2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Get the powers of an achroite
- Get the powers of an amethyst
- Psi Ball Healing
- To Relieve Anxiety
- To Relieve Anxiety
- Summon Any Spirit to Heal You
- Awaken Your Inner Wolf Spirit
- Back Up
- Buck Up
- Heal a Fire Burn
#1911 - Get the powers of an achroite
2. Say this three times: ''Gods and goddesses, I desire to have the powers this amethyst has.''
3. When you're ready to get rid of them, put the amethyst back in your dominant hand and say this four times: ''Gods and goddesses, I no longer have the desire to have the powers this amethyst has.''
4. Voilà! You're finished!
#1912 - Get the powers of an amethyst
2. Say this three times: ''Gods and goddesses, I desire to have the powers this amethyst has.''
3. When you're ready to get rid of them, put the amethyst back in your dominant hand and say this four times: ''Gods and goddesses, I no longer have the desire to have the powers this amethyst has.''
4. Voilà! You're finished!
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1913 - Psi Ball Healing
Create a psi ball and imagine that it shines even more than the sun,and imagine it like a white ball. Move your psi ball to the focus of the disease (if it is flu focus on you chest,for muscular pain focus it on that respective muscle) and expand it until it envolves that area. Imagine the light entering you, and a black energy going out of you, until you feel clear.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1914 - To Relieve Anxiety
Place herbs in the cauldron and cut up with knife. Add boiling hot water. Light candle placed in front of cauldron. I then say ''I, In my humanest from, call forth the powers of this earth and ask them to bless this potion with the ability to aleviate anxiety and instill in the drinker a calm, sober mind. I add a stone of amethyst for sobriety, aventurine for manifestation, jade for healing, and onyx for centering. These stones will further this potions ability.'' I add stones, and rub my hands together rapidly to create energy. Chant ''Calm, serenity, peace, happiness.'' When enough energy has been created, move the ball of energy towards the potion and place it inside. Move hands around the ball, adding all your energy to it while chanting ''calm, serenity, peace, happiness''. When your energy feels drained, pick up your wand. Say'' With this wand, I bless this potion with the ability to take away the drinkers anxiety and pain and instill in them a calm, sober mind.'' Stir the potion with your wand, and when energy feels depleted, bring up wand and suck excess potion off the end. Say ''I thank you, great earth, for the gift you have given of letting this potion banish anxiety in the drinker. Blessed be.'' Blow out the candle. The potion may now be drank, or stored for later use. Any excess should be returned to the earth's ground, and not thrown away.
#1915 - To Relieve Anxiety
Place herbs in the cauldron and cut up with knife. Add boiling hot water. Light candle placed in front of cauldron.
Say "I, In my humanest from, call forth the powers of this earth and ask them to bless this potion with the ability to aleviate anxiety and instill in the drinker a calm, sober mind. I add a stone of amethyst for sobriety, aventurine for manifestation, jade for healing, and onyx for centering. These stones will further this potions ability." I add stones, and rub my hands together rapidly to create energy.
Chant "Calm, serenity, peace, happiness." When enough energy has been created, move the ball of energy towards the potion and place it inside. Move hands around the ball, adding all your energy to it while chanting "calm, serenity, peace, happiness". When your energy feels drained, pick up your wand.
Say" With this wand, I bless this potion with the ability to take away the drinkers anxiety and pain and instill in them a calm, sober mind." Stir the potion with your wand, and when energy feels depleted, bring up wand and suck excess potion off the end.
Say "I thank you, great earth, for the gift you have given of letting this potion banish anxiety in the drinker. Blessed be." Blow out the candle. The potion may now be drank, or stored for later use. Any excess should be returned to the earth's ground, and not thrown away.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1916 - Summon Any Spirit to Heal You
Next, say this with your eyes closed, ''(First name), (full name), please heal my pain/illness.''
After saying that, your bandages should feel like they're coming off. If you have an illness, you should feel like you're being touched. If you feel one of these, that is the healer.
While feeling this, take 3 deep breaths.
When you want them to stop, open your eyes. Thank them. Then you should feel better.
#1917 - Awaken Your Inner Wolf Spirit
Repeat incantation 8 times while picturing your inner wolf awakening: "Excitandum interioris sis Lupus spíritus".
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1918 - Back Up
Say: "Back up this spell I am about to cast so mote it be" then say your spell.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1919 - Buck Up
Say: "Back up this spell I am about to cast so mote it be"
Last edited on Mar 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1920 - Heal a Fire Burn
Take the bottle of water and splash some (not all) on where the victim was burned. Say, "Gods and goddesses of the water and fire, heal (name of victim) of their burn, for they are in much pain. So mote it be." Have the victim drink the rest of the water.
Last edited on Mar 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.