2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Potion
- Vampire Curse Reverse
- Cure
- Hurt Spell
- Peeling Skin Elixer
- Anti-Madness Potion
- Emotional Improvement
- Vampire spell (only if you believe!)
- Reversal of a simple Hex
- Eat Less
#1841 - Vampire Potion
-Next, you get your favorite necklace and put it in.
-Now, put your hand over the cup and say this 10x:
''Blood red, pale skin, moonlight, draw me in quench my thirst, coursing veins. Let my body feel no pain.''
-Drink the water.
-Take out your favorite necklace, dry it, and put it on.
And you're done. Message me side effects.
#1842 - Vampire Curse Reverse
Get a white candle. Go outside or in a room with the windows open. Do this only at Day Time. Light the candle. Think of light thoughts then chant-
"Vampire Vampire
Be no more
Now I will open the door
To mortal normal nicer life
There will now be light
Normal person I shall be
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1843 - Cure
Feel the aura in your center chest, and then make the auratic field bundle inside you. Then force your aura to move to the wound or pain and it should heal if you are experienced enough with your aura to do so. If you do no I am going to post this;
Ways to improve your aura-field:
- Summoning your aura then banishing it.
- Moving your aura to other objects.
- Moving your aura through your body.
- Bending your auratic field around things.
Those are a few auratic exercises.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1844 - Hurt Spell
#1845 - Peeling Skin Elixer
*the dandelion I am currently testing so I don't recommend using it unless you so wish to.
#1846 - Anti-Madness Potion
Mix all the ingredients together. Shake five times and chant: "This potion shall clam my anger, keep me sane. As I smell and sniff, my fist will not be stiff. So mote it be". Slowly count backwards from 10 as you smell the potion. Do not drink or inhale it.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1847 - Emotional Improvement
Meditate so you can form energy, because all spells need your own energy because otherwise they won't work as well as you may think or even may not work at all.
Cast the Circle and Call the Elements and invoke your chosen Deity that corresponds with Happiness or Joy. As said previously if you have not chosen a Pantheon yet then invoke Hathor. Now, get your candle (red) and hold it in your hands and visualize the energy that you gathered from meditation going into the candle, then when your done with that dress the candle with the herb you must dress the herb up the candle because that symbolizes bringing something in(pepper).
Light the candle and visualize within the flame that your goal is complete, so you would visualize yourself happy, then get your piece of paper and write what you want the invoked deity to do for you. Then what you want to do is fold the paper toward you, then turn it clockwise and fold it toward you again. What you need to do then is burn the piece of paper while chanting. Underneath if you have not chosen a pantheon I will put the invocation of Hathor, then chant:
"Great goddess, Hathor.
I ask that you bring
Your presence to this room.
Upon this night,
Help me with my magic
Fulfill my intention
Offerings I will leave to you.
All I ask is your help
So mote it be"
Then chant:
"Upon this blessed night
With Goddess Hathor's might
Great Goddess, hear my plea
Courage from you is what I seek.
Expel emotion and negativity
Fill me with confidence, pride,
This is my plea
So mote it be"
Leave an offering to Hathor after the spell has worked okay, if you don't have anything suitable as an offering then simply write on a piece of paper:
"Thank you Goddess Hathor for helping me
with my spell".
Then burn the paper in a candle, fire or whatever so that your messaged will be sent to the heavens.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1848 - Vampire spell (only if you believe!)
Blood red, pale skin, moonlight draw me in. Quench my thirst, coursing veins, let my body feel no pain.
After chanting you will know it has worked because you should feel dizzy then energetic. Food and drink will taste different and blood should taste sweeter.
Side effects include:
Run faster
Turn pale
Headaches in the sun
Craving for blood
Grow small fangs
Eyes may change colour
Like the colour red
#1849 - Reversal of a simple Hex
A spell was cast upon me
Now I send it back to thee,
It lifts from me and turns to you,
It's three times worse, too bad for you.
Visualise the hexes/jinxes energy lifting from you in a 'cloud' of energy and going back to the caster, settling on them.
#1850 - Eat Less
On each piece of paper, draw the pentacle, the cross, om, or whatever symbol resonates with you.
In a circular pattern around the symbol, write this:
"Refridgerater stay invisible to me, (or cupboard)
A smaller number I hope to see,
This is my will, so mote it be. "
When you see the refridgerater, your will becomes clear to you, and you are more likely to rexamine your eating.