2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Heal Your Pain
- Banishing Bruises,Scars,or Scratches
- Become a Vampire That Controls Themself
- Vampire
- Stop Bullying
- You Messed with the Wrong Witch
- Fall Ill
- Physical Healing for Loved Ones
- Hellfire (Lucifers' Echoes)
- Truth spell/chant
#2371 - Heal Your Pain
Get the ingredients, mix the green apple, and orange (or put them in the blender) then put it in the cup. Then put ALOT of ice in it, and pour it on where you have pain, and let your mind go blank (just relax) in 30 mins-1 hr it will soothe.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2372 - Banishing Bruises,Scars,or Scratches
Use rubbing alcohol on the palm of your hand and rub it. And then use the soap on the same area, rub a little on the palm of your hand. Next, use the chapstick. Then say, "I banish thee" as you direct your focus to the mark you want removed.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2373 - Become a Vampire That Controls Themself
Get some red drink. Put water into a bowl. Then get a little cup and scoop up the water. Imagine yourself as a vampire as you stare into the water. Drink only a sip of it. Say: "I am a vampire, the darkness of blood is in my hands. I know I can make it. I will not bite whomever I like".
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2374 - Vampire
Place the lit candles in front of you and chant: "Blood red skin. Pale moonlight, draw me in. Quench my thirst. Coarsing veins. Let my body feel no pain".
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2375 - Stop Bullying
2)point wand/finger ar him/her.
3)Concentrate on how you want him/her to stop bullying.
4)Chant: ''You have bullied me/her/him for long enough, and
now its time for you to stop. You have harmed in a way, that
cant be forgivin in just one day. You have hurt and you have
bullied, now its time you sop fully.''
5)See how well the spell worked.
#2376 - You Messed with the Wrong Witch
When you see your enemy say this loudly with feeling power building up in your body:
"See you later, alligator.
No more fighting, you're a hater.
See you in hell, where you will burn.
It is true, not what I heard.
So mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2377 - Fall Ill
Sit on your knees next to the victim while they sleep. Hover your hands above their body. Concentrate your hateful energy towards the victim, pushing it out of you through your hands. Pass the energy into their body while chanting quietly, "I see you now. Appearing fine and well. I wish for you to grow ill".
Last edited on Nov 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2378 - Physical Healing for Loved Ones
Before the ritual create your own sigil to represent the person you are working to help for, perhaps their entwined initials or the initial of their forename coupled with something which brings them to mind and look up the sigil of their sun sign.
Once you've created your Sacred Space, consecrate the candle and the stone in the usual way. Carve both the sigils into it, together with the caduceus. Next take the oil and anoint the candle, starting in the center and working out towards the ends. Now hold the candle up and say " I call upon the Goddess and God,upon the healers of all. As this candle burns bring health and strength to ( name of the person your trying to heal). Blessed Be."
Light the candle and, while looking at the flame, visualize the person and the healing process taking place. When you feel that your magic has started, take the stone and anoint it with a drop of the oil. Hold this up and say " I call upon the Goddess and the God, upon the healers of all. Lend your strength to this token to bring health and healing to ( name). As he/she carries it may he/she grow daily in health and strength. Blessed Be."
Put the stone safely to one side. After your ritual make sure you give the stone to your loved one as soon as possible. If they are not prepared/fit to carry it, then place it by the side of their bed.
Last edited on Nov 07, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2379 - Hellfire (Lucifers' Echoes)
''Patefacio janua ad Infernum
Belial, without yoke,
Lucifer, the Light Bearer
Open, and let me Enter!
Let my sacrifice Enter,
And call forth the Thirty Fallen
Palms Crossed by Silver, I call Them!
Usiel, Strength of God
Salamiel, Prince of the Grigori
Adirael, Magnificence of God
Lahash, Whispering
Imamiah, guardian of voyages
Arakiel, Earth of God
Magog, of Gog
Urakabarameel, Leader of those who Fell
Naromiel, of Discipline
Tarfiel, God Nourishes
Orifiel, Angel of the Wilderness
Lahatiel, Flaming One
Abaddon, to Destroy
Allocen, a Duke in Hell
Asmoday, a King
Azazel, God Strengthens
Asmodeus, Archdemon
Baal, Lord
Malpas, the Crow
Each to Their Denarii
To give Power
And knowledge.
Lords and Ladies
I seek Hellfire,
The Power you wield
To be held to my Will.
So mote it be.'' Close your eyes and believe. The Gate has been opened and the magical energy will pass through. If it is enough, then the Thirty who tempted Judas will come forth and take habit in a single coin each. When you feel weak, turn thrice on the spot and open your eyes. Pick up the first coin you find and speak the Name of One of the Thirty, the first which appears in your mind. You are holding the physical body of that Angel. Take care not to touch the others, as you will put them in a small pouch and hide them on your friends persons, so that they too become impregnated with the awful power which you now possess. You have gained Hellfire, the power to destroy and walk immortal, to Kill and walk alive from their screams, for the relatively low price of your immortal self.
Avaunt thee, Creature of Hell, Servant of Satan!
For all your power, I have more still!
Begone from this place lest I curse thy blood with Death,
And thine enchantments be as wax, no more!
#2380 - Truth spell/chant
Run your mouth, your darkest secrets will not be safe with me
Run your mouth, a million lies you have told with glee
Run your mouth, tell the truth