At the chosen time light candle or incense optional but will work better. Say: "Great goddess of the night I invoke thee to make me a immortal godlike giant. I will be your follower forever. Hear me now so mote it be!"
This is one you want to do on a Monday to harness the power of the moon.
The day before you want to perform this spell, drop the stone into the water and leave it on your alter until you are ready. Monday night,findable quite and peaceful place. Take the crystal and hold it to your forehead, and visualize your third eye opening when you do. Picture the crystal as a magnet, pulling in energy for you. Set the stone back down and draw an eye on your forehead in the same place with the purple ink. Let the ink dry and continue your visualizing to open up your third eye. Hold the moonstone/aquamarine to the eye you drew and repeat several times:
''Open the sight,
With moonlight''
Drink the cup of water that held the crystal, and repeat the chant again. Sleep with the eye still on your forehead, and don't wash it off until you have to (ex: before school or work). The longer you keep it on the more power that is added to it. You should soon start to feel new psychic abilities start to waken.
Say after visualizing your self a merman. "Atargatis lord Poseidon I wish to be free so please make me a merman I will be immortal, supernatural beauty and strength will be mine. I wish to be reborn as a merman on the physical plane so mote it be". Be sure to drink the water.
Say. "Lord and king Zeus. Hear my call I would like to be your son. I accept your blood. Accept my cry for your blood. Make me your son Zeus. Posiden and hades will be my uncles. Hear my cry. So mote it be".
Take hand over water salt or fresh. Say: "Lord Poseidon, hear my call I would like to be your son. I accept your blood. Accept my cry for your blood. Make me your son. Zeus and hades will be my uncles. Hear my plea so mote it be".
Throw ingredients into water and let sit for one minute or until slight aroma comes off water. Strain ingredients from water and then drink. WARNING: do not reuse same ingredients after one use.
This is a black magic spell, I don't suggest using black magick if it is not needed.
You may need:
Your Target's photo and name on a separate piece of paper
Holly and Ivy (herbs)
Black ink and war water (recipe below the spell)
1 bottle
You may need:
Your Target's photo and name on a separate piece of paper
Holly and Ivy (herbs)
Black ink and war water (recipe below the spell)
1 bottle
Place your target's photograph in a bottle along with their full, real name on a separate piece of paper. Stuff holly and ivy inside of the bottle. Add some black ink and war water and bury the bottle upside down on a new moon.
A Quartz crystal emits the frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.
If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light. Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site. Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing that area in its pure rays.
Place the crystal under your pillow while you sleep.