2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Become an Angel
- Break a Bond
- Happiness
- Healing
- Disable a Machine
- Healing Spell
- Wolf Gardian
- Needle Pressure
- Heal a Heart of Hatred
- God 2
#1801 - Become an Angel
Light each of the three candels and put them afront of you.know chant "Oh gods oh goddess, please make me an angel so mote it be!!!".Chant this 3 more times and in three hours you will be an angel.You will also become immortal.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1802 - Break a Bond
Envision the person you want to break you emotional ties with think of you and him or her in a photo together and think of the photo being torn apart separating you from them. Then think of the person like big a cloud of gas drifting out of your heart out of you completely . Then say:
"Free me from (whoever)
I cut these ties
I break these bonds
I separate us forever more
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1803 - Happiness
Go to the forest or a beautiful place and a windy weather and make sure you are alone. Relax, smile, and say: "oh god and goddesses please grant me happiness". Relax again. Feel the wind, the plants , the beautiful of the place think about happiness.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1804 - Healing
Put your hands over the persons heart you want to heal and think of their injury and say "heal" repeatedly.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1805 - Disable a Machine
Circle around the machine at midnight and hold hands. The leader says, "I, (name of leader), Mage of (name of town), Mistress of the portents of Good, which are as the trunk and branches of my Soul, have turned toward thee. How I have established thee! How my grateful tears have nourished your roots. How highly I have sung your praises! In the name of the mulberry, the beech, and the tulip, in the name of the locust, ash, and witch hazel, in the name of the hemlock, larch, and box elder, in the name of the pine, the maple, and the oak, may you heed my cry! in the name of the eyes, the ears, the heart, the tongue, and body, may you deal graciously with me.
Great spirits of heaven and earth I beseech thee, All praises be sung in thy name, May you stand in our midst with the strength of the sun, In a glittering halo of fire. We bow to your wisdom, and pray you may grant The fulfillment our sole desire, And yield command of the transmuting flame, Your unquenchable cauldron of fire. May you grant us one orb of devouring heat, An inferno whose radiance you feed, And quicken the white-hot combustion inside, Like the life force that stirs in a seed. May this spark be exalted in pure incandescence, May you grant us one power this night, May you lift up the veil of your luminous world In one searing pinpoint of light."
Everyone chants, "bring down, bring down, one coal from your furnace" over and over until a white-hot ball of fire to hover in the air. When you do, silently chant, "Close this window, enlighten this fire, Unyoke its power in desire To place such might in our hands, And yield to our demands."When it combusts on the cab, you are done. Problem solved!
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1806 - Healing Spell
#1807 - Wolf Gardian
I am away from harms sight.
By wolf paw and wolf claw,
I call you hear this night.
Protect me from all wordly harm and those who wish it upon me.
#1808 - Needle Pressure
First grab the 3 pieces of paper.On one of them write the full name of your enemy and the country that he lives in.On the other one write the harm that he has done to you.on the other piece of paper write what do you want that your enemy feels such as itching,burning,pain etc (don't write that you want him to die otherwise the spell won't work).
Then put the three papers in or wrapped to the doll. Stick the needles or whatever pointed thing you chose in a solid part of the doll where it is pushed in when there is pressure on it.
Now put some heavy books that you've got on a furniture like a table and put the doll on them.Than put some other heavy books on the doll. While they are on the doll they will make pressure on it and the needles will be pushed into the doll. While the books are on the doll,your enemy will suffer from the symptoms you've written on the paper. Leave the books on the doll as much time as you want your enemy to suffer. When you remove the books,your enemy will stop suffering
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1809 - Heal a Heart of Hatred
Just say these words to the person with a heart of hatred
"Gods of love
Gods of hate
Bend this heart
Mend this Heart
Free this heart from hate
Make it fresh
Make it new
Break the bonds that holds in hate
Let out hatred and bring in love
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1810 - God 2
So first, say this spell 5 times:
"O god, O goddesses
Make me a god like you.
That can do anything like you
Who can do what you do.
So mote it be!!!"
Within 1 hour, you will be a god.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.