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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Dragon Transformation
  2. Werewolf Transformation
  3. Power of the Dragons
  4. Become a mermaid
  5. Mortal Vampire Spell
  6. Sunlight Protection
  7. Remove a Pyschic Vampire
  8. Dragon Summoning!
  9. Dragon's Scales
  10. Change Back From a Vampire

#1451 - Dragon Transformation

Turns you into a dragon.
You may need:

  • Gold
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    You may need:

  • Gold
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    Touch the gold and say:

    "Give me wings so I could fly
    Fire comes with every breath
    Turn me into a dragon"

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    Last edited on May 26, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1452 - Werewolf Transformation

    Allows you to become a werewolf. This is a complicated process.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • A werewolf's footprint
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • A werewolf's footprint
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    First find a werewolf or wolf footprint. Put the water into the footprint and drink. This must be done under a full moon. Drink some sips of the water and say

    "Make me change under this moon
    Make my wolflike qualities appear
    Make me have no fear"

    The next time there is a full moon you will be a werewolf.

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    #1453 - Power of the Dragons

    It helps you find dragons.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    Swirl your wand upwards and chant" Oh, dragons help us find you so we can say hello to you". Visualize a dragon approaching you in your mind.

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    #1454 - Become a mermaid

    This spell will turn you into a mermaid. But it can take a while.
    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • water
  • A blue necklace
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    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • water
  • A blue necklace
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    To cast this spell, you will need to follow these instructions:

    1. Put as much water as you want into the bowl.
    2. Sit in a nice peaceful place with the blue necklace on, and put your hand in the water for 15 minutes. Picture what you would look like as a mermaid.
    3. When it has been 15 minutes, drink all of the water.

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    #1455 - Mortal Vampire Spell

    Most of my spells I have created have worked but I am yet to try this.
    You may need:

  • 1 Drop of Blood- Yours
  • 1 Drop of Blood- Someone else
  • Vervain (Herb)- 1 teaspoon
  • Bowl
  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Drop of Blood- Yours
  • 1 Drop of Blood- Someone else
  • Vervain (Herb)- 1 teaspoon
  • Bowl
  • Candle
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    Sit on ground in comfortable position in front of the bowl and candle, put 1 drop of your blood into the bowl followed by the other persons blood then the vervain. Light the candle and recite spell.


    "God of death, God of life I call upon to make a deal,
    make me neither dead or alive make me burn in the sun and burn at the touch of vervain, to survive make me feed on human blood, make me feel no pain, let me run at the speed of light and compel others make me heal like instantly and never be ill, and let beauty become me, be only killed by a stake to the heart, I ask of you in need make me not dead but mortal, forever damned to hell eternally yours the mortal vampire.
    This is my will so mote it be."

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    #1456 - Sunlight Protection

    If you used my mortal vampire spell and it worked and you burn in the sun this spell will hopefully stop you.
    You may need:

  • Item of jewlery
  • Sunlight
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Item of jewlery
  • Sunlight
  • Concentration
  • Voice
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    This spell is too protect from sun when mortal vampire.
    You'll be protected from burning in the sun.
    What will you need- item of jewellery sunlight concentration.

    Let the light shine on the ring and say:

    "God of death god of sun in my sate where I burn in the sun let this item protect me shield me from your rays as long as I wear this ......(say your type off jewlery here) No more shall I burn in the sun so mote it be."

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    #1457 - Remove a Pyschic Vampire

    This is basically a spell you use when you feel or know that you are having your life or energy drained away by a Psychic Vampire.
    You may need:

  • Altar
  • 2 White Candles (To represent God and Goddess at the altar)
  • Your Favorite Incense
  • Sea Salt
  • Rose or Zodiac Oil(If you dont have any and cant get any anywhere, just get some olive oil and bless it)
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    You may need:

  • Altar
  • 2 White Candles (To represent God and Goddess at the altar)
  • Your Favorite Incense
  • Sea Salt
  • Rose or Zodiac Oil(If you dont have any and cant get any anywhere, just get some olive oil and bless it)
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    What you need to do:
    Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess. In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you.

    Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:
    ''I ward off any and all negativity, in my home, work, school, and in my everyday life, No evil or negativity shall enter here.''

    After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words.....

    ''Psychic vampires who lurk in the night
    psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,
    destroy no more of what I have achieved,
    destroy no more of what I have received,
    negativity is not welcome
    evil as well is not welcome
    in me, around me, or around people I love.''

    Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense
    burn until it goes out by itself.

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    #1458 - Dragon Summoning!

    Okay, I dont know if this works, but it will bring a dragon
    You may need:

  • Four rocks
  • Snow
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    You may need:

  • Four rocks
  • Snow
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    Okay, first Put the snow on the rocks and mix them up

    Then place your hand on the rocks and snow and say,

    Great god of Dragons, I call upon thee to recue me,
    Through wind and through cold I have bared,
    But I need a companion,
    Something big, something strong,
    I need a dragon, Mighty and Strong

    Tell me if it works!!! I have not tried it!

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    #1459 - Dragon's Scales

    After harnessing a dragons power, you need to start with a good defensive technique. (Reference My Dragon Energy Summoning Spells)
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Strong Will
  • Dragon's Energy
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Strong Will
  • Dragon's Energy
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    This spell is similar to aura shield spells but uses less energy and only protects the caster, not an area of effect.

    First- You must hold the dragon's energy. If you do this correctly it will take very little energy. It gets easier the more you do it.

    Next- Then, mold the energy onto your body. (almost as if you were rubbing lotion onto your skin)

    After all of that, you should feel an energy field form just above your skin. If you can see aura, it sometimes even looks like scales.

    Depending on the dragon you use, the scales may feel different. I suggest trying multiple dragons to find the one your best with.

    While this is mainly defensive, if you go into any physical combat it will cause magical fatigue to your opponent as well. Using Dragon's Scales I've actually punched a spirit. It's an effective way to level the playing field on malicious spirits and demons.

    If you can use multiple Dragons, I suggest matching them to what you need in combat.

    Earth is the strongest defense but if you are weaker, it will make you slow.

    Air is the least protective but builds speed.

    Water is moderately protective and sharpens the mind.

    Fire is moderately protective and very strong but can send less experienced/controlled casters into a blind fury.

    For reflectance, see My Dragon Energy Summoning Spells and/or contact me.

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    #1460 - Change Back From a Vampire

    This spell will change you back from a vampire into a normal human at the age of your transformation.
    You may need:

  • 5 white candles in a pentagram
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    You may need:

  • 5 white candles in a pentagram
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    Light the candles and chant, "This was not for me. I want to change back. My soul should be white and not black. Take this curse and change me back".

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    Last edited on Aug 26, 2016
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    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters