2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Bless a Spirit
- Power spell
- Seth's Revenge
- Banish A Bad Habit Charm
- Apple Banishing
- Anger Management
- Dark Vampire spell
- Animal Shifting
- A Thousand Storms
- Erase Yourself from Memories
#2021 - Bless a Spirit
Have the persone you are going to bless take his or her shirt off. if it's a girl have her take her bra off(Have another women do this spell if you are blessing a women. Or have the guy swear not to touch her inapropritly and swear on secrecy.) Have the person then liedown on a bed or couch. Now have them close their eyes and breath in through their nose and out through their mouth. Prepair the holy water
on a alter if you like.Pour some water in a container and place a cross in the middle of the container under the water. Now say the incantation:
"God is my faith,
god is my light.
His city is my heaven,
his city is my might.
May he bless this water and change wrong to right."
Now go back to your friend with the water(on the alter) and place it on the table. Place the second cross wear the ribs part. Now dip your right index finger into the water, then place it upon her head. Draw a circle with the water. while doing this, chant:
"May god protect your mind."
Now dip the same finger into the water when you are done and then set it upon your friends heart, now make the cross shap again. Chant:
"May go protect your heart,"
as you draw the cross. Now dip your hands into the water then set them upon his/her shoulders.
Now chant:
"Gulia waise medh ono, atra du evainya ono varda. God bless your soul. the soul is now blessed."
Prounotion and Tranlation for last chant:
"Gooleea ways med ono, atra du evan in ya ono varda.
Luck be with you, may the stars watch over you."
Hope you enjoy doing the spell. message me if there are any problems.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2022 - Power spell
#2023 - Seth's Revenge
Place candles in the candle holders. Separate each one so you have room now step on the"line" in between them (make sure the sting is taped or in some way held). Visualize a door ancient and sandy make it seem Egyptian like
Say "Seth god of discord ruler of chaos! I open the doors to your domain!" See the doors open you'll feel wind blow and sand right behind its tail you might also see a dog. Do not let it domante you it's a minon of Seth to see if it worthy of you. Do not harm it with chaos there is order Seth could easily say no and curse you instead.
Tell the Dog if any appear to stay and that you are strong and wish to speak with Seth. The dog will leave and out will come Seth with red sand blowing tell him what you want but ask for you and him to become one. Though before that ask him to bless the string so you can undo the spell if you want/need
Keep standing on that string/line feel his power flow through you. You should feel scattered but in one place that is because there is order in chaos. Then focus on your enemy(ies) feel the wind and energy swirl aster and faster till it's about to SNAP! A second before that send that dust storm out there to the enemy see it swallow them
Once all is done release yourself from Seth any way you want but be respectful. See Seth go back through the door but bow as he departs see the doors closes and varnishes. Close the ritual snuff the candles and keep the string so you can undo your spell if needed.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2024 - Banish A Bad Habit Charm
pour the glass of water onto the candle. the paper and the wax is now kind of melted together. Take the ashes and fold it into another piece of paper. You can decorate it if you want to. I used a candywrap instead of folding it into normal paper. Keep it with you as a charm to remind you not to do something.
I hope it works!
Blessed be x
#2025 - Apple Banishing
Dig a hole into the ground big enough to bury an apple in. On the bottom of the hole sprinkle some salt.
Now take your apple. Hold it in your hands and think of the things that you want to banish, the feeling you have when you feel guilty because of smoking for example. Imagine these feelings being absorbed by the apple. Now take your knife and carve some symbols reminding you of the things you want to banish or just simply cut the apple.
Place the apple in the hole that you just made. Now with your hands bury the apple and pat it real good and feel that the bad habits are now buried under the ground.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2026 - Anger Management
While standing at the water front grab a rock and visualize all of your negativity flooding the rock and filling it up. When your rock is so charged that you can feel the negativity seeping out throw it as hard as you can into the water.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2027 - Dark Vampire spell
''In the darkest hour I send out my request to the Greek Goddess Nyx. I request that if I have any vampire ancestry that it be brought out in vice of a week. I belong not with the normal humans but belong in the supernatural world where there is always danger. In becoming a vampire I give up my time in the sun, my favorite foods, and most of all the warm blood running in my vains.''
cut the palms of both hands and light each candle while saying
White- ''My spirit I condem you to never live another human life as you are to live with me and die if I ever die.''
Black- ''I condem myself to the darkness to never see another sunrise or sunset.''
Violet- ''The sun light shall slowly burn me to death if I am ever caught in it.''
Red- ''The fire will no longer hurt me for it will become my friend on the darkest of nights.''
Blue- ''Water is no longer need to keep me alive as I only need blood to stay strong.''
Green- ''The earth will become a close friend as I live and move to hide any suspicion and hide from the sun''
Yellow- ''Air, I need you to only speak now because I am no longer part of the living but not quite part of the dead''
Now take the black string and soak one end in your friends blood and the other end in your own blood but not going past the knot.
And now drink what is left of your friends blood. Let your blood drip on to each candle 5 times. For each candle say;
''The night is now my world as I am human no more. I am an ancient fear creature because normal humans fear the unknown.''
Let the candles burn out on there own if your blood hadn't already put them out, and just sit and wait.
Once the candles are out say;
''This is finished. So mote it be.''
At 5 am go to bed
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2028 - Animal Shifting
First off draw the pentagram big enough to sit in the middle.
Next put the elemental candles in there proper spots and light them while calling them to protect and witness your spell and if you want call the goddess and god.
Have your blood ahead of time.
"I know what my true form is to be and wish to bring it from the astral plane to the physical plane. I am willing to sacrifice all things that tei me to being a normal human and willing to blend my animal form with my human form when in this body and I will change at will unless I am badly hurt or badly sick then I will be forcefully changed to heal quicker."
Now on your left wrist draw a paw print(or whatever your spirit animal's foot print is) with your blood and let it dry before washing it off.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2029 - A Thousand Storms
Pour the snow and rain together. Choose your target and chant, "O might Gods, lend me your strength. A thousand storms, I call!". Summon a mach 9 and chant, "The mach 9 and the thousand storms, combine! Tonight there is a mighty enemy to be destroyed". Think of your target again.
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2030 - Erase Yourself from Memories
Light the candle it is meant to help with your energy. On the paper write:
'(persons name) you've gone through pain and sadness but also happiness and joy with me in your life. But now it is time for me to start over which means you will forget all the pain, sadness worry, and anger I have caused you. Over the next 3 days you will forget who I am and everything we have done together. May the goddess and god guide us in our paths. So mote it be.'
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.