vampire vampire now hear me.
On this full moon is where im free.
This is my will so mote it me.
Side effects:
Teeth getting sharper (K9,s)
A small taste for blood. You can control this
The sun will feel a lot hotter then normal and you'll burn easaly.
#273 - Wing Shifter Spell
''By the power of the moon shining bright
I pass and change within its light
Make me a shifter of the blackened night
With two animal forms and beautiful wings of flight.
The form of a/n (animal), the form of a/n (animal)
Both with wings that can grow and retract
By the light of the moon
I shall be nonhuman soon.''
Now focus on your intent again, then blow out the candle.
Side effects:
Getting stronger and faster
Better reflexes, more flexible
More stealthy
Better senses
More endurance, pain resistance, lung capacity and stamina
Skin turning the colour of your species' fur/scales/feathers
Down feathers coming out of your back
Flaky/oily skin, especially on the back
'Pimples' on upper back
Aches in tailbone
Tingling in head, back, tailbone, legs, feet, and arms
Connection to the air and the sky
Connection to your animal types
If your species has any powers, you will develop them soon before your first shift
Angry easily
Occasional mental flares
Short trance when looking at the moon
Dreams of your types and being your types
#274 - Wing Spell
1. Sprinkle the fairy dust over the feather.
2. Sit in the magic circle in the lotus position.
3. Chant this: "Theo ton poulin kai tou ourano, kal ti dnam sas na mou epitrpsete na peton anmesa sta pou, petnas msa ap to domain sas gia ta fter tis diks mou, na rthei stin ainio chor sas msa ap ton ouran."
4: Fold the paper in half twice so that the drawing/picture is no longer exposed.
5: Every night for 1 week, say: "Dse mou ta fter mou." before you go to sleep, leaving the drawing/picture under your pillow.
Edit: This isn't real. Physical transformations aren't real. We're only saying this to help prevent the spread of the misinformation and stupidity that we contributed to when we were younger. Please don't waste your time trying to directly contradict the laws of reality, it will give you nothing but a headache. Don't believe the wild "turn yourself into a dragon" spells you're gonna find on this site, it's almost all fake stuff made up by kids/preteens who saw a cool thing on a tv show or on YouTube and decided that they could totally change their entire body structure by throwing some glitter at a peice of paper and whispering poorly translated Latin. Don't make our mistakes.
Last edited on May 13, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#275 - Tiger Spell!!!!!
Hope it works! on both you guys and me!
Side affects: sharper teeth, hiss when scared/angry, longer hair, sharper nails, stronger.
this is my first spell so I will take positive criticism.
Again, hope it works! will do more spells soon!!!
By Atheana97
#276 - summon dragon
#277 - Casting a dragon's eye circle
The spell has several uses much like any traditional circle you would draw, and can include; protection, healing, cleansing of a sacred space, and of course as preparation for working a spell or rite/ritual. As such the circle will follow the intent you hold while making it so feel free to incorporate the process into other magics you wish to perform. Typically I draw this circle as a stand-alone when I want to create a small place of power by tapping into elemental energy and the earth's ley-lines/dragon-lines. The shape of the dragon's eye sigil is a natural draw of energy to a single point and the circle acts to hold that energy and lets it collect within the circle. To make a temporary or one-time use circle, simply draw it wherever is most convenient for what you intend to do. As long as it is a place where you are not likely to be disturbed for the duration of what you intend to do with it. Ideally in a natural setting where you can make the circle a part of the ground such as in earth among trees, in sand at a beach, or in chalk on the stone of a cave or cliff/rock. For a more permanent circle, you can draw it into a circle of cloth or heavy fabric to carry with you and place where needed, or of course you can incorporate the circle into your altar room. ---------------- Drawing the circle; 1) Draw your circle using your personal height as the measurement of radius. This is the representation of your connection to and ownership of the circle. Any medium works, so pick based on where the circle is. A branch or knife for earthen places, chalk, wax, etc for a harder surface or one you don't want damaged/carved. *tip* place a tent stake or weight into/onto the ground and tie a string to it that is measured to your height. Then just go around the circle with it stretched out to draw a smooth one every time. 2) imagine a clock face on the circle, with 12:00 being at north. estimate as close as you can three points on the circle, and mark them just inside the boundary. One at about the 2:00 hour, one at 6:00 hour, and one at 10:00. now connect the 10:00 to the 2:00, 2:00 to the 6:00 and of course the 6:00 to the 10:00 with straight lines, forming a triangle. 3) find a point as close to the middle of the triangle as you can. if there is a mark from the tent peg you used earlier, use that. Draw straight lines connecting each corner of the triangle to that central point. It should now look like a triangle made up of triangles, or like a pyramid if you were looking straight down at it from above. If you want to deepen the protective nature of the circle, you can also lay twelve stones in sun-wise (clockwise) order to represent the light of the twelve star houses, placing each stone with a spoken personal affirmation of protection. My Go-to statement is "I place this stone as I build this wall. The light of the twelve star-houses protects me." 4) When the drawing of the circle is completed (and the stones are laid), return to the east side of the circle. reach down and smooth out/un-mark an area of the circle that is only wide enough for you to step through. If you placed stones, lift the one from the 3:00 position and place it in your pocket. This will be the key to your 'door'. 5) Extras; if you have some fine iron or silver filings, you can sprinkle them about within the circle to act as a symbolic conductor of the energies you wish to draw up from below. You can also light incense, or use a singing bowl or chimes to represent the energy you wish to draw from above. Also, if this circle is being drawn as a part of a larger spell or ritual, this is when you would bring within any tools and offerings you plan to use to call your corners and otherwise do your working. ------------------- Closing/empowering the circle; 1) When it is time to use the circle and you have done all other preparations for your chosen intent, step to the 'door' to your circle and center yourself. A simple breathing exercise suffices. If you have a statement or affirmation you typically use to mark the beginning your magic rituals, you can do that now. If you laid stones, make sure you have the one you took with you when the circle was drawn. If you have a personal symbol of will that is not being included with the rest of your ritual like an athame, spear, sword, staff, or even just a sturdy stick, have that with you as well. 2) Step into the circle with confidence and full intent to use it for the task that it was built. Turn and draw closed the line of the circle so that it is once again complete. If you used stones, place the stone. With the theme of laying them before, I state "The stone is Laid, the wall is built, the lock is sealed." as I set it down. 3) Stand at the center of the circle, over the focal point of the dragon's eye sigil. Raise your arms to shoulder height, palms upwards or outwards, your symbol of will (if you are using one) in your dominant hand. Breathe in, visualize yourself in a place of strength, authority, and focused will. Breathe that energy out into your circle. 4)As you breathe in again draw your hands together in front of you at chest height, elbows comfortably bent, repeating your visualization. When your hands come together, breathe out again and release the second wave of energy to empower the first. 5)Finally keep your hands together and raise them up slightly, to the height of your brow while breathing in. While breathing in, repeat the visualization of building energy within for a third time. 4) Once the breath in is completed, without hesitation blow it out firmly in a huff and thrust your hands downward. If you have a symbol of will, press it into the ground at the top of the circle between the border and the sigil. Imagine the built energy following the gesture to fill the ground/floor of your circle and empower the drawn lines within, connecting them into a single continuous, unbroken line of light that glows upward and downward. Imagine that energy connecting to the flowing energy of the earthen dragon-lines and the nebulous strands of the aurora in the sky. You may now use the circle. This is where I usually sit at the center and meditate to raise my vibration to the highest state I can reach, letting the energies all collect and feed each-other to resonate within the circle. After a short time I imagine myself a bridge, allowing the healing and supportive energy of the earth to flow up my body from the soles of my feet through to upwards from the top of my head, and simultaneously imagine the highest vibration I can reach of spirit energy running through me from the top of my head through downwards to flowing out of my feet into the ground. Basically I allow myself to become a pipe to let earth and spirit energy connect into and feed/balance and heal each-other. For me it is a very powerful experience and can make a sacred space absolutely humm. Done even semi-regularly it can change the atmosphere of the whole place for an enduring time. -------------------- Opening/releasing the circle; When you are finished with your task, and any summoned spirits/guides/guardians/etc are dismissed and the magic working is fully concluded, simply touch your palm to the place you earlier thrust your hand (or take a hold of your symbol of will) and lift it gently from the spot. While lifting, mentally let go of the pent up energy and imagine it flowing away and fading like a morning mist. If you are keeping the circle in place for future use or to continue the working the next day/night, simply smooth out the eastern side of your circle and/or lift the stone at the 3:00 position and step out. Otherwise if you are finished with the space, clean up the site as you would any other circle by rubbing or washing out the circle and sigil and continue on your way.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#278 - A Real,Tested Mermaid Spell
2.Add a pinch of salt,if you use salt.
3.Put object in water
4.Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a mermaid
Swimming in the sea(from your point of view.You can
Imagine swimming backwards to see your tail.)
5.Drink the water.
Side effects:
1.Constant Thirst
2.Hair color changing(can be before or after getting
Your tail,the color is the same color as your tail)
4.A lot of leg itching.
#279 - Fairy Transformation Spell
Oh, fairies, fairies everywhere. Please listen as I call. I wish to be an (element) fairy. With (power), (power), and (power) as my powers. Please grant my so great wish, so mote it be.
It should work. I tried this on my BFF, she is a fairy now.
#280 - See a Fairy Potion
Fill up your bottle with all the ingredients except for the pink ribbon. Tie the pink ribbon around the neck of the bottle, in a nice bow. After the sun goes down, go outside to a wooded area. If you can find an oak tree or a patch of mushrooms. Your own yard is best, or an area with no one around. Fairies don't usually live in busy public parks.
Dab a couple drops of the fairy potion in the bottle on your wrists, and put the stopper back on the bottle. Place the bottle under the tree or wherever you've decided is the best place to find a fairy. Sit next to the bottle, and repeat the following:
''I would like to see a fairy today
Little one, fly my way
Gentle wings for little things
Sacred sight for fairy flight''
Repeat 3 times total. Then sit very still and you might catch some movement out of the corner of your eye. Leave the bottle as an offering to the fairies which might bring greater success next time you try this spell. They will remember a pretty gift.
Last edited on May 24, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.