2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Temporary No Pain
- Neko (Revenge)
- Dragon Force for Beginners
- Lose the Weight of Your Body
- Nose Changing
- Perfect Your Nose
- Skill Point
- Sky Dragon's Skills
- 5 Spells in one
- Awakening Your Latent Gifts
#1441 - Temporary No Pain
Place a hand on where it is in pain, apply very little pressure then say this outloud:
"Pain fly out of my skin
Dissapear into the air
So might
So thin"
Say this 5 to 10 times and the pain should fade.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1442 - Neko (Revenge)
Sit cross-legged. Put the picture on the floor in front of you. Put one red ribbon and one gold ribbon above it and say : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! This way (enemy's name) will become, a neko (enemy's name) will be! This red ribbon of neko (enemy's name) will be. Gold ribbon of cute for (enemy's name)! Neko (enemy's name) will be! So mote it be!"
Now wear the red ribbon on your neck and hair. Put 3 black candles in front of you. Put the milk with fish inside of black candles triangle. Put the fur of a cat and the fur of a cat inside the milk. Visualise your enemy's changing into the neko
Drink the milk but (the hard step is) don't drink the two furs and fish! Wait until the black candles turned off. And then before 3 hours, go to your enemy's bed and put the fur above his/her nose! Make sure its night and the enemy's sleeping
The reverse spell (Not always worked) : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! Neko, oh Neko of you, Oh neko (enemy's name). I will turn you back to be a human (enemy's name)! Neko you will be if you make me mad again! I'm avenged because you're neko for (how many days)! I'm just say, "Neko, neko, change (enemy's name" and you will be a neko again! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1443 - Dragon Force for Beginners
Sit down cross-legged. Say the same sayings like in the normal Dragon Force spells. But the difference is, do it every 1 day and every 3 days when you done this 3 times.
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1444 - Lose the Weight of Your Body
Say this : "Goddess of Aphrodite, weight I need to lose! Make me slim and more beautiful/handsome! Change me and take over me! For this is my will! So mote it be!" Take the lotion and rub it onto your skin.
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1445 - Nose Changing
Light up the black candles
Put the picture below the candles
Make the candles in a triangle, the upper must above your enemy's nose!
"The nose, nose, nose of my enemy! Should be taken by these candles! So mote it be!
Take the picture but don't change the pattern of the candles but you can move them!
Hold and touch your enemy's nose with your two thumbs and say :
"This nose I take from the candles are changed to what I want. It will turned into a (what nose) nose! So mote it be!"
The hardest step! Before the candles light out, go to your enemy's bed and touch his/her nose and say the same sentences!
Go home and back to your same pose and visualise that your enemy's nose is changing!
Wait until the candles turned off!
Hide the picture of your enemy
If you want the revenge spells turned off, just drop it on the floors! It should begin if you take it!
*** Dangerous Effects ***
If you fail just start over! Don't continue the spells, because it will be reversed and your nose will be changed!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1446 - Perfect Your Nose
Sit cross-legged and put the corresponding candles in front of you. Light them up. Visualise your nose going perfect and say : "Oh, goddess of beauty! This nose of mine is not enough for me! I hate it! Please let me get and change it for this one, in my mind! For its my will, so let it be! Wait until the candle stopped and hide it!
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1447 - Skill Point
Put the used type of candles in front of you while sitting. Light them up. Say : "Goddess of Skill, please hear me. Give me (speed faster than light and wind/defences stronger than rocks/Attacks more deadly than swords/ability mastered more than a master/Agility faster than water)! For this is my will! Improve me and teach my body! Turn me better now! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1448 - Sky Dragon's Skills
Sit down and put 6 candles with zig zag pose (blue, white, b, w, b, w)
Light the 3 white candles and say:
"Dragons, hear to me dragons! White as honor and 3 as symbol of dragon! I'm calling you and please hear me! I don't mean to harm you and please let me be dragon's friend! So please let me!"
Light the 3 blue candles and say :
"Dragons, come to me dragons! Blue as sky and 3 as symbol of dragon! Let me be your friends, Sky Dragon! Give me your skills, so I will be famous in my world! For honor and thanks for you Sky Dragon! If you let me be your friends! Give me heal skill, and all of your skill! Hear and come to me Sky Dragon! Be my friend! For its my will! So let it be!"
Stay lighten up until it stopped
And then visualise, your deal is accepted by the Sky Dragon and you have your skill!
*** Side Effects ***
Headache for 15 minutes after visualising
Feelings like you're the child of sky dragon
Feels you can do anything
Feels you have many skills
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1449 - 5 Spells in one
1st : Gives you a pair of horns
2nd : Gives you a pair of wings
3rd : Makes you friendlier with nature
4th : Elements Combination
5th : Eye colour change
The first spell :
Put the picture of the horns in front of you
Put the candle in front of the picture
Light the candle on
Imagine you have the horns you want for 2-5 minutes
While visualising, say :
''Oh, Goddess, I want this pair of horns. This it what I want from long ago, I believe this will be happened. It will last permanently on my head. Now, please give mine! It will be (horns' colour) and will be shown to everyone! Make everyone not to be surprised when they see this! For this is my will, so mote it be!''
Stay visualising and open your eyes, take the picture and hide it
Turn off the candle
But remember, every night, chant the sentences again until you get your horns!
*** Side Effects ***
Hurt on where the horns grow
Feels something in your head
Feels your head is heavy
The second spell :
Take the picture of the wings and put it on the floor
Put the candle above the picture
Light the candle
Visualise : You're flying and have the wings
Say this while visualising :
''Oh, goddess, wings is what I want. Wings for me for flying will be shown to everyone, no one will be surprised. My (wings' colour) wings is what I want, for its my will, so mote it be!''
Turn off the candle
Chant this every night, until you get it! But hide the picture!
*** Side Effects ***
Feels hurt on where the wings grow
Bones where wings grow are more flexible
Hurts on arms
The third spell :
Sit cross-legged
Put the nature related items in front of you
Put your hands above the items and say :
''Oh, (say all items) will be mine. I will be one with them, friend with them! So mote it be!''
Smell, see, touch, and feel you are one of them!
After that, say this :
'' Goddess of Nature, I will like me to one with nature, let me go friendlier with them. Nature is what I like. I will make no harm to the nature. So mote it be!''
Feel you are one of them and you are now!
*** Side Effects ***
More friendlier with nature
Love nature
Mad and sad when a person hurt the nature!
The fourth spell :
Think what your elements are (how much you related with them)
If fire, take some candle and sit
If water, take a bowl of water and sit
If wind, take the bottle and sit
If earth, take the dirt and sit
If nature, take the grass and sit
Say this when the thing is in front of you :
''Goddess of elements, this is one I will have. I'm related with this element, combine me with them. I will have them in my body and use it well! For its my will, so mote it be!''
Visualise you're one with them and the elements come into your body and get in!
*** Side Effects ***
Love the element you are
Can use the element
The fifth spell :
Sit down and put the picture of your eyes in front of you!
Say this :
''Goddess of Beauty, this is my eyes. They are (what colour) and seems normally (human/glowing/shining/etc)! My eyes is not enough for me!''
Put the picture of what eyes you want above the picture of your eyes!
Say this :
''Goddess of Beauty, I make a deal with you! My eyes I said to you before is not enough for me! I want to have this eyes, they are (what colour) and seems to be (shining/glowing/etc)! For this is my will! So mote it be!''
*** Side Effects ***
Feels there is a thing in your eyes
Eyes colour changes a little by little
Remember : You must believe or they will not worked!
Contact me if there's any problem (wmarvell007)
#1450 - Awakening Your Latent Gifts
Go outside when the moon is full and the night is clear, prick your finger and scatter a few drops of blood at the four corners, hold the candle and light it, close your eyes if you can and chant
"With these words
I now cross the great divide
Allow me to see through closed eyes
Awaken within me the gifts that sleep
Give unto me these gifts I reap"
Then take a little of your hair and burn it, once the smoke is gone blow out the candle.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.