2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Stop and clot a nose bleed
- Forget About A Person
- Let go or forget person you're attached to
- healing with amethyst spell
- Violet's Moon Water Recipe
- Sleep Well (TESTED)
- Sleep Well
- Unlucky Penny
- Spice Mix of Strength
- A Cure for Respiratory Illnesses
#121 - Stop and clot a nose bleed
go to the bathroom turn on the sink to cold water hold your face close and chant healing ice waters come forth and heal and clot this blooded wound repeat so mote it be chant three times or as many times as you please and dab the cold water from the sink onto your upper nose
#122 - Forget About A Person
Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself with the person in question and the soul contract in your hand.
Visualize yourself ripping the contract into pieces.
(Name) I let you go,
(Name) I set you free,
(Name) I leave you at peace.
So mote it be.
#123 - Let go or forget person you're attached to
First of all, this simple spell is not mine. It was invented by Dolores Cannon.
Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself with the contract and the person in question.
Visualize yourself ripping the contract into pieces.
(Name) I let you go,
(Name) I set you free,
(Name) I leave you at peace.
So mote it be.
Within some time you should start to forget about the person.
#124 - healing with amethyst spell
in a quiet place, place the amethyst on the cut/injury. clear your mind and think only of the injury healing. say the chant three times for two days, and you should start to see the results
"blood's been shed with tears you've pled, and now the cause of pain is past and gone, i ask thee now (once twice thrice) by the power of the earth and sky rid this scar from my view. banish both cut and bruise."
Last edited on Nov 30, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#125 - Violet's Moon Water Recipe
Before beginning, decide what moon phase you will leave the water under. In the most simplified terms, full moons are good for letting go and getting a fresh slate. The water made from a full moon will serve best in cleansing your home, tools, and body. On the other hand, the water made under a new moon will serve you well in beginning anew with focused intentions and manifestations. If you have a very specific intention you with to instill on the water, consider looking into the zodiac of the moon you're performing under to see if it fits.
- Wait until after moonrise on your chosen night
- Pour the water into your container
- Place the container outside or on a window sill with access to moonlight.
- Choose crystals that reflect your intention and put them in or around your water container (Optional)
- Draw a sigil or write your intention and place that under or on the side of your container (Optional)
- Think or preferably say aloud an affirmation. This is arguably the most important step as magick does not work without intent. Only you can know your intention and thus customize your affirmation. A simple short one size fits all affirmation would be:
"Let the moonlight soak into this water so that it may too run deep with this moon's abundant energies. So Mote It Be"
repeated several times. You may say your affirmations passionately while looking up at the moon like a prayer. This works best if you work with moon deities who may call on by name. You may also whisper your affirmations into the water itself.
7. Leave the water in its undisturbed location overnight.
8. Collect the water in the morning. I strongly suggest before sunrise as sunlight can overpower the newly formed moon water.
9. Store your moon water in a safe dark place preferably away from artificial lighting and specifically sunlight.
10. Enjoy your moon water! Cleanse your space, cleanse your tools, use it to amplify your magick, or perhaps add it to a bath or make a tea to cleanse yourself.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#126 - Sleep Well (TESTED)
- 1 hour before your bedtime sit down and light your candle if you have one.
- Put down or visualize your sleep symbol near your candle.
- Close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest for at least 5 minutes.
- Chant this as many times as you need "I send this need to the Devine One, I am in need to get a good night's rest for I haven't had a well rest in a long time, I am putting my energy out there so I could wake up well and refreshed, This is what I need and want, so mote it be."
- Then Light the incense if you have some so It could help you sleep
- Sit down and close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest again for at least 5 minutes.
- Then put out your candle and go make your tea if you have some.
- Drink your tea slowly while still visualizing you waking up from a good night's rest.
Last edited on Mar 03, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#127 - Sleep Well
- 1 hour before your bedtime sit down and light your candle if you have one.
- Put down or visualize your sleep symbol near your candle.
- Close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest for at least 5 minutes.
- Chant this as many times as you need "I send this need to the Divine One, I am in need to get a good night's rest for I haven't had a well rest in a long time, I am putting my energy out there so I could wake up well and refreshed, This is what I need and want, so mote it be."
- Then Light the incense if you have some so It could help you sleep
- Sit down and close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest again for at least 5 minutes.
- Then put out your candle and go make your tea if you have some.
- Drink your tea slowly while still visualizing you waking up from a good night's rest.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#128 - Unlucky Penny
At twilight on a Saturday night, take a coin and hold it in your left palm. As you do, focus on becoming exceptionally angry; simple irritation will not suffice. When you are angry, so much that your blood begins to boil in your veins, recite the following:
"My wrath will not subside, my anger will not cool, my fury will not cease. I channel all this hatred into this coin, so that it may feel the same wrath that I do. Whomever takes you next, may this wrath fall upon him. Thus I command, and thus it is done."
With this done, place the coin in your pocket until you find a place to leave it. Make sure it is tails-up when you leave it somewhere, lest the spell be for nothing. Thus, whomever picks it up next will be cursed, and your wrath will be upon them.
Additional Notes:
- Do not allow the sun to go down on your anger. You must calm yourself after reciting the spell.
#129 - Spice Mix of Strength
When Mars is in Scorpio, and during an hour of Mars, mix together five spices: Cayenne pepper, paprika, ginger, cinnamon, and red pepper flakes. Thoroughly combine these, whether by hand or by machine, and store them in a jar. Speak the following to the jar:
"Mixture of spices, be observant of my will. When you are consumed, bring strength and power to that person, whether man or woman, for as long as they should desire it. Should you fail to do so, may four gods curse and condemn you: ARES, ENYALIOS, CRATOS, and PALLAS ATHENA. If you have any fear of these gods, you will honor them by assisting me in my tasks. This I demand of you, for I am NN, whose mother is NN."
When this is spoken, shake the jar thoroughly and store in a warm place until it is ready to be used. You may enhance any food with this mixture of spices, and it shall bring great strength to anyone who uses it, whether or not they know it was enchanted. If you fear that it has not worked, recite the incantation a second time and shake the jar more roughly.
#130 - A Cure for Respiratory Illnesses
Take a large amount of chickweed, comfrey, mullein, eucalyptus, and sweet violet, and coarsely chop each of them up. Note that each herb must be completely dry before beginning this spell. Mix them together thoroughly and divide the mixture into seven piles. Place one pile into a bowl and ignite it. The next day, place a second pile into the bowl and ignite it. Repeat the process until there are no more herb piles to burn.
Additional Notes:
- All herbs mentioned are associated with the element Air, and each one is said to help the lungs and breath.
- Do not stand too close to the fire; smelling the smoke from a distance is safer than breathing it in directly. Directly breathing in smoke would, naturally, go against the intended purpose of this operation.
Last edited on Mar 30, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.