This spell will let you steal someones psi energy, this spell is not yet tested.
Incase you are wondering it was made by me and 2 other spell casters. (Must Try)
You may need:
Photo of him/her (if you have good imagination just imagine him/her)
Something to draw with (stick)
Sand ( to draw)
P.S you dont have to be a good drawer just no stickman
You may need:
Photo of him/her (if you have good imagination just imagine him/her)
Something to draw with (stick)
Sand ( to draw)
P.S you dont have to be a good drawer just no stickman
First draw a circle on the sand, inside of the circle draw a person sucking out the energy of an another person.
Second put his photo or draw him on a paper and put it there
Third read the spell:
The darkest shadows and the brightest lights help me because the fire ignites, the fire of revenge and the fire of glory, to steal that mans powers and make them be mine, so mote it be !
Fourth when you see him close you eyes and whisper: oh here he is the victim of magic his energy is mine and it shall be.
Boil the water and put the juice from the brown algae in it. Put the water in the bottle. Run the bath, and pour the bottle into the water. Take the bath. DO NOT DRINK! Cut may sting, but that's normal.
Experience Magick Users Only-This may backfire and cause severe problems. This is just a harming spell to use any time.
You may need:
Experience with dark magick
So, basically nothing
You may need:
Experience with dark magick
So, basically nothing
When your enemy is insulting or doing whatever to you, imagine a dark cloud swirling around them. Channel all your rage and energy to your hands and curl your fingers. Swiftly uncurl your fingers and imagine that ball of rage and energy shooting into the person's body. The strength of the affects depend on how much rage and anger you feel. When I did this, the guy was knocked out and missed school for 3 days.
Feel free to mail me with what happened or for private tutoring ( over mail of course )
Something to represent your addiction with your DNA on it
You may need:
Boline/ knife
Black salt
Something to represent your addiction with your DNA on it
Take your apple and carve the name of your addiction on it with your boline. Then, spread the black salt on it so the word is easily visible. Go outside and dig a hole two apples deep. Place the stuff representing your addiction with your DNA on it into the hole. Now, place your apple in the hole. As you are covering the items in the hole with dirt, imagine yourself quiting the addiction forever. Finally, stand on top of the stuff and say, ''This addiction I shall stop, as this fruit in the ground rots.'' You won't quit cold turkey, so don't worry if it doesn't work right away. It's supposed to work slowly, as it would be healthier not to quit right away. Still, message me if it works!
First in order for the vampire spell to work you must shave your head and then set 5 white candles around you. Now say 'vampire' outloud 5 times and then the next day when you wake up, you will be a vampire.
This is more of an technique rather than a spell, but its really liberating!
You may need:
You may need:
Find a nice relaxing place to clear your mind where no one can disturb you, and make sure you have time to do this, at least 30 minutes. If you going to be in a hurry you won't be able to put your full intent into it and it won't be as effective.
Now, arrange yourself into a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Breath in and out slowly as you clear your mind of all earthly troubles, do not let your mind wander off carelessly. This can be difficult at times, but its not impossible. Count backwards from 10, as you do so, breathe in as far as you can and breathe out slowly.
Now see yourself in a white room, you are surrounded by light. Slowly off in the distance you can see what looks like water coming toward you. You feel something soft at your toes, it appears to be sand! You are now at a beautiful beach surrounded by complete peace. The ocean you look out is the key.
Now it appears that you have astral pen and paper in your hand. Write down what you want to rid yourself of, whats holding you back. If its more more than one thing than do them separately. Take the paper and crumble it up. Throw it far into the ocean, and reflect on your past one last time. Feel the ocean cleanse you of your trouble, until the paper comes floating back to you. Pick up the paper and open it up. The paper is empty, free for you to decide what goes on it, you can now move on and be free of whatever is holding you back!