2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Stone of Luck
- Contact a Deceased Loved One
- Vampire
- Ode to the Vampire Mother
- Healing
- Tiger Transformation spell
- The Rose Spell
- Death Note no. 4
- Tears of Vengance
- Flame of Vengance
#1851 - Stone of Luck
#1852 - Contact a Deceased Loved One
Preferably, cast a circle of purification in your own tradition. See 'Druid Protective Circle' for a possible way.
Light the candle and sit in a comfortable position. For as long as you see fit (usually 30-60 minutes for me), meditate on this loved one. Think of the fun times, the hard times, and remember them. Pay homage to their life and their accomplishments.
Hold the candle in your hands. Chant:
I feel the warmth of your body, the warmth of your soul. I hold you in my arms, my heart, and soul. Please join me, (insert name).
As you look at his/her picture, begin to feel the warmth of the candle envelop your hands. Feel the warmth climb up your arms, down your body, and cover your entire body. Sit, listen, and experience.
You will likely smell them, or feel their energy. It is also possible to hear them, see them, or dream of them.
#1853 - Vampire
Draw a pentagram on a piece of paper. Light the candle and put it in the middle. Get some of your blood and drip one drop on the flame. Go out side while it is dark. Make sure you're alone. Then chant this 10 x
"Vampire blood
Human blood
Make me be reborn
To become a vampire.
Human will be no more.
I will have long sharp fangs
And yellow eyes
When ever I hiss
They will stay for 10 minutes.
I will be able to run up to 60 mph.
I can bite mortals for blood and
For them to become vampires.
This spell is unreverseble.
So mote it be".
Your fangs will come in 2 days. Your powers will come in 3.
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1854 - Ode to the Vampire Mother
You must realize that if this does work (haven't tested it myself I don't know how long this will take) that there is no turning back, if you make this decision, and you are visited, you will join the ranks of the undead as a true immortal vampire! I ask that you want this with your soul if you are to do this. You do this at 14, you'll be 14 forever, just be wise is all I ask.
(The spell is in Latin, and it is recommended it is said in that language, an English version will be posted below the recommended version)
Put the five black candles on each corner of the pentagram.. and sit in the middle of the pentagram.. Burn incense if you must. sit and meditate for about 5 mins - 1 hr.. holding the Ankh to your chest or setting it right in front of you.
(IF you do not own an Ankh simply draw one neatly on a piece of cardboard or paper, but be neat with it, and set it in front of you)
Say the spell with a force, say it truthfully with none other than faith. Think in visualize in your mind, the mother.. Breath in the night air.. Think of respect, and loyalty.. As well as bloodlust.. Let her hear a voice with meaning.. The spell is only as real as your faith is..
After meditating, keep your eyes closed as the candles burn.. listen to the night for a moment, then take a deep breath and say with respect, love and loyalty.
"O dea tenebris
mater immortalibus
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
mea lux vestra absorbere
liceat mihi locus ad tenebras
sicut ex utero immortales
filios tuos in ulnis
quibus invocaverit te frater
O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus"
"Oh goddess of the darkness
mother to the immortal
let me be reborn as your child
let your light absorb my own
Allow me passage to the darkness
as from your immortal womb
into the arms of your children
to whom I will call brother
Oh moonlight
let me be reborn as your child
guide the dark ones to me
so I shall be born again"
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1855 - Healing
Fill your muslin bag half way with the dead sea salts,
add two teaspoons of lavender herb and one drop of lavender oil.
tie up the bag and include in your bath.
Close your eyes and feel your body soak up the healing herb, salt and oil.
Chant the rhyme
Pains and Aches and
Evil Things
Fly from me on rapid wings!
Leave my body, don't return
For peace and quiet I do yearn.
Surround me in Her radiant light.
Magic power pure and white
Banish forces of the night!
So as I will it
So mote it be!
#1856 - Tiger Transformation spell
While looking at a picture of a tiger, chant this 3x: "Tiger, tiger in the trees, Please your spirit enter me. Make me change into you. Orange, black, and white, running Through the trees. Give me the Ability to change from human to Thee. Strong and powerful, with sharp Pointy teeth. This is my wish. So Mote It Be." SIDE EFFECTS: Sharper teeth Hissing when frightened/angry Longer hair More hair Sharper teeth Sharper nails Stronger
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1857 - The Rose Spell
#1858 - Death Note no. 4
This is a hoodoo spell that I made up that might work for those who are interested in modern hoodoo spell, made from yours truly.
First you get two pieces of clothe and draw a person on it. The one without the triangle is a guy and the other with the triangle on the bottom top part of its legs is a girl with a skirt on. Sew it until you make a slot and stuff it with cotton balls. Then sew it off. Now cut the hole into the chest of the poppet
Now, go to the sigil generator by 17hex (google it) or make your own sigil using this example. Nom Down the Hotdog -- NmDwths.
Then put it on the small paper (joss works best, wish paper works second) using Bat's blood ink and sew it up inside the doll. Burn the doll in the cauldron and say, "Gods and Goddesses of Death, I welcome you to my working and to help with the disposal of _____"
Then watch the doll burn into ashes. If you don't have time put the cover on it and let it burn. No wonder grills make great cauldrons!
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1859 - Tears of Vengance
#1860 - Flame of Vengance