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1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1532 Fantasy Spells
1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1532 Fantasy Spells
  1. Water Dragon
  2. Dragon Breath
  3. Summon a Vampire Faery
  4. Vampire Charm
  5. Dragon making
  6. Very Powerful Vampire spell
  7. Mermaid
  8. Psychic Vampire
  9. The Dragon of the Earth
  10. The Dragon of the Winds

#1471 - Water Dragon

This will give you a all powerful dragon as a pet.
You may need:

  • Lake/river/sea
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    You may need:

  • Lake/river/sea
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    Go to the lake or river and place your hands upon it and see your dragon then incantation: "King of water, I pray to thee. Give me your servant as my own. I have given you my power. Now give me yours. So mote it be".

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    #1472 - Dragon Breath

    This spell is guaranteed to get you warm in an instant!
    You may need:

  • A lot of magick experience
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    You may need:

  • A lot of magick experience
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    This spell is easier for people whose element is fire. First rub your hands together really fast for 2 minuets. Then once they are really hot click your fingers close to your hands, almost touching. You should see a spark when you do blow on it and a blue flame should appear. The more you focus the bigger the flame.

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    #1473 - Summon a Vampire Faery

    This summons a vampire faery its a very Dangerous spell so be prepared.
    You may need:

  • Only your voice
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    You may need:

  • Only your voice
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    First you have to go int to the middle of a forest at midnight but bring a cross sit down and meditate for about half an hour then say:

    "Faery of darkness I summon thee until you see a flash then you should see a vampire faery."

    But be extremely careful it will attack you.

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    #1474 - Vampire Charm

    A spell to bring Vampire-like Charm.
    You may need:

  • One Or Two Red Candles
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    You may need:

  • One Or Two Red Candles
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    Note: This spell will not make you a Vampire.
    You don't want to be a Vampire, Believe me.
    So don't cast this spell expecting to become a bloodsucker.

    For ages, Vampires have been known to be dangerous, mysterious, And sometimes even a bit of an outcast.
    But Vampire's always have ''this thing'' about them that makes them irresistible to Humans.
    They have a dark charm that makes mortals' heads spin.
    How else would they get so many donors?

    This spell will not make you a Vampire, but It will give you the charm of one.
    Now the results depends on how well you cast the spell and what kind of person you are.
    Don't cast this spell expecting to have guys/girls faint around you.
    It will mostly just make people like you and feel attracted to you for reasons they can't quite explain.

    If you have any questions, let me know.
    Feel free to tell me how the spell is working out for you when you cast it as well. =)

    Now onto the spell....

    Light the red Candle(s) and set them before you on your altar.
    Close your eyes and relax. Just relax and try to keep your mind focused.

    Imagine glowing red smoke coming from the candle(s) and surrounding you. Covering you completely.

    Repeat the following three times:

    ''Crimson Eyes
    Pale White Skin.
    Vampire Charm
    Draw you in.

    Razor Fangs
    Close your eyes
    May this charm
    never die.''

    Once you cast the spell and close your magickal circle.
    You will become irresistible to mortals

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    #1475 - Dragon making

    How to make a dragon
    You may need:

  • 7freinds[including you]
  • 7phiballs
  • hope
  • imagination
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    You may need:

  • 7freinds[including you]
  • 7phiballs
  • hope
  • imagination
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    First you need togather seven people.Then you have to make them all make phiballs.Put one in the middle at a time,but you have to think about a dragon.If it works if your an aura reader you should see a red or black aura.If it lays eggs it will be a duplicate of the person who put the most energy into it.But it cant kill or injure anybody just keep it under control.

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    #1476 - Very Powerful Vampire spell

    If you've tried other Vampire spells that don't work, then try this. This is a spell I made, but I'm guaranteed it will work. If it doesn't, then I guess try other Vampire Spells.
    You may need:

  • All the candle colors of the elements(white;spiritual,green;earth, blue;water,red;fire,yellow; air
  • Very clean needle
  • Drop of your blood
  • A small container to put the blood in
  • Red string to cast a circle
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • All the candle colors of the elements(white;spiritual,green;earth, blue;water,red;fire,yellow; air
  • Very clean needle
  • Drop of your blood
  • A small container to put the blood in
  • Red string to cast a circle
  • Full Moon
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    Either be outside, or be inside with a window open (I'd prefer a window)
    First, cast the circle with the red string. Then put the candles of the elements in with the white at the top, and the other candles you can put in any order around the circle.

    The reason you need a very clean needle (of course, probably everyone knows this) so you won't get infected. Then poke the needle on your finger (I'd rather prefer on your fingers because it doesn't hurt as much, but anywhere else is fine) and put the blood in a little container.

    Then chant the following:

    "I invoke the spirits and want to say,
    I'm tired of this boring life, there is never anything new, everything is the same, and there is nothing to do, so that's why I want to be a vampire, now nothing will ever be the same, drinking blood with extraordinary thirst, and never be tamed.
    After this spell works, everyone will see, nothing will ever be the same, so mote it be."

    After chanting this, drink the drop of blood, and then say:

    "Transformation come to me,
    here me now, make out my plea,
    I wish to be a vampire,
    Spirits fullfill my desire."

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    #1477 - Mermaid

    Use this spell to turn into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Sand
  • Seashell
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 green candle
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Sand
  • Seashell
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 green candle
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    Spill the water on your head and pour the sand on your legs and feet while you say: "The water will make my hair grow to my breasts. The sand will make my feet shrivel with happiness. From now on, let my tail grow in three days or less. Make my legs transform".

    You can change the spell if you're a boy: "More than I want, more than I need, a merman is what I want to be. Make it happen to all can see".

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    #1478 - Psychic Vampire

    Rid one's self of psychic vampires.
    You may need:

  • Two white candles
  • Your favorite smelling incense
  • Sea salt
  • Your favorite type of oil
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    You may need:

  • Two white candles
  • Your favorite smelling incense
  • Sea salt
  • Your favorite type of oil
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    Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess. In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you.

    Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:"I ward off any and all negativity, in my home, work, school, and in my everyday life, No evil or negativity shall enter here."

    After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words:

    "Psychic vampires who lurk in the night
    psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,
    destroy no more of what I have achieved,
    destroy no more of what I have received,
    negativity is not welcome
    evil as well is not welcome
    in me, around me, or around people I love."

    Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense burn until it goes out by itself.

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    #1479 - The Dragon of the Earth

    This spell is used to call forth the energy of The Dragon of the Earth and channel it in anyway you see fit.
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
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    Place your hands with a two-three inch space between your palms.

    Focus a rock of energy in it and speak the following in a deep and monotone voice.

    ''Rise with a Tremor, Stone Dragon of the Trembling Earth!''

    The energy should bust and surround you in a solid coat of energy.

    As long as you can hold it, you can harness the Stone protection of this one of many elemental dragons.

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    #1480 - The Dragon of the Winds

    This spell is used to call forth the energy of The Dragon of the Winds and channel it in anyway you see fit.
    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
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    Place your hands with a two-three inch space between your palms.

    Focus a breeze in it and speak the following in a gentle and clam voice.

    ''Rise with a howl, Feathered Dragon of the Whispering Winds!''

    The breeze should bust into a hurricane in force.

    As long as you can hold it, you can harness the Wind of this one of many elemental dragons.

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    1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters