2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness
- Evil Eye
- Refrigerator Binding Free weight loss
- Herbal Weight Loss Bath
- Prince Elf
- Dark Angel
- Chicken Hex
- Appearance spell
- vampire spell TESTED
- Breakup a couple spell
#171 - Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness
Find a quiet place where you can speak words aloud and focus your thoughts.
You can speak the words standing or in a position of prayer. I recommend kneeling though. It is critical that you have an open heart and mind and that you commit fully to what you are about to say.
Speak the following words clearly while praying:
"God, I know I am a sinner. But I commit myself to you fully and repent, turning away from sin. I believe you sent your only son to die for me, even though I don't deserve this gift, your grace is never ending. I humbly ask, Jesus, please come into my heart. Lead me on a path of righteousness and guide my body, mind, and spirit. Thank you for saving, protecting, and forgiving me. Amen."
Congratulations, you now have made the most powerful ally you could and have started on a path that will lead you to a complete transformation. If you ever need protection from evil spirits or demons you can speak the following (or even just think it if you are attacked during sleep paralysis):
"Leave now demon and return from where you came, in Jesus name!"
This must be spoken with authority and full assurance and faith that you will be protected.
#172 - Evil Eye
Take a glass of unstarted water and three burning coals. In the absence of coals, nine matchsticks can be used in groups of three.
The enchantment below is said three times and after each chant three matchsticks are lit and then extinguished in water The matchsticks must be lit above the glass of water and let them burn entirely watch out to not burn your fingers
Do this with each match if the matches go down in the water you have the evil eye on you. If the burned matches standing vertically, a man has put the eye on you and if they are horizontal, a woman.The one who has the evil eye needs to drink three sips of water ,then make a sacred sign on your forehead, cheeks, chin, chest, hands and feet, the corner of the bed and the frame of the door.put the glass of water in the corner of your room until you feel better.
Then throw the water at the root of a flower or outside on the grass (if you can)
Run away evil eye from the eye,
From eye lashes and eye brows
From the face from the body from the hands
From the legs ,bowels and bowls
Get out of his way … (the baptismal name of the victim),
On desolate land
Where the wind does not blow,
Where dogs do not bark,
And the roosters do not sing…
Left him/her clean, enlightened as the gods left it
#173 - Refrigerator Binding Free weight loss
Light the black candle while you concentrate on improving your willpower and motivation to lose weight. Think about that while you tie knots in the yarn, about every 4 to 5 inches along the length.
Once it's knotted, take the yarn to your refrigerator and wrap it around the door handle several times and knot it tightly. While you do this, repeat the following:
I bind you cravings, to stay away
I bind you cravings, to stay away
I bind you cravings, to stay away
I am stronger than you today
Leave the candle somewhere safe to burn out. Then every time to go to the fridge, let the yarn remind you of your goal. If you find you tend to snack from the cupboard, you can cast this spell with a cupboard door instead.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#174 - Herbal Weight Loss Bath
Run a deep bath for yourself, and add 4 to 5 drops of each oil into the water. Give it a swirl with your hands to mix, and get in. Have a nice soak, and enjoy the fragrance of the bath.
Then concentrate on the changes you want in your body, and rub the oiled water all over yourself. Visualize how you want to look (be realistic!) and feel your excess weight melt off into the water. Stay in the bath until the water cools.
If you can schedule this spell for a Saturday and/or during a waning moon, it will be even stronger. But as I say with many of my spells, magic can't produce miracles. Casting this spell, then sitting on the couch all day will give you no success. Eat better and exercise more, and this spell should give that edge to lose weight.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#175 - Prince Elf
Just chant 5X daytime or nighttime
'Hear my voice!
Prince Elf, I ask to be.
Make me this, so be it.'
*It probally works instant( keep that in mind)*
Last edited on Apr 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#176 - Dark Angel
Just chant 3X Day/ Or nighttime;
'Night black, no turning back. Make me Dark Angel.
so be it.'
Last edited on Apr 06, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#177 - Chicken Hex
First, use the clay to mold the figure to resemble the person you are casting on. It doesn't need to be perfect, add the standard eyes, nose, mouth. f.e if the person had long hair, make the figures hair long.
When the figure is done, in the figure's chest, place the taglock inside. Connecting their energy to the clay figure. It can be a photo or if you don't have a photo, a paper with their full name. After that, take some time to direct your energy towards it. I'll use a fake name as an example.
"You are John Doe, you are John Doe."
Once you feel done, cast it aside. You don't have to make the doll and cast the spell all at once. I made the doll first, then the next day I cast the spell.
Now finished with the clay figure, I suggest you do this spell outside. Before you begin, be focused but keep the anger down until needed. First, get a chicken breast and place it on the ground. Then, get the figure. This is when you should let your anger resurface. Direct your anger and hatred to the clay figure, as if you were staring at them in person. Out loud, express your anger how you see fit. You could cuss it out, scream at it, etc. As you do that, take the nasty items and push it deep into the clay figure. Visualizing what you wish on them, say what you want to happen to them. Don't rush this process, and direct all your anger at the figure. When you feel yourself cool down, focus on the doll and place it on the chicken breast. Look it in the eyes and say,
Use the knife you have, and plunge it in it's chest, near where you placed their taglock. Take some time to calm down. Then, leave the site and don't turn back. When in your home, cleanse yourself.. Take a shower.. remove all that hex energy off ya. After that spell, you are most likely gonna feel drained out for a bit. So be kind to yourself. Forget about the hex and let it work. Be patient.
General Advice
If using sharp objects on the figure, stop the ritual if you accidently cut yourself. Don't go back to the hexing site. Don't go back to the hexing site. Don't go back to the hexing site, unless when you are satisfied with how it manifested!
If you ever use this spell, tell me your experience with it. :]
Last edited on Dec 30, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#178 - Appearance spell
I need my appearance yes i do. All I need my appearance that I will do.
Last edited on Mar 31, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#179 - vampire spell TESTED
Shout this loudly with all your energy focused onto your voice.
shout 10x
your arm should start to feel weak. go inside your house.
lay in your bed. it should be hard to sleep. in the morning you should have red eyes. and have indigestion when you eat.
#180 - Breakup a couple spell
Carve the names of the two people you want to split up into the candle. Slice a lemon in half and sprinkle some black pepper into the halves. On 2 pieces of paper, write the names of the people you want to split up with on each side with a black marker or pen.
Example: paper 1 (Britney Doe) | paper 2 (Michael Doe)
Place the names facing forwards inside of the lemon. While sticking the toothpicks into the lemon one by one facing the candle say:
"Oh gods and goddesses, hear my plea. May this lemon rot and turn sour like the relationship of (name 1) and (name 2). Let this allow these two to split and despise each other. So mote it be."
Afterwards bury the lemon somewhere in dirt far from your home. I have a big backyard so I decided to bury the lemon far into the forest. This will decompose (break down) the lemon just like the relationship.
Option 2: place the lemon on a white place in front of the candle in your altar space. This method works well too if you do not have a place to bury the lemon.
I hope this works out for whatever your desire is to split the couple.
Last edited on Oct 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.