Fill the bowl with warm water now add 1\4 cup of sage. Add a teaspoon of CChives. Add a dash of rosemary. Add the tea leaves. Stir for 1 minute. Have a sip and you'll be Compleatly healed.
A curse spell (originally written in English but translated to Latin)
You may need:
Anger or Rage
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
You may need:
Anger or Rage
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
Think of a time that someone has hurt you (either emotionally or physically) and use the pain to fuel your anger. As your anger grows chant these words :
''Ego noceant hiis qui noceret mihi
Nolo bonum maledic
Maledictiones tibi eveniat, et nihil minus
Eritis pati, donec obitum tuum
Et fiat semper
Et fiat semper''
Havent tried the spell yet, so if you happen to try it, let me know what happens -Yuki
It is extremely healthy for not only your third eye but your spirit to get in personal acquaintance with your soul, it will not work for everyone because for some in a past life have betrayed the soul, so they shy themselves but anyone can still travel within themselves.
You may need:
Belief that it can be done
Clear Tranquil Mind
You may need:
Belief that it can be done
Clear Tranquil Mind
It may sound hard but it is actually simple, some just need to stare at a candle flame to clear the mind while others require complete silence...I found music and incense help most find a way to calmly exert their energy.
To gain focus by candle, this works best whose element is fire since it will create a stronger connection to the person. Stare at the flame, it dosn't matter how long for it takes because focus is not so quickly gained, watch the flame flicker then it begins. Don't pay attention to anything else but the flame then once that is achieved close your eyes. Once closed think of the following of your choice, a library with telaportic books, portal, waterfall, painless lava or fire anything that you can go through or can transport you automatically without your guidance. Mine is a neon waterfall surrounded by crystals while some have books that take them or portals. Imagine your teleporter and tell it to take you to where you need to go and if your just interested in seeing your soul tell it you need to see your soul. Now your journey begins in your experience I can not tell you what to expect but always know nothing is impossible once in your spiritual self and I suggest putting locks in important places to keep things safe and good luck for what you want to know is just hidden in yourself. If your going by element on the beginning of the topic, those of water may want a bowl of water to dip there hands in frequently until they are ready then close your eyes. I hope you are able to succeed since the others I brought there were in my personal life so I could find ways to help them focus better but if you need any help message me on here or my email. AsariGoddess is my username but when messaging just call me by Vayessa. Good luck to all of you.
This is my first spell and I'm excited to share it with you all! If so I would love to get feedback! Blessed Be!
You may need:
Your voice
You may need:
Your voice
My spirit has rage for all to see,
Let it all be banished from me.
As I say these words tonight,
Rage and anger shall leave my sight.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire,
I mold thy power to my desire.
Let my fire be doused by pure water,
and my spirit as sweet as a preachers daughter.
May these words ring through my mind
Until the very end of time.
By the power of 3 times 3,
As I wish it so mote it be.
Well i kinda broke my phone and like made this up and it worked so i would like it if you messaged me to let me know if it worked for you please and thank you.
You may need:
Broken Phone
You may need:
Broken Phone
In a quiet room when your alone imagine white like going through your body and in your phone and say this spell 2 times, Heal, Repair, Work and mend make my phone work again.
These spells have repercussions cast them perfectly
You may need:
Picture (optional)
Anger at the target
You may need:
Picture (optional)
Anger at the target
Place the picture on the ground and put your hands on it . If you dont have a pic of the target have it in yourminds eye then focus your hatred on that person then say:
"Powers east ,west, north and south I command you pour out my hatred on(the targets name)and let him/her bow before me so mote it be."
A curse spell that i just wrote (originally written in English but translated to Latin)
You may need:
Anger or Rage
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
You may need:
Anger or Rage
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
Think of a time that someone has hurt you (either emotionally or physically) and use the pain to fuel your anger. As your anger grows chant these words :
''Ego noceant hiis qui noceret mihi
Nolo bonum maledic
Maledictiones tibi eveniat, et nihil minus
Eritis pati, donec obitum tuum
Et fiat semper
Et fiat semper''
Havent tried the spell yet, so if you happen to try it, let me know what happens -Yuki
A curse spell that i just wrote (originally written in English but translated to Latin)
You may need:
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
You may need:
Belief in magick and curses
Pain, whether emotionally or physical, caused by another)
Think of a time that someone has hurt you (either emotionally or physically) and use the pain to fuel your anger. As your anger grows chant these words :
''Ego noceant hiis qui noceret mihi
Nolo bonum maledic
Maledictiones tibi eveniat, et nihil minus
Eritis pati, donec obitum tuum
Et fiat semper
Et fiat semper''
Havent tried the spell yet, so if you happen to try it, let me know what happens -Yuki no Suru