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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Vampire Sun Protection
  2. Vampire
  3. Dark Fairy Dust
  4. Werewolf Transformation
  5. Werewolf
  6. Vampire Transformation
  7. Instant Vampire
  8. Real Mermaid Spell
  9. Vampire Spell
  10. Fairy God Parents Spell

#1441 - Vampire Sun Protection

If you're a vampire that wants to be able to be in the sunlight but can't cause if they do they would burn alive well this is a ring protection spell.
You may need:

  • Ring
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    You may need:

  • Ring
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    Be indoors at 3pm. Take the ring you chose and lay it on the bed or anywhere that there is sunlight touching. Stare at the ring and close your eyes. Imagine yourself outside in the sunlight with the ring on and you are not burning. Focus really hard on this imagine. Open your eyes and put the ring on. You should now be able to walk in the sunlight.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2016
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    #1442 - Vampire

    A spell to turn someone into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Your blood
  • Necklace
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Your blood
  • Necklace
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    This is best done outside on the night of a full moon around 9pm. Stare at the moon, then pull the salt out and pour it into a circle. Stand in the middle of the circle and hold the necklace you brought. Stare again at the moon and say:

    "God and Goddess, hear me now. I call you forth to take my soul and bind it, shape it, change it into a vampire. Make me no longer breathe, or need to eat or drink. I thirst for blood. I live for blood and nothing else. Give me the power of eternal life, and I shall never die".

    Drink blood from yourself (you might prick a finger). By the next full moon you should be a vampire.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2016
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    #1443 - Dark Fairy Dust

    Shows ingredients. For dark fairy dust. Grind and stir good. It dissappears in midair!
    You may need:

  • Hallow bamboo
  • Sand
  • Yellow Leaves
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    You may need:

  • Hallow bamboo
  • Sand
  • Yellow Leaves
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    Read ingredients, mix and chop ingredients good, and throw it in midair and watch it disappear!

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    #1444 - Werewolf Transformation

    This is a spell that will transform you into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • 1 voice
  • 1 full moon
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    You may need:

  • 1 voice
  • 1 full moon
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    At night on the full moon, go outside and let direct moonlight shine onto you and then chant:

    By the light of the moon,
    and our piercing howls,
    we are further transformed into cunning beasts,
    form the circle of life,
    to the evolution of man,
    I shall be reawakened as one with the land.

    You will have bad anger problems once the spell is done, try to control your anger.

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    #1445 - Werewolf

    Do this werewolf potion- spell under the full moon
    You may need:

  • Wolf blood and hair.
  • Your own blood and hair
  • A glass, cup etc.
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    You may need:

  • Wolf blood and hair.
  • Your own blood and hair
  • A glass, cup etc.
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    Get the blood and hair of a wolf and also your own blood and hair.

    Then mix it with some water in a glass - cup and stir under the full moon then once mixed-stirred drink it up.

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2016
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    #1446 - Vampire Transformation

    This is a spell that transforms the one who casted the spell into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    At night, go outside and chant the following 10 times without stopping:

    Blood red
    pale skin
    moonlight draw me in
    quench my thirsty coarsing veins
    let my body feel no pain

    Afterwards you will receive side affects such as:
    blood craving
    photo sensitive

    You will grow small fangs in a weeks time. It will be like passing another teenage.

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    #1447 - Instant Vampire

    A spell to instantly become a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Human Blood
  • Cauldron
  • Clean Cup
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • Human Blood
  • Cauldron
  • Clean Cup
  • Full Moon
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    Start a flame outdoors in the moonlight. Put the cauldron on the flame and add 1 pint of human blood that isn't yours. Boil the blood until steam rises and you can smell the blood. Pour all the blood into the cup and drink all of it without any disturbances. Drink the blood hot. You are still not an official vampire.

    Say " I make a lifetime commitment to be neither living nor dead ". Once you say this into moonlight you are now a vampire and there is no way out. If you would like would like one more chance to become a human once more you can take one bite into garlic and you are transformed back. If you choice to do this a second there are consequences and it is permanent.


    • Not finding blood and dying
    • Children becoming vampires also
    • Sudden Death
    • Skin paleness immediately after spell is done.
    • Speed

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    #1448 - Real Mermaid Spell

    To become a mermaid with a tail just like H20 just add water.
    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 Cup of Salt
  • A clean sharp item
  • Small class cup
  • Voice
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    This spell includes using blood so anyone who is desperate enough to be a mermaid may read it, anyone who may be squeemish about blood should not use this spell.

    1. Fill up your bathtub halfway with water.
    2. Take 1 cup of salt and pour 3/4 of it in the bath tub.
    3. Do not touch the water (not yet anyway).
    4. Take the clean sharp item and make a little cut on your leg.
    5. Take one drop of your blood and put it in the small glass cup.
    6. Pour 1/4 of the salt into the cup with the blood.
    7. Fill the glass up with sink water.
    8. Mix the ingridients with your finger.
    9. Get into the bathtub with the potion in your hand.
    10. Chant these words while clutching the potion:

    "This potion I hold in the clutch of my hand,
    will part me to see and no longer land.
    As I touch the water a tail will appear,
    I will be human on land with no fear.
    As I drink this potion I will have no feet,
    until I get dry, mote it be, mote it be."

    After you chant these words you will notice there is no tail. Not to worry! To obtain your tail you must wait 2 weeks. Some people will get lucky and the more you believe the luckier you are. The lucky people I have tested this potion with became a mermaid in 2-3 days! But others didn't believe that much so it took longer for them to develope their tail and power. You will obtain a power too but you do not get to choose. It may be a power like being able to communicating with fish in the sea, or controlling sea life, etc.

    There are a few side effects and just to be cautious and to look ahead, the side effects are: Itchy legs, legs change color, you smell like fish, need for water, legs feel rough, legs stick together, you get mermaid dreams, visions, have the need for salt, need to swim in water, take more baths than the average human (3 times a day), begin to understand sea life (like fish, manatees, ect.), start to swim like a fish, splash in a bathtub, lose your balance, fall in the shower, have moments where you breath underwater, have moments where you see clearly under salt water or any other water, breath heavy on land, when falling on the floor or laying down you start flapping your legs, constant hunger for sea food, have the feeling you want to collect shells, and seduce more men.

    If you have any of these side effects you will soon gain your h20 just add water tail and yes it does include the bikini top with it. Some people are really lucky and obtain their power first before tail. Some people get their tail first and have obtained these side effects for their power. Either way it will end out good in tail and power. Also, some people maybe you may get more than one power. It just depends.

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    #1449 - Vampire Spell

    Only use at midnight!
    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • 1 needle
  • some blood
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    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • 1 needle
  • some blood
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    Chant this at midnight:

    "Deus inferorum mihi placuerit. Fac me a lamia
    invoca me in ista nocte milites inferni et mutare."


    "God of hell please me. Make me a vampire
    call upon the soldiers of hell and change me this midnight."

    The blood is used for when you wake up the next morning. never leave your house when the suns out you will burn alive

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    #1450 - Fairy God Parents Spell

    You must wish for this when on one is around you.
    You may need:

  • You
  • A wish
  • And Believe
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    You may need:

  • You
  • A wish
  • And Believe
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    You must say this chant 5 times:
    ''Oh Fairies!
    Fairies! Help me out
    I want to cheat in my life
    For a show that I have seen
    I wish that I had Fairy God
    Parents like timmy turnner,
    I had a terrible life and I'm
    willing to do this for my own

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    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters