2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Uncrossing
- Healing Potion
- Weight Loss Aid
- Sharp Pain in the Butt
- Simple Rice Cleansing Spell
- Sigil Manifestation
- Close Wounds
- Death
- Healing
- Acne Aid
#2141 - Uncrossing
Begin by creating your sacred space, do whatever gets you in a magical mood. Light the incense (I burn my incense over charcoal in a small cauldron because it's a loose mixture) and sit for a few moments. Spend some time thinking about the negative feelings, thoughts and situations you've been carrying around with you. How have these things made you feel and affected your life?
After you've spent some time really thinking about this take one of the pieces of paper and begin to write down all the negative things you'd like to rid yourself of. You can just write words or you can put it in letter form, whatever is easiest for you. What matters is that you get it all out. Once you've finished writing out the negatives spend some time thinking about the positive. When the negative is removed what are the positive things you want to take its place?
Imagine the positive things you want to create in your life and see yourself free of anything negative or detrimental to you. After you've spent some time envisioning the positive take the other piece of paper and begin to write out the positive the same as you did for the negative. Now it's time for the candles. The candles are going to be carved and dressed with oil so have a carving tool on hand and some paper towels to catch the wax and wipe your hands.
White Candle
- Carve your name into the candle.
- Carve your zodiac sign into the candle.
- At the top of the candle carve 'Please'.
- At the bottom of the candle carve 'Thank You'.
- In the center of the candle carve the negative symbol.
- Dress the candle with uncrossing oil. (rub the candle with oil)
Black Candle
- Carve your name into the candle.
- Carve your zodiac sign into the candle.
- At the top of the candle carve 'Please'.
- At the bottom of the candle carve 'Thank You'.
- In the center of the candle carve the positive symbol.
- Dress the candle with uncrossing oil. (rub the candle with oil)
Put the candles to the side and place the glass dish in front of you. Take the nine bay leaves and place them around the bottom of the dish one by one. Then take the piece of paper with the negatives written on it and fold it in half. Place the paper on the left side of the dish on top of the bay leaves. Then sit the white candle (-) on top of the folded piece of paper. Now take the paper with the positives written on it. Fold it in half and place it on the right side of the dish on top of the bay leaves. Put the black candle (+) on top of it.
The rest of the ingredients:
- Sprinkle the rosemary around the candles and in the dish.
- Sprinkle the salt around the candles and in the dish
- Sprinkle the iron filings around the candles and in the dish.
- Pour the water into the dish (just enough to cover the bottom of the dish).
- Pour the florida water into the dish (at least three tablespoons.)
Now it's time to light the candles starting with the white candle. Light the candle and say the spell 3 times:
"This flame is lit to burn away the bad
Negative is cast out and all obstacles removed
I release myself from negativity
Bboth acquired and self made" (repeat x3)
Let the candle burn for a few minutes and visualize the negative things written on the paper being pulled away from you. The iron filings are pulling them away, the herbs are removing the obstacles and negativity while the salt and water are cleansing.
Once you've let the white candle burn for a few minutes light the black candle and say:
"I light this candle as a beacon for
light, positivity and protection.
I am grounded
I am peaceful
I am free
I am capable
I am love" (repeat x3)
Watch the candle burn while you visualize bringing all the positive things written on the paper beneath the candle into your life. The iron filings are pulling them toward you, the herbs are protecting and drawing the positive to you and the salt and water continue to cleanse and purify. If you have to put the candles out, snuff them out and relight them starting with the white candle.
When the candles have burned out completely bury the contents of the glass dish outside, in potted plant, put it in a body of water and let it float away, whatever works for you. Once you've discarded it walk away knowing the negative is behind you and the positive is just ahead of you. Don't forget to make the spell yours so if you feel the need to change the wording of the spell, change the ingredients etc do it. Make it work for you. I hope my version of an uncrossing spell is helpful!!
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2142 - Healing Potion
#2143 - Weight Loss Aid
Cast the circle. Sit and meditate, concentrating on all the positive that will come from loosing weight [health, strength, new wardrobe, looks] when ready, light the green candle and hold the crystal in dominant [writing] hand, say:
Goddess within,
Goddess without.
Guide me to my goal.
Ease my hunger,
Sooth my spirit,
Strengthen my resolve
As I will it, So Mote it Be!
Raising the crystal over your head concentrate now on all the negative aspects of dieting. [cravings, temptations, cheating, hard work] Draw all negative thoughts into the crystal, continue until the candle burns out. [or snuff out candle when ready] Leave the crystal in the windowsill in the moonlight overnight. In the morning, place the crystal in the green pouch and carry it on you.
NOTE: will help fight cravings and cut down on junk food, you still need to exercise and eat right for your diet to work.
#2144 - Sharp Pain in the Butt
Take the broom and stick a pin in the wooden part top of handle. Think of the person this is intended for and say their name .If you turn it upside down forms the algiz rune of protection to protect you. Next bang it three times the handle on the ground gets the Goddesses attention so she can help get them blessed be.
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2145 - Simple Rice Cleansing Spell
STEP 1: Fill the bowl with rice.
STEP 2: Leave the bowl on a table or counter near a window or door.
STEP 3: Change the rice with fresh rice every month. Bury the old rice in your yard.
Yes, that's it but don't let your simplicity fool you.
This will absorb and remove more negative energy and bad luck from your life than you'd ever think.
You don't need to say anything. There's no fancy ritual.
You should ALWAYS have your bowl of rice out.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2146 - Sigil Manifestation
To create a sigil: write your desire into a sentence. Remove the vowels from it. Remove all double or repeating letters. Turn whats left into a symbol. You can charge it with a drop of your own blood or sexual fluid. Carry it in a locket or near you to attract your desire.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2147 - Close Wounds
I shall now heal this wound
and improve my own mood
Close up now
Stop bleeding
then soon happy I'll be feeling
Imagine it closed up the pour the water over it to wash away the blood
#2148 - Death
First, sit down and set both black candles in front of you. Then put the other candles on the outside of the black ones and say the following, "This man/woman needs to be put to rest." now light the black candles. " I shall act as the Angel of Death and cast this command." now light the other candles. " Now my child, prepare for a gruesome end!"
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2149 - Healing
Take fullmoon water or pure water and cleanse the afflicted if they are sick. Then dump this in a stream going away from you at the waning moon. Will the sickness to follow by then speaking your desire as you pour it out "take this curse far away to never see the light of day " so shall it be.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2150 - Acne Aid
This is a herbal infusion(herbs boiled on low heat in water) mixed into lotion, it is used to treat acne. It should be kept in a glass or plastic container with a tight lid to keep it fresh.
This infusion can be added to lotion, facewashes or left on its own (If you have oily skin, or prefer it alone)
To use: Apply a thin layer to face and neck and rub in well. Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth. You do not need much. For best results; use daily after washing face with a general facial cleanser.
It is advised that you see a doctor for serious skin issues. It is also advised to be careful of any herbs you use as some herbs can cause allergies, always do your research and talk to a doctor.
About The Herbs
- Calendula - Washes and creams of this herb are used to disinfect minor wounds (Like acne scars) and treat infections of the skin. It also minimizes scarring and is a anti bacterial.
- Chickweed - Said to cure itches and Acne, Also heals the skin
- Rosemary - This herb's magickal properties include youth and promotes the healing of wounds. It is also a remedy for acne and added to lotion to improve the complexion.
Begin by mixing the herbs in your mortar and pestle somewhat, (you don't need to grind them much because you will be straining it out of the water when you're done.) and pour bout a cup of water into a pot with a lid. Place the herbs in the pot and let it boil with the lid on, on low heat for 5-10 minutes, until the water has turned a bright yellow color from the Calendula petals.
Strain the infusion with a piece of cheese cloth (Be careful and let the infusion cool some before to avoid getting burned with hot water) and then mix the herb water into the lotion. how much lotion and how much of the infusion to use is up to you. You can use a lot or a little but you'll wanna be careful not to use too much or the cream will become too watery. I used about a half a cup of lotion and maybe a forth a cup of the herbal potion. Mix it together well.
Store in a glass bottle or a container with a lid. Apply to face 1-2 times a day and rub in well.
Last edited on Jan 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.