To Steal Angels Wings

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SpellsHealth  ► Hurt  ► To Steal Angels Wings
Don't message me if you take offence to this. I am sorry but there are hunters out there.

Casting Instructions for 'To Steal Angels Wings'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mind
  • Aura Weapon(Sword preferred)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mind
  • Aura Weapon(Sword preferred)
This is quite basic really. Meditation is the first step. Once done, imagine yourself in a warzone between you and the Angels. Unfortunately, you will have to fight to receive the wings, which means killing the Angel in the process. Simply put, cut the wings and take them as your trophy.


Added to on May 09, 2012
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I don't understand what is being said exactly. This isn't real.

This is not real. Angels are a type of guide you can choose to work with. Using a aura weapon to battle them is not a thing. I am sure some people choose to attack certain spiritual beings for their personal views on them, but Witches do not go around attacking angels with aura weapons. If you do not want to work with a specific being, tell them. If they ignore you, banish them. Do not seek out spiritual entities to attack, it will end badly for you. Humans are not the top of the spiritual food chain. We are around canine/wolf level. Yes, we could do some damage, but there are plenty of beings far more powerful.

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