2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- To get rid of Writers Block
- Sleep Potion
- Complete Relaxation Ritual
- Relieve Pain
- Door Creating
- Wings of Aeoles
- Healing Skin
- Moonlight Healing
- Strong Healing Potion
- Weight Loss Spell
#1401 - To get rid of Writers Block
Bestow your gifts upon me now so that creativity may flow from me.''
Keep chanting until you feel energy in your fingers.
Blessed be!
#1402 - Sleep Potion
Mix the milk and orange juice into one cup. Stir.
"Sleep sleep I will sleep
I am falling in a deep deep
After saying that drink the potion. Then go to bed right away
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1403 - Complete Relaxation Ritual
Take 5 Deep, long breaths- drawing each one out for as long as you can (Without straining yourself of course!).
Stretch out your body all the way, with as much force as you can manage- and hold your position for 15 seconds.
After 15 seconds, gradually release your muscles. It often helps if you imagine water washing over you.
This ritual is a quick fix for stressful days, and is especially useful if you've been sitting in a chair most of the day, and can help you have both peace of mind and body. After all, you can't have one without the other. It can help you loosen up before or after exercise, or be of assistance when you can't find a comfortable meditating position.
I hope you have a good day!
#1404 - Relieve Pain
Take deep, steady breaths and try to become calm. Find a good memory, something that relaxes you and brings you a relieving feeling (for me, it's when my mother used to rub my back when I was a kid and something hurt). Clear all other thoughts from your mind and focus on the relieving feeling around that memory.
It can be a bit difficult, depending on the type of pain, but it should bring the pain down at least enough that you notice a difference. You might have to play around with it a little bit (place your hand in different places, find the most relaxing memory you can)to find the combination that is most effective for you.
#1405 - Door Creating
First off you stand in front of the wall or object in front of you and say this chant 2 times: "when you find you passage blocked all you have to do is knock" and then knock on the wall 7 time in a pattern and then push on the wall and a door should open
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1406 - Wings of Aeoles
Put the rings on both hands one on the right hand finger and the other on the other hands finger next hold the feather with both hands and say: "Aeoles god of wind please give me wings with these rings so mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1407 - Healing Skin
Go to a place that gives you access to a mirror. Look at yourself in the glass. Focus on the place where you want your skin to be healed. Take in two or three deep breaths (just to clear your mind), and focus on the spot as you say quietly (or in your mind, that works, too):
''Fix this place on my skin, make it whole and perfect again.''
The first time, say this five to ten times. Each time you say it, visualize the place healing and becoming how you want it. Imagine how happy you'll be when you get the results you desire. Remember to continue taking in deep breaths. If you find yourself getting a little dizzy, that is okay, just stop for a moment and refocus. This doesn't have to be done all at once. Spend at least three to five minutes a day doing this as many times as it takes until you achieve what you want. You should be thrilled with the results!
(You can also say this to yourself just before you fall asleep at night and as soon as you wake up in the morning.)
Mail me if this works!
Blessed be.
#1408 - Moonlight Healing
Light the candle. Look at its flame meditating silently for five minutes. Say this chant
"By the moon's healing rays
and the suns morning light
I call upon spirits of the night
Heal 'name' of his/her illness
Let it be soon even today
I will be grateful always
So shall it be"
Last edited on Jul 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1409 - Strong Healing Potion
Mix sage, salt, water and orange peels together. Heat for 45 seconds. Stain through a cloth. Add blood then put into a container.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1410 - Weight Loss Spell
Sorry about that!!
Preparation: Using an athame (or another sharp item that you have ritually blessed) mark a black candle into 14 equal parts (13 rings). Mark each section with number fives (5).
On the night after the Full Moon, burn the candle down to the first mark while meditating, and chanting the following:
''As this candle burns, so my fat burns.
As this candle decreases, so my weight decreases.
I have complete control over my weight.
My body is truly perfect in every way.
I now weigh a perfect __(insert desired goal)___ pounds.
Every day I am slimmer and healthier.
I am as perfect as the Goddess within me.
Thank you, Goddess, for your help.
This is my will, so mote it be.''
Do this nightly, burning the candle down to the next mark, until the night of the New Moon, when the candle should be allowed to burn out. It is also helpful to picture your body's fat cells burning off and to feel your increased metabolism and energy. Your body may feel warm and tingly. As the candle goes down, so your weight goes down. You will lose 5-10 pounds over the two weeks. This spell can be done every month, or as needed.
Points to Remember:
This is the affirmation that I wrote for myself, you are free to change it in any way to suit yourself. Rhyming works well, but I wrote this before I was very good at rhyming everything, and I have continued to use it in the original form simply because I like it that way. Always bear in mind that you must see yourself as having already accomplished your goal in the present moment. Also remember that you need to keep wording things as positive, your subconcious mind really hates to ''lose'' anything. The word ''Goddess'' can be substituted for whatever God or Goddess you are working with on this, but I would definitely ask for Divine help.