2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Smaller or Bigger Senses
- God Healing
- Increase Senses Abilities
- Good Luck
- Change Part of your Body
- Garcinia Diet Potion
- Healing
- Christen Protection
- Quick Elemental Strike
- Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening
#1411 - Smaller or Bigger Senses
Say while visualise your senses is changing :
''Goddess of (Sense), I call thee. Make my (Sense) bigger/smaller! They/It will be bigger/smaller! As It what I want! Thanks I give to you! So mote it be!''
If you want the sense smaller just pinch and push it. If you want to make it bigger, pull it!
If you push too much, your sense will lost and gone and you never get it back again!
If you pull too much, your body can't retrieve signal from your senses so beware!
If your nose is too small, you can't breathe
If your eyes is too small, you can't see
Etc so beware
And then sleep, do the chant and push or pull every day until 3 weeks! See your sense is changing!
*** Good Luck ***
Problem? Message matmail1231@gmail.com for guidance!
#1412 - God Healing
On the night of waxing moon, Light the 3 candles outside and say the spell and repeat it 3 times and ends with: "King god of the universe, creator of heaven and earth. Please grant me your healing to heal my sickness and please grant me good health. Please hear my plea, o god, king of the universe and creator of all so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1413 - Increase Senses Abilities
Sit cross-legged and put th candles in front of you. Put the paper-book left and right of you. Write eyes in the paper book as large as you can ("ALC" as my short word). Light the first candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Eyes. I call thee. Make my eyes often sees and see farer. My eyes will clear as water and see sight far. So mote it be!"
Write ears in the paper book (same) ALC. Light the second candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Ears. I call thee. Make my ears often hears and hear farer. My ears will hear loudly and clear and hear far loud. So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke and visualise your eyes and ears becoming better!
Take another paper book and write skin & tounge ALC. Light the third candle and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Feelings. I call thee. Make my skin often feels and better. Make my tounge often tastes and better! So mote it be!"
As the way as before but write "nose"! Light the fourth and chant : "Goddess of Aphrodite and Nose, I call thee. Make my nose often sniffs and smells and smells better! So mote it be!" Breathe all smoke while visualising.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1414 - Good Luck
Say this as many times as you like (3 at the least): "From this moment on your pain is erased. Your bad luck as well. Enjoy your good luck name. You're free from this Hell."
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1415 - Change Part of your Body
Sit down cross-legged. Put the stone below your body. Put the flowers behind you. Put the candles circling you. Light the candles and say : "Goddess of Body, give me body as what I want!"
Draw your body and the part of body you want to change and draw it will become! Visualise and say : "Goddess of Body, I call thee. Give me the part I want, change or remove to what I want, honor for you I give, So mote it be!"
Can be changed to animal form, animes, monsters, dragons, dinosaurs, part or not. It's all about you!
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1416 - Garcinia Diet Potion
Take your extract, water, salt and / or pepper, and mix them in equal porportions (everything except the water) and mix it in your cup/bowl.
Make your potion, and place the cup / bowl with the finished product in from of you. Now pretend the bowl / cup is a square. Put two candles on the right and left upper ''corners'' and the last candle on the upper ''side'' and light each of them.
Then chant:
''Earth grown herbs, witches brew, Soon the weight I am now will the weight I once knew. Help me lose weight, This is my will.''
Blow the candles out. Take a sip of the potion. Everyday exercise for 30 minutes, then take a sip of the potion, do this until the potion is all gone.
#1417 - Healing
Smash the clove of garlic until you have all of the juice you can get, then crumble the rosemary as best you can. Mix the two together, and half a teaspoon of wat, if not less. Rub the mixture over the area with a cut while saying;
"Let this (cut/scrape) be healed,
No more pain shall I feel."
Leave tye mixture on for atleast 10-20 minutes, then wash off.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1418 - Christen Protection
Go around your house 7 times and say "Jesus" each complete circle and thats it.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1419 - Quick Elemental Strike
Gather the energy you want then picture the element in your hand then say,
- fire: flare
- water: aquis
- earth: herth
- air: airo
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1420 - Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening
Have the subject lie down. Allow them to begin to relax, but do not let them go into complete mediation mode or fall asleep, for we must disturb them once. While they are beginning to relax, you(the channeler) will take all the candles and oils. Take your base oil, Olive oil, but it into a bowl and mix with a splash of dragons blood and healing oil. You don't need much of the add in oils, and make enough to have all the candles dressed and a smidgen left over.
Dress each and every candle! With the smidgen left over, have the subject roll over, and begin to rub the left over oil(COUNTER CLOCK WISE!!!) over the appropriate chakras.(Please note that the subject should feel comfortable in every way when performing this spell, and that you need to put oil on the fore head for the third eye chakra and the crown chairs should not contain any oil)
Now, have the subject lie on their back and allow then to completely relax now(but not fall asleep!) And line up the appropriate candles with the chakras. Once the subject is completely relaxed, light your candles, inscent, and sage stick. Channeler, do whatever you need to do to get your freaky mojo wiccan juices flowing, but in a timely manner. So plan ahead and meditate before this spell of required.
Now, begin with the subjects root chakra. Take the sage stick, wave it counter clock wise SEVEN times! ONLY SEVEN! Then, place your hand over the chakra(if the subject is completely comfortable with you touching them, go ahead and make contact, if not, just place hand over chakra) and begin to draw in the negative energy from the chakra with your hand, channel it through you preferred or strongest/open most chakra, and then ground it with your other hand so it creates a flowing net work.
Then take a pinch or pool of salt and place it on the chakra to keep negative energy from entering in durring the cleansing. Repeat for all chakras. When you get to the crown chakra, take one hand, and begin to pull the positive good energy from the universe and spread it into their chakras. Now you have completed the cleansing. Blow out the candles and snub out the age sticks. The subject can now move around and such.
Last edited on Jul 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.