2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Weight Loss Potion
- Peace
- Tooth Healing Rinse
- Animal Healing Spell
- Witches Curse
- Boywnn Animal Healing Spell
- Less Pain
- Healthy Hair Spell
- Strength Spell
- -
#1671 - Weight Loss Potion
First peel the apple then remove the core, put the apple in a bowl and smash it to get juice out, it won't be a lot but it'll be enough. Put the juice in a small but big enough cup. Cut a lemon/lime and only use half of it and put it in, add a pinch of mint and a couple drops of pomegranate juice. Mix it together. Then chant while mixing
"On the power of Aphrodite I command beauty"
Say it as many times as you want to feel comfortable Then get a couple drops of rain water and while adding it in chant:
"et pulchritudinem, super me falli praecipio"
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1672 - Peace
First you will write down all of the things that are bad and are taking the peace out of your life onto the paper with the pen then light the candle in anything you have to contain fire. Then put the piece of paper in with the candle and it will burn while you chant this spell once
"O mighty goddess please come down from the heavens and grant me free from the guilt and shame from yesterday and make my life at peace. So mote it be"
Then sit quit for a bit and meditate focusing on what you want gone then the spell is dun
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1673 - Tooth Healing Rinse
In the gaze of the full moon, pour the water into the glass bowl. Hold it aloft and ask the goddess of the moon to bless the water with healing properties.
Now add the howlite stones into the bowl. Howlite is a great stone that has calcium and healing qualities. As you add each stone in the bowl, say:
''Stone of white, stone of night, bless this water with healing light.
Stone of white, stone of light, bring tooth and bone strength and might''
Now hold your hands over the water and start to charge it yourself. Speak the following chant 9 times and your energize the water with healing energy:
''Lady moon help me on the full moon night
bless this water with healing might
Bones and teeth that are ill and weak
will becomes strong again, so I speak.
With the grace of my lady's gifts
May these waters heart do lift.''
Leave the water in the bowl over night exposed to the full moon. In the morning transfer the water into the bottle and keep it in a safe dark place. Use the water as a daily drink and a mouthwash.
This spell is not a substitute for regular dental appointments or dental services. I and others have used this spell and it has produced results.
#1674 - Animal Healing Spell
Charge the 5 brown candles with brown animal/wildwood energy. As you do chant 6 times the following
''Goddess and god of the wildwood and protector of beasts,
both domestic and wild and free,
Through your grace, give these candles of wax your blessing.
Make I and ___(pets name)___ as one,
So that my love will help them through their pain.''
Place the candles down in front of the picture of your pet and light them with love. Hold your hands over the herbal mixture Now say the following:
''My lord ______, Guardian of the animal spirits
My lady _______, caregiver of wildlife one and all,
Divine spirits of the Forest and Home,
The animals that dwell with it it are yours,
Take the Life force of this spell and heal it.
I give you my trust and love to heal the one I love,
my life's companion.''
Take 1/2 of the herbs listed and place it in the pouch. Take the other half and make a smaller sachet for your pet. Wear yours four days meditating with your pet at least once a day. You can tie the pets sachet on or place it next to where he is laying and healing from surgery. Let the candles burn all the way down.
After four days, take all the herbs and burn as incense while.
#1675 - Witches Curse
"You force to lay a curse
On your head
I'll be turse
You provoked this
Witch on high
Now a curse
You will die
Say your sorry
Will never do
I know that it
Not be true
This curse you'll bear
The rest of your living days
i think this
Be fair
So mote it be twice"
You'll know it worked when the person you've cursed is in pain and suffering!
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1676 - Boywnn Animal Healing Spell
This spell is from the Bowynn tradition but can be altered to your own.
Now speak proudly your first prayers and give and offering.
Take up the blue candle in hand and start to charge it with healing and calm blue light. As you do this say the following 6 times:
''Into thee so I grace
The power of calm and warm.
Radiate you gifts far beyond
and bless those I wish to charm.''
Now take up the red candle and infuse it with red healing energy. As you do, say the following 8 times:
''Candle so red, Candle so red
I infuse you with healing _______.
Radiate your gifts far Beyond
And bless this dear noble pet.''
Now light the candles. As you do see there energy blast outward and fill the room and beyond, like a firework or a sun going super-nova. See the red and blue candles merge in the middle to make a purple spiritual energy as well. Say the following bowynn chant. (If not Bowynn you can skip this and fill in with your own prayers)
''Reye kae Hern. Brand kae Ve. Vo om em aelles, hlass ad adden had don meer. Kai tson to tson kadessel adden plor geddess olon. Syember!''
Now place your hand s about the candles and recite the following
''Sweet goddess, noble god, to you I prayer.
you of the animal spirits and protection.we
I stand before you and ask this,
I ask that __(pet name)__ be entrusted to your care.
Allow the their own recuperating powers
Of their body to be rejuvenated.
Bring light of the candles here may they be blessed
And by your ever giving and caring hands.
Warmth and comfort ___(pet name)___,
And send to them waves of healing''
Now say another set of prayers to the gods. Let the candles burn out. If they are too big, blow them out as you say ''With loves sweet kiss.'' Never pinch out a burning wick. you can reuse the candle later for as many days as you need to.
#1677 - Less Pain
First you will have to put your hand on the painful spot close your eyes and start to either think or say this
"I will this pain to go away
Hurt no more this lovely day
Help me now oh sweet lady bright
Help this soul relieved of pain
Hurt no more this lovely day"
Say this ten times.
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1678 - Healthy Hair Spell
If possible do this a couple of times a day-when you have a quiet moment during the day and maybe at night before you fall asleep. This will not change your hair color like in the movies but it will HELP bring health to your hair. If you have issues of loosing more hair than you should, this may also help.
I have been doing this spell for a few years now myself. I would never recklessly post a spell I have not tested.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1679 - Strength Spell
Say 3 times- Strength of the day, strength of the night, give me strength, lend me light.
Last edited on Oct 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1680 - -
Last edited on Dec 30, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.