2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Make Headaches Go Away
- Summon Slender Man On An Enemy
- Fear/Sorrow Inducer
- Mental Pain
- Become Magical
- Twilight Vampire
- Powerful Charm
- Werewolf Spell
- Becoming a Vampire
- Break Up Spell
#1981 - Make Headaches Go Away
First you light a red candle and chant this 3 times: "My head is in pain, this is my bane, so make the headache go away never to see the light of day, so I can rest and be me, So mote it be" then let the red candle burn out.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1982 - Summon Slender Man On An Enemy
You draw a note that says "Always Watching (X) No Eyes". After that's done you place it anywhere on his/her house (Window is recommended). wait for a few seconds, afterward his arrival will give your foe the worst of dreams.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1983 - Fear/Sorrow Inducer
You place the name inside of the pentagram, there are 5 ways to make your victim scared
Average Scared: just simply place the name/pic in the pentagram and say "Dark forces, corrupt thy foe and feast on his/her fear, all his nightmares will be about me: all of the frightening tales he'll hear will be about me in his ears" the next morning when you see him/her at work, school, or just at the grocery store, he/she will look at you like you're gonna strangle him/her in front of everyone
Fetal Position: Slice the name/pic in fourths and place each four in the middle of the pentagram, when he sees you he wont help curling into a fetal position as if he just saw his wife/girlfriend/anyone he/she cares about being barbecued.
"I Wish I Was Never Born" Scared: Throw the name/pic into the Bonfire and chant "Lucifer, Make thou soul suffer, make his/her heart jump from thy chest to throat. make him/her be very afraid" When you even look at your victim now, you'll be most feared since slender man
Scared (censored)-less: Slice the First letter of his/her name off (If pic, slice off the face) chant "Thou is no more, light be removed from this sorry excuse of a human being and darkness be placed inside of this shriveling monkey" then next day hen he/she sees you he/she will run as if he/she was running from Death
Deathly Scared: Slice the pic/name into a star shape and place it in the middle, take the red marker and place a circle in the exterior. chant "Now, lucifer. it is my turn to be feared, i am true Satan. there is no divine power more divine than mine" the next day your victim will act like he/she is staring into the eyes of the devil himself
Last edited on Mar 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1984 - Mental Pain
Sit in your dark room, on the floor with your legs crossed. Place each candle on either side of you and your item in front of you. Have your music (if you have it) place softly in the background while your eyes are closed and you start taking deep breaths.
Now, start thinking. Think of everything thats been bothering you, and that irritates you. Think of everyone that you hate. Then think about how those people that you hate don't matter. Think about how you no longer care about those thinks that bother you. Realize that if you stop putting so much time into the things/people that you hate, then you could live a happier, less stressful life
Now, start thinking of everything that makes you smile. Think of the people that you love. Think of all the good things that have ever happened to you. Think of how you can make your future even better. Then, I want you to smile
Open your eyes. Pick up your item. Think of why it's special to you and hold it close. Blow out your candles, stand up, and live your life in a way that makes you happy
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1985 - Become Magical
Sit down in a room by yourself or with friends. Each put one of your favorite things in a spot and form a circle around it or if it is just you sit in front of it
Chant: "Oh great and wonderful things you are our(my) favorite (thing),so will you do us a favor and make us(me) all so magical and powerfull"
Imagine power coming from the item(s) and entering your body(ies). Imagine a wand or some other or some other powerful thing appearing in in front of you
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1986 - Twilight Vampire
It has to be either day time or night time and you say:
"Pale white skin
Cold as ice
All super senses
Take control
Sparkle in the sun
To be exposed
Unbreakable teeth
Unbreakable bone
Human or animal
Blood will I drink"
Say that as many times as you think you have too.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1987 - Powerful Charm
To do this spell you will have to cleanse the charm first.
Next leave the charm out so that it will be exposed to the moon light for ten seconds then place the charm into the water and chant "Charm absorb the energy of the water"
Let the charm hover over a flame then chant "Charm absorb the energy of the fire"
Hold the charm in the air and chant "Charm absorb the energy of the air"
Now dig a hole into the earth and bury the charm and put your hand over where you burried it and chant "Charm absorb the energy of the earth. So It Shall Be!"
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1988 - Werewolf Spell
by the light of the moon and our pirceing howls we are further transformed into cunning beasts from the circle of life to the evalution on man i shall be reawakened as one with the land.
By the next full moon you have to go outside, remove all clothing, put on the wolf skin, and Chat the spell one more time.
You will turn into a werewolf every full moon for the rest of your life unless you use a reversal spell.
#1989 - Becoming a Vampire
Say this 11 times while watching the reflected candle light on the mirror. Make sure all light are turned off. And say this :
"Spirits of the dark
I know you have this magic art
Make my dream in the heart come true
Turn me into a vampire
To sun I'll like burn in the fire
Please thirst of blood
I ask to you god
Make my dream come true"
Last edited on Mar 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1990 - Break Up Spell
WARNING: This is a very dangerous spell. Even just using it once can get you into a lot of trouble.